Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6058 Trump Card

Twelve days ago, Chen Yang arrived at the City on the Clouds, but was deliberately left outside the city by Tao Yuanhao without anyone to guide him.

At that time, the old man guarding the city gate was slumped in a recliner and completely ignored Lu Shengfu's inquiry. It gave people the impression that he was an old man with a weird temper.

But when Tao Yuanhao came, he respectfully saluted the old man guarding the door, which let Chen Yang know that the old man's identity was probably not that simple.

It was still the same city gate at this moment, and the old man suddenly appeared, making Chen Yang even more curious about the origin of this man.

Before Chen Yang could react, Tao Rong, Tao Mansheng, Tao Buyue, and Sun Lie all bowed to the old man.

They bent over and said nothing, with a very respectful attitude, even a bit of fear.

Even Tao Rong, who was a Saint Master, had this attitude, which made Chen Yang think more highly of the old man.

But why are the experts in the city above the clouds guarding the gate here?

"That boy, you stay, let the others go."

The old man pointed at Chen Yang and said in a lazy tone.

Tao Rong frowned and said to the old man: "Master Guard, we must not make mistakes when we perform our tasks. Please don't embarrass us, otherwise we will not be able to report to the commander. I..."

"Are you using your boss to suppress me?"

The old man interrupted Tao Rong's words with a smile, swayed the recliner, and said: "What's more, I didn't embarrass you. I just asked the boy named Chen Yang to stay and say a few words to me. Of course, you can stay in the city Wait for him outside the door. After I finish chatting with him, I will let him join you."

Tao Rong wanted to say something more, but he hesitated. He bowed deeply to the old man, winked at the other three team members, and then walked out.

When Tao Rong and the other four disappeared into the darkness at the door, the old man formed a formation in the void, and a soundproof formation enveloped him and Chen Yang.

Seeing that the old man had no ill intentions, Chen Yang asked respectfully: "Senior, you asked me to stay. What do you want me to do?"

"What's your relationship with the little girl?"

The old man leaned on the recliner and asked with squinted eyes.

"Little girl?"

Chen Yang looked confused, wondering who the little girl the old man was talking about was.

The old man smiled and said: "Although you and the little girl are not practicing the same star technique, I can see that you are from the same school."

Little girl?

Junior sister!

Chen Yang was overjoyed and asked hurriedly: "Senior, is the little girl you are talking about Tao Xiaotong?"


The old man nodded slightly, as if thinking of Tao Xiaotong, with a kind smile on his face.

After receiving the affirmative answer, Chen Yang was even more delighted and said: "Didn't Senior say that Master Xiaotong and I come from the same sect, so I should be a brother and sister with her."

The old man's eyes narrowed and he asked: "Who is your master?"

"Li Yiliang." Chen Yang said.

The old man originally thought that someone who could train a monster like Chen Yang must be from a famous family.

Chen Yang and Tao Xiaotong's master is one of the top masters in the entire Zhonghao world.

But he had never heard of Li Yiliang's name.

Chen Yang explained: "Li Yiliang is just a little-known ordinary person, but the skills he taught me and Xiaotong are very brilliant."

The old man nodded and said: "The Star Technique you practice is indeed powerful. The concentration, depth, thickness, and strength of the Star Energy are far beyond the reach of ordinary cultivators.

Xiaotong didn't seem to have received the purest human inheritance because of his Shura demon body.

However, although her Star Technique is inferior to yours, it is still better than the Tao family's, and it is also the best in the entire Zhonghao world.

Your master has no secrets. "

Speaking of Tao Xiaotong's bloodline, Chen Yang then remembered that the Tao family should all be demons.

But all the people he saw so far were human beings.

He raised his head and took a closer look, and was shocked to find that the old man's forehead on the recliner had a slight protrusion hidden in the messy hair.

It turns out that the old man is a demon.

Seemingly reading Chen Yang's thoughts, the old man smiled and said: "The Tao family was originally a pure demon race, but now that the human race is the most respected in the Zhonghao world, it is not easy for us to survive.

Therefore, we have already coexisted with humans many years ago.

Nowadays, except for the core members of the Tao family, most of the disciples surnamed Tao have very few demonic forms.

Of course, there is no difference between human and demon bloodlines.

In my opinion, all races are equal and there is no distinction between superior and inferior. "

Chen Yang didn't care about the old man's views on race. He asked: "Senior, where is my junior sister? Is she safe now?"

The old man rolled his eyes at Chen Yang and said: "He is the daughter of the clan leader and the inheritor of the Tao family's demonic bloodline. He has a Shura demonic body and a body of demonic blood. He is the true inheritor of our Tao family. How can he be unsafe?" ?”

"Junior sister is the heir to the Tao family? Isn't the heir Tao Sui?"

Chen Yang said in surprise, he immediately understood why Tao Sui wanted to kill him, because Tao Sui was worried that he would assist his junior sister and compete with Tao Sui for the position of heir.

The old man said: "The little girl is the inheritor and Tao Sui is the heir. There is no conflict."

"Is there a difference?" Chen Yang asked confused.

The old man explained: "The inheritor will receive the family's most precious treasures and resources, and will become the strongest person in the family in the future, guarding the family, and passing on the Tao family forever.

Although the heirs will be carefully trained, after inheriting the position of the clan leader, they will have to deal more with external affairs and will not be able to obtain the precious treasures at the core of the family.

Equivalent to, one is the trump card and the other is the open card.

Our Tao family has been divided between heirs and inheritors for many years.

When it comes to the little girl's father's generation, he is astonishingly talented and is both the inheritor and heir.

Originally, the little girl didn't come back, but with Tao Sui's talent, the heir and successor belonged to him, and everyone recognized it.

But now, many people in the clan have the idea to separate the two reputations.

But at present, it seems that the little girl is not interested in the inheritor, and often shouts that she wants to find her senior brother.

Presumably the senior brother is you. "

"it's me."

Chen Yang nodded, and then said: "Since the junior sister is not willing to be the inheritor, then let her leave, why bother her. In this way, Tao Sui will be fulfilled."

"Who doesn't want to go his own way? Who doesn't want to live a life of ease and self-interest?"

The old man shook his head and muttered: "The little girl has a Shura demon body and a demon blood body that are rare to see in a million years. Her talent is almost the limit of the demon clan. She is the inheritor of the Tao family and the guard of the Tao family. Her responsibilities and obligations cannot be evaded. Moreover, there are current undercurrents in the Zhonghao world, and we must let her grow up quickly and lead the Tao family."

Chen Yang said dissatisfied: "Since you want junior sister to take responsibility, why did you throw her to the earth back then?"

"Two reasons."

The old man looked reminiscing and said: "First, there was civil strife in the Tao family;

Second, in order to save the little girl, the patriarch killed too many demons, which caused the Tao family to be isolated by the demons and face too many foreign enemies.

Therefore, in order to protect the little girl, we can only send her away. "

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