Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6036 A faction

As Chen Yang followed the servant in front, he thought to himself: "Tao Li and Tao Minheng are indeed from the same faction. But who is the leader of their faction, Tao Qiuming?"

"Sir, we're here."

The servant leading the way stopped and made an invitation gesture to Chen Yang, indicating that Chen Yang should enter the living room.

In the reception room, a middle-aged man wearing a brocade robe stood in the hall, with a tall and straight posture and a majestic appearance.

His realm was that of a Saint Master, reaching the fourth level.

This surprised Chen Yang. After all, Tao Minheng and Tao Zhanru had reached the ninth level of Saint Master. If they took one more step forward, they would be able to advance to the level of Star Master.

Although this step is difficult, it can even be said to be almost impossible to cross.

But in any case, Tao Minheng's level is much higher than that of the middle-aged people in the hall.

If the middle-aged man in the hall is Tao Li, then why can Tao Li stay in the City on the Clouds and become a core elder, but Tao Minheng is the master of the Bayin Pavilion and cannot enter the core level of the Tao family.

This seems unfair.

Chen Yang walked into the living room, bowed his hands to the middle-aged man and said, "Junior Chen Yang, pay my respects to senior Tao Li."

"I'm not Tao Li."

The middle-aged man shook his head slightly, with a dull expression on his face, like a robot, without any emotion.

Chen Yang immediately understood that he seemed not qualified to ask Tao Li directly, so the other party sent a subordinate to receive him.

He asked: "Dare you ask me your senior's name?"

The middle-aged man said: "My name is Tao Luo, and I am Lord Li's servant."

Chen Yang was stunned. He couldn't believe that a fourth-level holy master was actually Tao Li's servant.

If they were Tao Li's subordinates and confidants, he thought it was okay. This was the difference in strength.

But the status of servant means that in terms of status, this fourth-level holy master is one level behind and belongs to the lower class.

What caused Tao Luo to become an inferior person?

Moreover, he seemed to be doing this willingly.

While Chen Yang was thinking, Tao Luo spoke first: "Master Li has already read the spiritual ultimatum sent by the pavilion master. If you need help or have any request, you can make it. Master Li will do his best." help you."

Chen Yang recovered his thoughts and said: "Senior, I have something to ask for. Can you help me find someone."

"Engrave the relevant information in the spirit tablet and give it to me."

Tao Luo said very little, but he got to the point.

Chen Yang handed Tao Luo the spiritual stipulation he had prepared. Tao Luo put it directly into the Najie without looking at it, and then asked: "Is there anything else you need?"

Chen Yang thought that since he was here, he might as well solve the little problem of Tao Yuanhao. He also wanted to go to "Thunder Cloud Storm" to practice.

That place looks nice.

Moreover, the storm attribute is very suitable for improving his goggles law.

So he said to Tao Luo: "Senior, a young deacon named Tao Yuanhao seems to have some misunderstandings with me."

Chen Yang said this more tactfully. He did not name Tao Yuanhao's evil deeds, nor did he explain his purpose, but he believed that if the other party wanted to help, he would know what to do.


Tao Luo nodded without expressing his position. He didn't know if he wanted to investigate or if he needed to submit it to Tao Li for a decision.

"There's nothing else to do, thank you, senior."

This time, without waiting for Tao Luo to ask, Chen Yang took the lead.


Tao Luo nodded to Chen Yang, and then shouted to the door: "Ah En, see you off."


Chen Yang left the living room and went outside the door. He looked back and found that Tao Luo's standing posture and expression were the same as what he saw when he entered the door before. This person was like a sculpture or a machine.

Without thinking much, the servant named A En outside the door had already left with Chen Yang.

In the living room, Tao Luo finally moved. He turned around slowly, walked through a door at the back of the living room, passed through the dark corridor, and walked towards a study hidden in a deep garden.

In the study, there was a dark shadow, like the outline of a human figure, but it couldn't be seen clearly.

Tao Luo stopped at the door, bowed and said, "Master Li, Chen Yang has left."

The dark shadow in the study room fluctuated, and it turned out that he was Tao Li.

A low voice came from the dark shadow, saying: "How is this person?"

Tao Luo remained expressionless and answered mechanically: "At the level of a first-level Heavenly Master, star energy is very profound. I believe the Pavilion Master is not exaggerating. Chen Yang's strength should indeed be that terrifying."

"What a pity."

Tao Li sighed and said, "It's a pity that his surname is not Tao."

Tao Luo's calm expression showed a slight fluctuation, but disappeared instantly.

He lowered his head, waiting for Tao Li to continue.

Tao Li asked: "What did he say?"

Tao Luo said: "He asked Master Li to help find someone."

"Find someone?"

There was doubt in Tao Li's tone. He didn't expect that Chen Yang would actually want to find someone in the City above the Clouds.

However, with Tao Li's status, it is still very easy to find someone.

He didn't take this matter to heart and continued to ask Tao Luo: "What else?"

Tao Luo said: "Chen Yang seems to be targeted by Tao Yuanhao. He did not discuss the specific situation in detail, but just mentioned it casually."

Tao Li said: "Although Tao Yuanhao has no brains, he is a heavenly master after all, and... after all, he is from the same sect as me now. It is not convenient for me to take action against him. I don't need to worry about this matter."

If Chen Yang heard this, he would definitely be surprised.

He firmly believed that Tao Li and Tao Minheng were from the same faction, but now it seemed that Tao Li also had a foreign surname that rejected the City on the Clouds.

Tao Luo was silent for a moment and said, "Master Li, we really..."

"Remember, you are just my servant. You are only obliged to execute orders and answer questions. You are not qualified to talk to me or ask questions."

Tao Li interrupted Tao Luo with a very stern tone.

But then, he explained: "Those who know the current affairs are heroes. Tao Sui will definitely become the head of the family in the future, so why should we have trouble with him.

The current head of the family allows different voices, but Tao Sui will never allow it.

Although his strength is far inferior to ours, he has the support of two Star Lords behind him.

Now many people have chosen to follow him. This is the general trend. In order to protect ourselves... we have no choice. "

Tao Luo lowered his head and said nothing.

After a moment of silence, the dark figure in the study asked casually: "By the way, who is the person Chen Yang is looking for?"

"The information is in this spiritual ultimatum." Tao Luo took out the spiritual ultimatum and said.

Tao Li said: "Open it and take a look."

Tao Li activated the spirit ultimatum, and some words appeared in the spirit ultimatum, all of which were information about Tao Xiaotong.

Finally, spiritual power gathered together to form a portrait of Tao Xiaotong. Although it looked like it was a few years ago, its charm has not changed. Anyone who has seen it can recognize it.

When Tao Li saw the portrait, he couldn't help but be surprised: "It's actually her!"

At this time, someone outside suddenly reported: "Master, Young Master Tao Sui wants to see you."

"What are you doing to me now?"

The shadow asked doubtfully, and then, someone walked out of the shadow.

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