Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5999 Fierce battlefield


In the wide river, a big black fish soared into the sky. It opened its mouth, revealing its densely packed teeth, and bit a cultivator who flew by in the air.

Compared with a big fish, the gap between a cultivator and a big fish is like the difference between an ant and a human being. After being swallowed by the big fish, not even a single bubble came out, and there was no movement.


The big fish fell into the water like a bomb, causing large waves.

This scene took place on a three-dimensional map.

After Lu Shengfu constructed environments such as icebergs, grasslands, wetlands, and swamps, he then began to construct creatures, including monsters wandering in the mountains and forests, as well as humans and monsters fighting in the north of the mountains.

The scene of a big fish emerging from the water to eat people appeared in the southern part of the Aoyuan Mountains.

This made people who had never seen this part of the three-dimensional map realize that the war was not only fought in the north, but also in other areas.

But because the demon tribe is located underwater, it is not depicted in detail on the map.

After all, even the map of the main war zone in the north only depicts humans and monsters in twos and threes.

Other invisible areas are not detailed on the map.

But what was unexpected was that the intensity of the battle in the river far exceeded everyone's expectations.

When the big fish came out of the water to eat people, the current in the originally turbulent river became even more intense, as if a drastic change had occurred underwater.

Because the star is transparent, everyone can quickly see what happened.

I saw a large number of aquatic monsters appearing in the river, fighting with humans. The combined number of the two parties reached more than three thousand.

Fierce battles change so quickly that even those watching sometimes have no time to react if their level is too low.

Not to mention how difficult it would be to construct the scenes in these maps.

Obviously, fighting in the river was beyond Lu Shengfu's expectations. He frowned. Although he tried his best to support, he was already trapped in fatigue and difficulties.

According to the map, he thought that there was only the battlefield in the north, so he could still control it.

But who would have known that there would actually be a battlefield underwater.

As a result, his star power control seemed a bit weak.

Although his score is now close to sixty, he is very proud and is never willing to give up. He is still continuing.

After the construction of the battlefield in the river was completed, everyone was shocked by the huge war scene, and there were bursts of exclamation from the crowd.

Lu Shengfu's admirers worshiped and respected him even more.

Luo Chaoren, on the other hand, looked ugly.

He thought that his score of forty-two was quite outstanding.

But who knew that he couldn't be compared with Lu Shengfu at all.

His heart was filled with despair, and he glanced at Chen Yang beside him, and his mood suddenly improved a lot. Although he was not as good as Lu Shengfu, he was definitely stronger than Chen Yang, and that was enough.

"As expected of Senior Brother Lu, the control of star energy is so powerful. If it were me, the dynamic changes everywhere on the map would be absolutely difficult for me to control."

Lin Hanfeng muttered to himself. Although he was also a genius with a strong level and talent, he had always respected Lu Shengfu.

Suddenly, his expression suddenly changed, his face was full of horror, and he stared at the three-dimensional map with wide eyes.

Obviously the changes on the map were beyond his expectation.


Suddenly, a sound came from the Aoyuan Mountains on the map, and a huge monster rushed out from inside a mountain peak and rushed towards the plain to the east.

On the plain, apart from grass, there are only some scattered cattle and sheep.

At this time, thousands of troops suddenly appeared on the plain and attacked the huge demon clan.

The demon race has a human body and an ox-faced face, a hundred times larger than the human race. It spreads its hands and seems to wave them randomly, but it can always hit people.

Suddenly, the demon clan's movements became slow, and then quickly resumed.

This was because Lu Shengfu failed to control Xing Neng well and almost went wrong. However, at the critical moment, he stabilized the energy and prevented Xing Neng from collapsing.

The complexity of the Aoyuan Mountains exceeds everyone's imagination.

The main battlefield to the north of the mountain range has not yet been reached. It is already so complicated. What will it be like if we reach the main battlefield?

The map is huge and becomes more difficult the further you go. Most disciples don't know the complexity and difficulty of the Aoyuan Mountains.

Now when they saw it, they were all frightened.

If the Aoyuan Mountains are like this, how difficult will it be for the two cities behind them.

Moreover, there is a continuous mountain range behind, and I wonder if there are still various changes hidden inside.

"In such a huge scene, Lu Shengfu was able to stabilize the outlook and continue to build despite strong disruptions. His star power control is indeed extremely strong."

Looking at the new scene displayed on the three-dimensional map, Chen Yang couldn't help but admire it.

Hearing this, Li Xu, who was next to him, beamed with joy and said proudly: "Of course, he is Senior Brother Lu, the chief disciple of our Bayin Pavilion. He is top-notch in terms of talent and strength."

"It's indeed good." Chen Yang smiled and nodded.

Li Xu looked displeased and said, "What does it mean to be good? It means very good."

Chen Yang smiled and said nothing.

Li Xu was unhappy when the person he admired was looked down upon. His original good impression of Chen Yang disappeared, and he said coldly: "Chen Yang, let me tell you, you are just jealous of him. Although you performed well in the first round, it is not impossible. Is Senior Brother Lu stronger? You have to clearly show that you are indeed stronger than others, but compared to Senior Brother Lu, no, no one is qualified to compare with him."

"Yes, yes, everything you said is right."

Chen Yang smiled and nodded. He would not tell Li Xu that if he continued the test in the first round, the final star energy intensity would definitely be higher than Lu Shengfu's.

However, he didn't want to show it.

"Sooner or later you will realize the reality."

Li Xu snorted coldly and ignored Chen Yang. He looked at Lu Shengfu in the middle of the sea of ​​clouds. The cold expression on his face disappeared and became tender and sweet, and his eyes were full of admiration.

Lu Shengfu felt tremendous pressure at this time, his brows knitted together, and large beads of sweat continued to appear on his forehead.

He felt powerless just to operate the scene that had been constructed at this moment, let alone activate a new scene.

Moreover, he could feel that as time passed, the resistance and disturbance on the map were increasing.

Therefore, he could not delay it any longer.

"I didn't expect that this mountain range would be so difficult to conquer. But I, Lu Shengfu, will never admit defeat."

Lu Shengfu's eyes flashed, and he did not give in. He continued to move forward arduously, heading towards the north of the Aoyuan Mountains.

When they saw him forming the first human warrior on the main battlefield, the whole place immediately burst into cheers, cheering for Lu Shengfu.

At this moment, it seems that Lu Shengfu represents everyone's hope, unyielding will and character.

But suddenly.

The human warrior made of condensed star energy trembled, then suddenly collapsed and turned into star energy particles.

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