Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5986 Coma Enlightenment

In the star energy strength test, Luo Chaoren got the second-level Celestial Master Disciple, the second highest score in history. He was so heroic at the moment, and his whole aura seemed to have changed.

The surrounding disciples who participated in the Battle on the Cloud looked at him with a little more awe.

Only Lu Shengfu remained calm.

As the disciple who is recognized as the number one disciple in this generation, it seems that nothing can cause waves in his heart.

However, when he looked at the empty seat next to him, a worried look flashed in his eyes.

It seems that there are only a dozen people left who have not yet tested, but Chu Yao has not arrived yet.

"Next, Li Xu."

It was Li Xu's turn to take the test. As Mocheng's most outstanding disciple, she also had a profound knowledge, and her final score was level thirty-four.

Such achievements are quite good for ordinary third-level heavenly masters.

After all, judging from the strength of her star energy, she is already comparable to a mid-level fourth-level heavenly master, and has the confidence to fight beyond the next level.

But with Luo Chaoren as an example, her results seemed bleak.

After all, she was a whole level higher than Luo Chaoren, but the star energy intensity was only one level higher, which made her feel very unbalanced.

Next, the last dozen or so people were tested one after another.

These are all disciples of the third-level Heavenly Master. Most of them have achieved levels of twenty-eight or nine, and a few can break through level thirty.

Lin Hanfeng's final score was not low either, reaching level 32.

However, he was one level lower than Luo Chaoren, which made him feel very embarrassed.

In addition, although Huang Lilin of Yucheng was not as shocking as Luo Chaoren, she finally reached the thirty-fifth level of star energy intensity, surpassing others at the same level.

Finally, apart from Chu Yao and Chen Yang who were not present, there was the last person left, Lu Shengfu!

Thousand Stone Forest, underground, in the cave inside the stone.

Chu Yao's own injuries have not yet recovered, but since she woke up, she has not stopped treating Chen Yang.

In the blink of an eye, a month and a half had passed since they entered this place.

And today is the day when the battle on the clouds begins.

Chu Yao glanced at the sleeping Chen Yang and knew that the battle on Yunshang would not be able to catch up, so she stopped thinking about it and concentrated on healing Chen Yang.

Although she did not recuperate on her own during this period, after taking a large amount of healing elixirs, she had recovered 60% of her injuries.

She didn't care about her injuries, though.

The only thing she is worried about now is Chen Yang.

Chen Yang also recovered a lot, but what she couldn't understand was why there was still no movement from Chen Yang after more than a month.

Could it be that the soul has been destroyed?

If this is the case, then Chen Yang will never wake up.

"Brother, don't die. If you die, what will I do?!"

Tianhan circled around Chen Yang, looking like he was crying and crying. He seemed to be in more pain than his father's death.

At this moment, Chen Yang suddenly sat up.


Tianhan was startled, jumped back, shrank behind Chu Yao, and said: "Isn't it a fake corpse?"

Chu Yao glanced at Chen Yang and saw that he was fine. She felt happy and breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Junior brother Chen, you finally woke up."


Tianhan sprang out from Chu Yao's back, got into Chen Yang's sleeve, then crawled out from the collar and stood on Chen Yang's shoulder.

However, Chen Yang was staring at the void in front of him, as if he didn't see Tianhan and Chu Yao.

It's not that he is stupid, but that he is thinking about the problem.

After being hit by the three-tailed sky python, he fell into chaos and darkness, as if he had reached the dark planet he realized when he broke through the realm.

But this time, he did not set foot on the planet, but floated in the air, sometimes far away, sometimes close, sometimes disappearing, sometimes appearing.

Although it was chaotic and misty, and even unconscious most of the time, Chen Yang still saw something.

However, the information obtained was of no use to him.

This information, in a simple summary, is the daily life of the castle owner.

The man seemed to be very idle all day long. He had never been seen practicing. He spent most of his time looking at his collection of erotic pictures and talking about them with great interest.

Chen Yang couldn't figure it out. That guy was a strong man who could defeat the Book Emperor. He was at least a master of proclaiming himself emperor. Why was he so vulgar?

Moreover, you can reach that state without practicing all day long. What is going on?

Could it be that this is the real genius who can advance even while lying down?

This seems to be the case with cannon.

However, these are not the most important issues.

For Chen Yang, the most important question is, why can he still see those things when he is in a coma?

He even had a feeling that the information, like chaotic memories, emerged in his mind bit by bit.

It's just that I am watching these memories from a third-person perspective.

"Lao Li, what's going on?"

Chen Yang withdrew his thoughts and immediately entered the sea of ​​consciousness to discuss with Lao Li.

Lao Li got out of the "Book of Immortals and Demons", with a thoughtful look on his face, and said: "Maybe you have some special connection with the owner of the castle, or..."

Old Li paused, shook his head and said, "I can't figure out what's going on. Could it be that...you can sense that star even if you don't break through the realm?"

"The problem is that I was unconscious and didn't actively sense it." Chen Yang frowned.

Old Li said: "The master of the castle is at a very high level. Perhaps he senses your presence and takes the initiative to communicate with you."

"Will this happen?"

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows, thinking it was possible.

Lao Li said: "This is the only reasonable explanation."

Chen Yang thought about it: "So, maybe I can meet the master of the castle in the future? But can I communicate with him when I feel the stars?"

"Certainly unable to communicate."

Lao Li shook his head and said: "Others only look at the stars from a distance when they understand the stars. It is amazing that you can enter the stars. How can you communicate with the people on the stars?"

"Junior Brother Chen, what's wrong with you?"

The sounds from the outside world entered the sea of ​​consciousness, but it was Chu Yao who saw that Chen Yang had not moved for a long time, so when she spoke, she added her spiritual consciousness.

"We can discuss this later."

Chen Yang nodded to Lao Li, then his consciousness returned to reality, he glanced at Chu Yao in front of him and Tian Han on his shoulder, and asked: "What happened next?"

Tianhan jumped from Chen Yang's shoulder to the front and said with gesticulations: "The situation was critical at that time. The old guy named Chu was fighting with the three-tailed snake. Whoever wins, we will all die a good death.

Both of you are already unconscious and there is no hope.

I was trembling with fear, but my courage finally defeated my timidity, and I fought them for three hundred rounds.

At that time, depending on the situation, you don’t know how dangerous it is, I was beaten to death..."

Chen Yang grabbed Tianhan's neck and said in a deep voice: "Tell me the important point."

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