Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5975 Strange Cow

"what happened?"

Chu Yao only felt that this place was mysterious and weird. Although she had a strong psychological quality, she also felt a little panic when she was teleported from the ground.

"These are all traps arranged by Tao Qiuming."

Chen Yang signaled Chu Yao to calm down.

He didn't understand how much Tao Qiuming liked traps. traps were set up almost everywhere he went, and many places were even for showing off his skills without practicality.

However, Chen Yang did not want to believe that a Star Lord could actually set up useless mechanisms.

Is there a secret hidden in these institutions?

Before Chen Yang could figure it out, the front gradually became brighter, and a light curtain appeared at the end of the moving passage.

Looking out through the light curtain, I happened to see the main hall.

At this moment in the main hall, Chu Tanghe was looking around, his face full of anger, obviously hating being deceived by Chen Yang.

As the ground moved, although Chen Yang and Chu Yao were reluctant, they still passed through the light curtain and entered the main hall.

Looking back from the main hall, the original light curtain turned into a cold wall, making it impossible to turn back.


When Chen Yang and Chen Yang entered the hall, Chu Tanghe immediately moved forward and sensed their presence. He turned around and asked angrily.

When he saw it was Chen Yang and Chu Yao, Chu Tanghe showed a fierce look on his face and flew over suddenly, shouting: "Boy, how dare you lie to me!"

"Senior, calm down."

Chen Yang blocked Chu Yao behind him and did not dodge or resist. He cupped his hands to Chu Tanghe and said, "I didn't lie to you. This is indeed the treasure house left by Tao Qiuming. However, two mechanisms need to be opened to get it. treasure."

A look of thought flashed in Chu Tanghe's eyes, and Xing Neng restrained himself a bit, but he was still arrogant and said: "Chen Yang, what happened just now? If you don't give me a reasonable explanation, I won't let you go. "

Chen Yang looked innocent and said, "I don't know what's going on. Anyway, Luo Chaoren's map says that he will be led into this hall. Why we have the order, I don't know."

Chu Tanghe was silent for a moment and said coldly: "I believe you, now you turn on the mechanism for me. If something unexpected happens, I will kill you immediately."

After saying that, Chu Tanghe directly grabbed Chen Yang's arm.

No matter what happens, Chen Yang will never escape from his grasp. Even if he dies, he will die together.

In this way, he wouldn't worry about Chen Yang daring to plot to harm him.

"Senior, what are you..."

Chen Yang looked helpless, shook his head and said: "Forget it, when you get the treasure, you will know that I did not lie to you."

"I'm just taking precautions." Chu Tanghe said coldly.

"The agency is over here."

Chen Yang pointed to the front of the hall. After excluding the groove of the stone table where the fake sword was placed, Chen Yang was not sure what kind of danger the other four groove mechanisms would cause if touched alone.

He could only try one by one.

If we can draw out the Saint Master-level monsters and suppress Chu Tanghe, it will of course be the best result.

At that time, he can look for opportunities to escape.

Of course, he may also fall into crisis, but this is the only way he can fight against Chu Tanghe at the moment.

Walking to the mechanism, Chen Yang pointed to the ground and said, "There is a groove here. According to the description on the map, as long as you touch it, you can open the mechanism."

Chu Tanghe and Chu Yao looked at the ground and saw a palm-sized groove.

Because the groove is very shallow and is on the edge of the stone slab on the ground, it looks like it is caused by wear and tear of the stone slab. It is hard to imagine that this is actually a mechanism.

Chu Tanghe did not take action himself, but took Chen Yang back two steps and said to Chu Yao: "Yao'er, I'll leave it to you to open the mechanism."

Chu Yao looked back at Chen Yang, wondering what Chen Yang was going to do.

Chen Yang said firmly: "Don't worry, Senior Sister Chu, there will be no problem. Even if there is a real danger, Senior Chu can handle it."

Chu Yao nodded, squatted down, stretched out her slender jade fingers, and lightly touched the groove on the ground.

A faint light appeared in the groove, like wisps of gossamer, slowly spreading into the gaps in the stone slabs on the ground, and spreading into the distance.

This situation is really like a treasure being opened.

Excitement flashed in Chu Tanghe's eyes. He relaxed his grip on Chen Yang's arm and looked along the threads of light spreading on the ground.

Soon, the gaps in the floor of the entire hall were filled with threads of light, which clearly outlined the lines of the stone slabs.

Then, the light gradually increased, and then quickly converged.

Suddenly, all the light gathered towards the center of the hall and spread upward, forming a ten-meter-diameter light ball.


Suddenly, a roar sounded.

The dazzling light ball shattered, and a strong cow walked out from the light ball.

They are said to be cows, but they are actually just similar in appearance.

The body of this cow is very large, standing up to more than ten meters. It has four curved horns on its head, facing different directions.

Its body surface is covered with thick armor, showing a jet black color, like refined armor.

Its hooves are huge and look uncoordinated at all, but the cold air lingering on the surface shows that the hooves are extremely powerful.

The strangest thing is its tail, which is dozens of meters long and drags behind it like a steel whip.

Chen Yang had never seen this kind of demon clan before, and there was no relevant introduction in the "Book of Immortals and Demons".

Maybe, it's hybrid.

Like the big bird Chen Yang had seen before, the strange cow had no self-awareness. In its big protruding eyes, there was only killing, madness, anger, and irritability.

Wei Niu's target quickly set its sights on Chu Tanghe.

This is the same as Big Bird, who will attack the person with the highest level present.

At this moment, the strange cow has not yet taken action, and its energy is restrained. It is difficult to judge what state it is in.

"The guardian beast of the treasure house?"

Chu Tanghe narrowed his eyes, but was not afraid of the strange cow. He quickly took out his sword and swung it towards the strange cow.

At the same time, he let go of Chen Yang's arm.

Chen Yang felt happy, grabbed Chu Yao's hand and said, "Follow me."

Before Chu Yao could react, Chen Yang had already used the goggles law to the extreme, instantly reflecting three mirror images, each located in front of the other three untouched groove mechanisms.

As long as Chu Tanghe dealt with the strange cow, he would immediately touch the mechanism and let other things deal with Chu Tanghe.

Chu Tanghe swung his sword out, and the sword light swept across and hit the strange cow, making a loud roar.

The power of this sword is extraordinary.

But the strange cow showed amazing defensive power. Although it kept retreating, the armor on its body resisted the power of the sword, leaving only a deep mark without breaking.


Chu Tanghe had a look of surprise on his face. He didn't expect that his sword could not kill the strange cow.

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