Urban magic doctor

Chapter 595 Breaking the arm again

Seeing the one-eyed dragon attacking, Chen Yang had murderous intent in his eyes. He blocked it with his sword and shouted: "Well done, let me kill you to avenge Dongfang Cheng."


The two swords collided in the air. Chen Yang was superior and suppressed the one-eyed dragon. With murderous intent, he swung his sword and launched a fierce attack. The sword shadow was heavy, forcing the one-eyed dragon to retreat continuously.

"How is it possible? In half a year, your combat power has become so much stronger!"

The one-eyed dragon's single eye was full of horror. He couldn't believe that Chen Yang had improved so quickly.

But he didn't have time to think too much. At this moment, he was in danger. Chen Yang was completely in control of the situation and had an overwhelming advantage.

In fact, the one-eyed dragon's combat power is stronger than Tang Yuyun, but Tang Yuyun is not afraid of attacks and does not need to dodge, but he cannot.

The one-eyed dragon shouted: "Yu Yun, help me quickly."

Tang Yuyun stood aside, watching with cold eyes, and said with a smile: "You are my master, you should be more powerful than me, and you don't need my help. But if you are not as good as me, you are not worthy of being my master, so just die."

"Tang Yuyun, you..."

The one-eyed dragon was so angry that he gritted his teeth and wanted to yell, but was forced into danger by Chen Yang and had no time to speak.

Chen Yang swung his sword and attacked fiercely, shouting: "One-eyed dragon, you had ill intentions towards Tang Yuyun and made him cut off his descendants and turn him into a pile of iron. Now that he doesn't help you, this is your retribution."

The one-eyed dragon was no match and was stabbed in the arm by Chen Yang's sword, causing blood to flow out.

He looked ugly and shouted: "Tang Yuyun, if you don't take action, we will both die. If he kills me, he will kill you."

"Master, didn't you say that it would be easy for me to deal with Chen Yang?" Tang Yuyun sneered again and again and said, "In that case, what's the difference whether I join forces with you or not? But don't worry, when he kills you, I I’ll help you get revenge again.”

The one-eyed dragon yelled: "You bastard!"

Tang Yuyun sneered: "Haha, I'm a bastard, then who are you? You made me like this because you just want to use me. Do you think I don't know? If it weren't for the fact that you taught me since childhood, I would have I’ll kill you.”

"You are bullying your master and destroying your ancestors!" One-eyed Dragon yelled, but there was nothing he could do against Tang Yuyun.

The two of them were talking, and Chen Yang took the opportunity to attack fiercely. Poof, a sword pierced the one-eyed dragon's abdomen.


The one-eyed dragon screamed and backed away quickly.

But Chen Yang didn't give him a chance. He swiped the Xueyang sword to the right and cut open the one-eyed dragon's belly. The internal organs and blood flowed out together.

The one-eyed dragon looked at his belly with a look of reluctance in his eyes.

The current situation is definitely not the ending he wants.

With ruthlessness in his single eye, he used his last strength to charge towards Chen Yang with his soft sword.


A cold light flashed, and the one-eyed dragon's head rose into the sky, and was cut off by Chen Yang's sword.

His body was still rushing forward, but his strength weakened. Chen Yang kicked him in the chest. The headless body flew into the kitchen and lay motionless on the ground.

The one-eyed dragon's head rolled gurglingly on the ground. The stone in Chen Yang's heart fell and he murmured: "Dongfang Cheng, I have avenged you, you must wake up quickly."

"You are mumbling, reciting sutras."

Tang Yuyun suddenly spoke and walked towards Chen Yang.

When he passed the Cyclops' head, he kicked it away.

Obviously, he harbored resentment towards his master and was not at all sad about the death of One-Eyed Dragon.

Chen Yang looked at Tang Yuyun and his eyes darkened: "Tang Yuyun, why are you so reckless? If you were not Ye Zi's prey, I would definitely kill you. But this time, I can break your arm."

Tang Yuyun snorted coldly: "Huh, give it a try!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he punched Chen Yang.

Although his body has been transformed, his speed is still not as fast as Chen Yang.

Chen Yang dodged to the side to avoid Tang Yuyun's attack, and slashed Tang Yuyun's shoulder with his sword.

Tang Yuyun didn't pay attention at all. He didn't dodge or evade, and laughed sarcastically: "Haha, my body is made of new high-tech alloy materials. Your sword can't hurt me."


Chen Yang laughed, and with a click, the Xueyang Sword pierced Tang Yuyun's shoulder.

Tang Yuyun was stunned for a moment, and his expression changed drastically: "How is that possible?"


The sound of metal friction sounded, and the Xueyang Sword penetrated deeply into Tang Yuyun's shoulder.

"The defense on your body is indeed very strong, but if your arm needs to move, it has joints. The gaps in the joints are where I will attack."

As soon as Chen Yang finished speaking, the Xueyang Sword penetrated the joint and broke it with force.

There was a clicking sound. Tang Yuyun's iron arm was connected to a string of wires and was torn off. The parts fell to the ground, making a ding-ding-ding sound.

Although his arm was destroyed, Tang Yuyun felt no pain.

He dodged suddenly, and the iron arm was held in Chen Yang's hand. There were scattered lines on the shoulder of his left arm, looking very embarrassed.


Tang Yuyun roared, waved his right fist, and attacked Chen Yang.


Chen Yang's Xueyang Sword shook, and the tip of the sword stopped at Tang Yuyun's throat, forcing Tang Yuyun to stop.

"Idiot, do you think you have no weaknesses? If I want to kill you, with this sword blow, you will never see the sun tomorrow."

Chen Yang said coldly and put away the Blood Yang Sword.

Tang Yuyun did not dare to continue the attack. At this moment, he was heartbroken.

He paid a heavy price to improve himself, but he was still no match for Chen Yang, and the gap was huge.

He looked up at Chen Yang, frowned and said, "Why don't you kill me?"

Chen Yang said: "Zi Zi said that he will kill you with his sword! I will leave your life to him."

Tang Yuyun snorted coldly: "Humph, that loser is just an external force. He wants to kill me. Just wait another eight lifetimes."


Chen Yang kicked Tang Yuyun in the face, causing Tang Yuyun to take a few steps back. His face was covered with blood.

He said solemnly: "Don't insult my brother. Besides, Ye Zi will kill you, for sure!"

Tang Yuyun wiped the blood on his face, his heart full of resentment, but he did not dare to say anything wrong about Ye Zi anymore, otherwise he would anger Chen Yang and he would really die here today.

He glanced at the iron arm in Chen Yang's hand and wanted to ask for it back, but he didn't dare.

Gritting his teeth, he walked towards the door, wanting to leave.

Chen Yang shouted coldly: "Stop, who told you to leave?"

"Aren't you going to kill me?" Tang Yuyun frowned, with timidity in his eyes.

Chen Yang said: "I'll ask you a few questions, and you should answer them honestly."


Tang Yuyun had no choice but to agree.

Chen Yang pointed to the headless corpse in the kitchen: "What is your master's name? What is his background?"

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