Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5915 Exploration

Chen Yang flew into the air and looked at the Geto Oasis below. He saw that the 10,000-meter radius at the core had turned into a huge black hole, like a sinkhole, and the wolves continued to dig deeper.

A few breaths later, the sinkhole reached a thousand meters deep, but still nothing was found, not even a trace of energy appeared.

Xu Jin cherished his life and kept following Chen Yang. His expression was livid from the beginning to the end. He felt that if he stayed, he would be dragged down by Chen Yang.

In his opinion, even if he opened the secret cave and found the treasure, he would still have to face the obstruction of the storm and it would be difficult to escape from the Geto Oasis, let alone return to the Sound City.

But things have come to this, and he has no other choice but to take one step at a time.

The wolves continued to dig deeper, but Du Qizheng had already noticed something was wrong and said to Chen Yang: "It seems that if this continues, it will be difficult to find the entrance to the secret cave."

"Absurd, really ridiculous!"

An angry voice came from the storm. It was obvious that Tianhan thought the wolf pack's approach was unreliable.

He said angrily: "If you do this, even if you dig through the entire Zhonghao Realm, you will not find the entrance to the secret cave. Seven Stars Stepping on the Moon, you must find the Seven Stars Stepping on the Moon."

Hearing this, Chen Yang said to Du Qizheng: "It seems that we have just found the entrance to the secret cave. The Seven Stars Stepping on the Moon is the key. Just searching blindly will not yield results."

Du Qizheng frowned and said, "But what exactly is Seven Stars Stepping on the Moon?"

Chen Yang was thoughtful, looking up at the storm high in the sky, and said: "Senior Tianhan, you want to lift the curse, and I want to explore the secret cave. How about we make a deal?"


A disdainful voice came from the storm, saying: "Who do you think you are, worthy of trading with me?"

After a pause, Tianhan changed the subject and said, "However, if you can open the secret cave and lift the regional restrictions on me, I may be able to trade with you."

"It seems that you can't help yourself." Chen Yang smiled and said, "This deal is actually very simple. You just need to tell me what Seven Stars Step on the Moon is, and I can help you lift the curse."

Unexpectedly, Tianhan said angrily: "If I knew what Seven Stars Stepping on the Moon was, would I still need you?"

Chen Yang said: "Then where did you learn the phrase 'Seven Stars Step on the Moon'? And who told you about the curse that was placed on you, preventing you from entering the Gedo Oasis?"

"Are you interrogating me, or trading?"

Tianhan's tone was full of anger, as if he thought Chen Yang had offended his dignity.

Chen Yang said: "It's a transaction."


Tian Leng snorted and said, "No comment."

After saying that, the storm in the sky completely spread across the sky, like a giant yellow dragon, constantly bombarding the invisible barrier that prevented it from entering the Gedo Oasis.

It seemed that Tianhan did not intend to talk to Chen Yang, but wanted to break through the obstacles to him with brutal force.

The loud rumbling sound in the air and the terrifying attraction it conveyed made Du Qizheng, Xu Jin and others feel worried.

However, Chen Yang was not worried at all. If Tianhan could break through the barrier, he would have entered the Gedo Oasis long ago, instead of waiting until now to rely on the power of the Desert Wolf.

"Seven Stars Stepping on the Moon, is this a formation?"

Chen Yang observed the terrain of the entire oasis, trying to find some clues.

He noticed a small lake in the oasis, which was round in shape. Perhaps due to the distribution of ores at the bottom of the lake, the lake water turned into a light yellow color, which looked somewhat similar to the moon.

"Stepping on the moon? Is the lake the moon?"

Chen Yang was thinking in his mind and said: "But where are the seven stars?"

He continued to observe the terrain around the lake, and finally discovered something special. Among them were five small peaks, all sloping towards the lake, as if they were guarding the lake.

However, no matter how you look at it, these peaks do not seem to represent stars.

"Wolf King, let them stop first."

Chen Yang said something to Du Qizheng, and then flew to one of the five mountain peaks to observe the relationship between the mountain peak and the lake from different angles.

"The Desert Wolf obeys the order and suspends excavation."

After Du Qizheng gave the order, all the desert wolves stopped. At this time, they had dug tens of thousands of meters and still found nothing.

Xu Jin always stayed close to Chen Yang, fearing that Du Qizheng would seize the opportunity and kill him if the distance got too far.

At this moment, he looked at Chen Yang's back and didn't understand what Chen Yang was doing.

Du Qizheng also flew over. Seeing that Chen Yang was deep in thought, he said nothing so as not to disturb Chen Yang's thoughts.

"Stepping on the moon, is it a reflection?"

Looking at the reflection in the lake, Chen Yang's eyes brightened. He observed the reflections of the five mountain peaks and discovered to his surprise that they formed a ring, all pointed at a certain point in the lake, like rays of light radiating around.

However, there are two gaps in the entire circular reflection.

Seven stars step on the moon, but two stars are missing.

"There are two stars, are they also mountain peaks? Over time, the peaks have collapsed and weathered?"

Chen Yang thought for a moment, his eyes fell on the center of the ring, and said: "However, even if there are no other two stars, it seems that the reflection is pointing to an area. Is the center of the ring reflection the entrance to the secret cave?"

Shaking his head, Chen Yang quickly denied this guess.

If it's really that simple, then you can find the secret cave by searching the entire Geto Oasis.

There must be other mysteries about the seven stars stepping on the moon.

"The mystery must be on the other two stars."

Chen Yang fell into deep thought and thought to himself: "The mountain peaks and the lake are two levels, and then the reflection... By the way, are there two stars at the bottom of the lake, on the third level?"

Thinking of this, Chen Yang did not hesitate and immediately jumped into the lake. After diving into the water, he found two huge stones that fit in with the two gaps in the circular reflection.

The reflections and stones are combined into the surface of the water to form a radiating ring, like a star falling in the lake.

Chen Yang speculated that Qixing did not refer to seven stars, but seven objects composed of one star, and the moon was naturally a lake.

But how should we understand "step"?

"Treading on the moon, can you find the entrance to the secret cave only by stepping on the moon?"

Chen Yang looked at the two boulders at the bottom of the lake and suddenly discovered that there were subtle textures on the surface of the boulders, which seemed to be carved with something.

He went over to take a look and found that the textures were runes and some words. As the water washed away, the writing became less clear, but it was vaguely legible.

After identifying the runes and characters, Chen Yang said with great joy: "It turns out that it is so simple. As long as you confirm the seven stars stepping on the moon, you can find the entrance. Fortunately, the entire lake and mountain peaks were not destroyed. Otherwise, there would be no way to find it." It’s a secret cave.”

Xu Jin, who had been following behind, said, "Junior Brother Chen, what's going on?"

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