Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5880 The target of venting anger

Hearing Lu Feishang's words, the two Zhengxuan Sect disciples looked shocked and lowered their voices: "Those Night Demons were so bold and chased them to Tiannan Territory? How did they pass through the teleportation array?"

Lu Fei said: "Yan Wen put them in the Najie, then pretended to be Chen Yang and teleported to Tiannan Territory. I have to say that Yan Wen is very cunning and the Night Demon Clan is very bold."

One of the Zhengxuan Cult disciples said: "The teleportation array is guarded by holy masters. If the Night Demons are discovered, they will definitely die. I have to say, I admire the courage of those Night Demons."

Another person said: "By the way, Senior Sister Lu, why are those night demons cooperating with us?"

"Yan Wen said that Brother Liao needs to discuss the specific conditions with them in person."

Lu Feishang shook his head and said, "So, I don't know what the Night Demon Tribe wants to do."

At this moment, Lu Feishuang heard Chen Yang's message: "At midnight tonight, there is a place called Wangyue Peak, eight hundred miles east of Caiyunjian. I will wait for you in the valley south of Wangyue Peak. Reminder You, no matter what, you have to lure Liao Shuyin over, otherwise Xuntian Punishment will kill you."

Lu Feishang secretly took a deep breath and said to the two junior brothers: "Let's go to Fengyunjian to find senior brother Liao."

The two Zhengxuan Cult disciples did not doubt that he was there, so they immediately took action with Lu Fei, heading from Jinyunjian to Fengyunjian.

Chen Yang put away the map and said to Hou Hui and Hao Zhengrong in front of him: "The valley south of Wangyue Peak is a barren mountain and wild forest. It is a good place for killing people and stealing goods."

Hou Hui thought for a moment and said, "Junior Brother Chen, how about we go with you?"

Chen Yang pointed at Duanmu Qingyun and said: "Don't forget, we promised to protect the safety of the little prince. If we all leave, Luan Fengping will not spare us if the little prince gets into trouble."

Duanmu Qingyun said hurriedly: "I have nothing to do anyway, so I can act with you."

Hou Hui and Hao Zhengrong both wanted to witness Liao Shuyin's execution with their own eyes, so they nodded and said, "Good idea, the little prince will come with us."

Chen Yang thought for a while and felt that there would be no accidents, so he agreed.

It was getting late now, so they took action immediately, left Jinyunjian, and headed straight for Wangyue Peak.

Luan Yunping met up with Chen Yang and others outside and asked about Duanmu Qingyun's progress. He was overjoyed to learn about the situation.

As for going to Wangyue Peak, since the young prince decided so, Luan Yunping, a servant, naturally had no objection and went with him and was responsible for protecting his safety.

What Chen Yang didn't notice was that just as they were leaving, someone quietly followed them out of Jinyunjian and headed straight for Wangyue Peak.

One of them is Feng Jiayu.

After being "robbed of love" by Duanmu Qingyun, the grandson of the head of Hanxiao Pavilion harbored a grudge against Duanmu Qingyun.

He was determined to avenge this.

He has already contacted his senior brother in the sect, a fourth-level heavenly master, and plans to follow Duanmu Qingyun in ambush and kill him when he leaves.

He didn't believe that a dead man could still compete with him for Zhen Feiyan.

He originally thought that he might have to wait a few days before Duanmu Qingyun left, but he didn't expect to leave so soon.

Of course he would not let go of such a good opportunity.

"They boarded an empty ship and disappeared so quickly."

After leaving Caiyun Pavilion, Feng Jiayu looked into the distance with a look of surprise on his face.

"Such a fast empty ship is very rare. It seems that you have gained something extra this time, Junior Brother Feng."

The speaker was Zhao Keng, a disciple of Han Xiaoting who had a good relationship with Feng Jiayu. At Feng Jiayu's invitation, he came to help kill people.

Naturally, Feng Jiayu would not treat Zhao Keng badly and said hurriedly: "Brother Zhao, after you kill those people, the empty ship will naturally belong to you. This is the trophy you deserve."

"Junior brother Feng is too polite." Zhao Keng said with a smile.

"Senior Brother Zhao, you deserve this."

Feng Jiayu smiled and changed the topic: "We'd better hurry up and follow the energy residue of the empty ship, otherwise those people will escape."

"I hope they stop nearby, otherwise, I don't know how long it will take to catch them."

Zhao Kengzhou released the star energy, wrapped Feng Jiayu in it, and the two of them galloped away.

Not long after, they arrived at Moon Watching Peak.

The remaining energy of the empty ship disappeared here.

"Have the empty ships been put away?"

Feng Jiayu looked thoughtful and said thoughtfully, "What are they doing here?"

"The empty ship is over there."

Zhao Keng pointed to the distance and saw an empty ship parked above the trees in the dense jungle. The color change on its surface was similar to that of the trees, making it seem invisible.

"Hmph, those guys are so arrogant, I want to take a look later, they..."

Feng Jiayu sneered, but when he suddenly saw the sign on the empty ship, his expression changed. He stopped flying and looked at the empty ship from a distance, fear flashing in his eyes.

"Junior Brother Feng, what's wrong?"

Zhao Keng turned around and stared at Feng Jiayu suspiciously, confused by the latter's reaction.

"Senior Brother Zhao, you... look at that mark quickly."

Feng Jiayu pointed to the side of the empty ship and said solemnly.

"What mark?"

Zhao Keng took a closer look and was shocked. He said in horror: "This... this is the empty ship of the Dragon Emperor's royal family! Could it be..."

Feng Jiayu took over the conversation: "Could that person named Duanmu Qingyun be the royal family of the Dragon Emperor Empire!?"

After saying this, Feng Jiayu felt that he was stupid. The royal family of the Dragon Emperor Kingdom was named Duanmu. Now combined with Kongchuan, Duanmu Qingyun's identity was self-evident.

Zhao Keng pondered: "That man is sixteen or seventeen years old, and he is riding on the empty ship of the Dragon Emperor Empire's royal family. Could it be that... he is the current crown prince of the Dragon Emperor Empire and the future heir to the throne?"

Feng Jiayu's body trembled and he said, "Is that person's name Duanmu Qingyun?"

"All the information matches, it doesn't matter what it is called." Zhao Keng said with a wry smile.

Cold sweat broke out on Feng Jiayu's forehead. He thought he was just dealing with an unknown person, but unexpectedly, the other person's identity and background was much stronger than him.

He suddenly remembered Zhen Feiyan's reminder and found out that Duanmu Qingyun really had an extraordinary background.


Seeing that there was no movement from the other party, Feng Jiayu made a quick decision, turned around and flew towards the colorful clouds.

He was filled with resentment and felt that he was extremely unlucky. He had nowhere to vent his anger.

Suddenly, he thought of the young man who stopped him, his name seemed to be Chen Yang.

He was just a second-level earth master, an ant-like existence, and he actually dared to scream at himself.

I can't deal with Duanmu Qingyun, so why can't I kill you?

Soon, Feng Jiayu found that he could not defeat Duanmu Qingyun, so he took the initiative to change his target and became Chen Yang.

A second-level earth master, in his opinion, was very suitable for venting his anger.

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