Urban magic doctor

Chapter 582 I just want to play

Seeing Wu Kun's objection, Chen Yang whistled: "Oh, it seems some people don't dare."

Wu Kun's slender eyes were filled with cold light, and he said coldly: "It's not that I dare or not, but that I don't want to. How can I, the dignified Elder Wu Miao, take off his clothes just because of your words? Where is the face?"

Chen Yang shrugged: "It seems that in your eyes, face is more important than catching Elder Yu's murderer."

Wu Kun still wanted to argue, but the Witch King's face darkened and he said to the elders: "Shut up, everyone. If you want to find the murderer and eliminate those within our ranks, then pull down your clothes and expose your right shoulder. As for face, Is it more important than Elder Yu’s life and death, and more important than catching the murderer? Hum, since you are unwilling, then I will do it first.”

As he spoke, the Witch King opened his collar and exposed his right shoulder.

There are scars on his right shoulder, but they are old wounds and there are no new wounds, so the suspicion can be ruled out.

"I would like to see if there is a mole in our witch seedlings. Killing even Elder Yu is so inhumane!"

Another elder opened his collar. His right shoulder muscles were strong and there were no wounds.

"I'll come too."

"Whoever dares not show it to everyone is the damn murderer!"

One after another, the elders all pulled back their collars and exposed their right shoulders to eliminate their own suspicions.

Although the two elders who supported Wu Kun were reluctant, they had to show their right shoulders in order to avoid suspicion.

Seeing everyone pulling back their collars to prove their innocence, Wu Kun frowned and stood there without moving. Now he was in a dilemma.

Everyone looked at Wu Kun. The Witch King made a gesture of invitation. Suspicion flashed in his eyes and he said in a deep voice: "Elder Wu, show your right shoulder to clear away the suspicion."

Wu Kun looked ugly and dared not show his shoulders.

Once exposed, everyone saw the sword wound on his shoulder, and he was unable to defend himself.

Chen Yang joked: "It seems that Elder Wu has something up his sleeve."

Wu Kun argued: "Who said I have something in my heart? It's just that I don't want to be teased by you!"

"Wu Kun!"

At this time, the Witch King shouted loudly, and his eyes as big as copper bells stared like tiger eyes, which shocked everyone.

He called Wu Kun by his first name and said coldly: "Wu Kun, if you don't want to clear yourself of suspicion, then I have to help you."

This meant that the Witch King actually wanted to tear Wu Kun's clothes apart.

Wu Kun looked displeased and said coldly: "Witch King, are you going to attack me because of this outsider's nonsense?"


The Witch King did not respond to Wu Kun, snorted coldly, and grabbed Wu Kun with a very decisive claw.


Wu Kun didn't expect the Witch King to be so strong. He exclaimed and hid quickly, shouting: "Witch King, what are you doing? Do you want to attack one of your own people? This is against the law of witchcraft!"

Seeing this, everyone else was stunned. They didn't expect that the Witch King would attack Wu Kun.


Wu Kun was caught off guard, but he was unable to avoid the Witch King's claws. He was grabbed by the collar and the piece of fabric on his shoulders was torn off.

Under the gaze of everyone, they saw Wu Kun's right shoulder wrapped in white gauze, soaked with red blood. It was obvious that he had a new injury on his right shoulder just now.

Seeing this, everyone's expressions changed. Is it really Wu Kun?

Chen Yang joked: "I finally understand why Elder Wu didn't dare to show his shoulders to everyone. It turns out there is something fishy."

"Wu Kun, what's going on?"

"Explain to everyone what kind of injury you have on your shoulder."

All the elders asked Wu Kun.

Assassinating a fellow clan member was not only a serious crime, but also an act despised by the Wu clan. At this moment, not only the elders, but also everyone around him glared at Wu Kun.

Wu Kun quickly pulled up the broken clothes and defended with a cold face: "I was accidentally injured when I was practicing just now, can't I?"

Chen Yang cupped his hands and teased: "A master of your level can actually injure himself while practicing. It's really amazing. I admire you."

The Witch King looked gloomy and said in a cold voice: "Wu Kun, take off the gauze on your shoulder. I want to see if the wound you suffered was a sword wound?"

At this time, if Wu Kun concealed it again, it would be even more suspicious.

His mind changed and he said: "Yes, there is indeed a sword wound on my shoulder, but it was not caused by Chen Yang, it was..."

"Okay, you don't need to say anything."

The Witch King interrupted Wu Kun, walked towards Wu Kun step by step, and said in a deep voice: "When are you not injured, you are injured at this time; you are not injured by other things, but it is a sword injury. Do you think your Excuse me, will anyone still believe it?”

As soon as he finished speaking, the Witch King took action suddenly.

Wu Kun was shocked and turned pale. He called the Witch King by his name and shouted: "Deng Chong, what do you want to do?"

"Get you!"

The Witch King looked stern and showed no mercy.

Wu Kun was already much weaker than the Witch King, and because he was injured, he was caught by the Witch King with just one move. His hands were clasped behind his back, unable to move.

The other elders did not expect the Witch King to be so resolute, and they only reacted when they saw Wu Kun being captured.

Everyone saw that the Witch King was angry, and the two elders who were friends with Wu Kun also kept silent and did not dare to plead for mercy.

"Tie them up."

The Witch King shouted, and someone immediately brought a thick iron chain and tied Wu Kun up.

Wu Kun was thrown to the ground, but he was still unwilling to accept it. He shouted at the Witch King: "Deng Chong, you are crazy. Yu Mao's death has nothing to do with me. You are just avenging a private revenge."

The Witch King snorted coldly: "Humph, the injury on your shoulder is the best evidence."

Wu Kun said confidently: "I told you, this was an injury I suffered while practicing, and you can't even think of unjustly accusing me. Unless Yu Mao comes forward to testify personally, you can't prove that I did it."

Yu Mao is already dead. If you ask him to testify, you are making it clear that you are not admitting it.

Everyone looked at Wu Kun with disdain, but Chen Yang said: "Oh, really, you want Elder Yu to testify in person?"

Wu Kun said: "Yes! If Yu Mao can say that I did it, I will admit it. Otherwise, you have insufficient evidence to convict me. Deng Chong, what you do is against the law of witchcraft."

The Witch King frowned, knowing in his heart that Wu Kun was most likely responsible for the incident, but the evidence was indeed insufficient.

At this time, Chen Yang smiled and said: "In that case, let Elder Yu testify against you."

What, Elder Yu testified? Isn't he dead?

Everyone looked puzzled.

Chen Yang winked at Elder Yu's son Yu Tong, and Yu Tong left and returned soon.

Next to Yu Tong, there was a person supporting him, and it was Yu Mao.

Suddenly, everyone was stunned.

Wu Kun exclaimed: "How is it possible that he is still alive!?"

As he said that, he turned to look at Chen Yang: "Boy, why did you say he was dead just now?"

"No reason." Chen Yang shrugged, looked at Wu Kun with disdain, and said with a smile, "I just want to play with you."

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