Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5624 Climbing the Tower

After queuing up, Chen Yang met the sage again.

Looking at the sage sitting in the stone chamber, Chen Yang felt that the sage was not the leader of the entire Haixin realm, but a senior monk in a temple who answered questions for the believers.

"Mr. Chen, Miss Jiang, you two, do you have any questions?"

The sage's tone was still calm and calm, and his emotions could not be heard at all.

Chen Yang said: "Sage, we want to leave the Haixin Realm."

The sage said calmly: "I'm sorry, you already know everything about the Haixin Realm. According to the regulations, you can't leave."

Jiang Yu said respectfully: "Dear sage, you are the leader here, you should have a way to let us leave. And, if you trust us, we will definitely not leak information about the Haixin Realm."

The sage smiled and said: "Sometimes, you can't help yourself, and you can't do it just because you want to keep it secret."

Chen Yang frowned and said, "Senior, how can you let us leave?"

"Nothing will work."

The sage shook his head and persuaded: "Mr. Chen, Miss Jiang, the Haixin Territory is free from the world and lives in peace and happiness. Why do you insist on leaving and settling here, isn't it good?"

"Okay, okay." Chen Yang said, "However, we still have things to do and have to leave."

"Sorry, this is a rule and I can't change it." The sage shook his head.

Chen Yang said: "Is there really no way?"

The sage said: "Yes, there is, but... no matter if you don't say it, no one can do this."

"What on earth is going on?" Chen Yang asked.

The sage was silent for a moment, then turned to look at Jiang Yu's legs, stood up and said, "Mr. Chen, follow me. Miss Jiang, please wait a moment."

Jiang Yu was stunned for a moment, and wanted to ask why he couldn't go with him, but in the end he didn't speak. He whispered to Chen Yang, "Mr. Chen, it's up to you."

Chen Yang nodded, but he was hesitant in his heart, always feeling that the sage seemed to be hiding something.

However, if the sage really wanted to go against him, he would have asked the master to kill him long ago. There is no need to beat around the bush.

He followed the sage and saw the sage placing one hand on the wooden door. The light and shadow changed and a portal appeared.

It turned out that the only wooden door Chen Yang had ever seen was actually a portal.

After crossing the portal, the sage said: "This is the Babel Tower next to the Sea Palace."

The sage led the way up the steps surrounding the interior of the tower, walking up slowly and unhurriedly.

"It turns out that the portal leads here."

Chen Yang looked around and said with a smile: "Senior Sage, this is under the sea. Even if the tower reaches the top, it will still connect to the sea, not the sky."

"That makes sense."

The sage nodded and continued: "However, the meaning of Babel Tower is not to lead to the sky, but to lead to the way of heaven."

Chen Yang said: "Is the goal of Haixin people to pursue the way of heaven?"

The sage smiled and said: "No, we pursue peace and stability."

Chen Yang said: "In that case, what is the purpose of this Tower of Babel?"

"We pursue the way of heaven and follow the way of heaven."

The sage continued to move forward.

The two were silent for a moment, and the sage suddenly spoke again: "Mr. Chen, you are a skilled alchemist, and you must have a deep understanding of runes, right?"

"Quite involved," Chen Yang said.

The sage nodded and said: "What I want to show you is related to runes. If you can solve this problem that troubles me, then you will not be subject to any restrictions if you want to enter the sea heart realm. If you can't Cracking the runes, I'm sorry, in order to protect the people here, I can't let you and Miss Jiang leave."

"I will try my best."

Chen Yang nodded solemnly, wondering in his heart what rune the sage wanted him to decipher.

Moreover, Chen Yang was very curious about the origin of the Haixin people and where the Star Art they practiced came from.

The Babel Tower is very high, but the sages climb the tower very slowly.

Chen Yang followed, and the two of them walked for three hours before reaching the top of the tower.

There are no spiraling stairs on this floor. There is an open air directly above, and the light shines in, bringing a hint of warmth.

Directly above is the Eye of the Sages that Chen Yang has seen. It is slowly rotating at the moment, driving the surrounding water flow, forming a cycle.

When viewed from a distance, there is nothing special about the water flow.

Getting closer at this moment, Chen Yang discovered that the trajectory of the sage's eye vaguely contained the way of heaven, causing the water flow to form a rune.

As for what kind of rune it was, he couldn't tell for a while.

"Mr. Chen, this is the eye of the sages."

The sage pointed at the ring suspended in the air above, and continued: "The runes I want you to decipher are produced by the water flow driven by the eyes of the sages."

"I see it's a rune."

Chen Yang nodded and asked: "Senior, I wonder what the use of this sage's eye is? What will be the consequences if the rune is cracked?"

The sage explained: “The Eye of the Sage is the real leader of our Sea Heart Realm, and everything I do is to follow its guidance.

But the strange thing is that 20,000 years ago, the Eye of the Sage suddenly changed its trajectory.

At first, we didn't pay much attention.

But later, we discovered that the guidance given by the eyes of the sages would be wrong.

Therefore, we suspect that it is related to the rotation trajectory of the sages' eyes.

After many years of research, we determined that the water flow formed a rune, but we did not know what it was and could not decipher it.

We believe that as long as the runes are cracked and the Eye of the Sages returns to its original trajectory, we will get the right guidance. "

Chen Yang thought for a moment and asked: "Senior, can you tell me the origin of the Haixin Realm."

"It should be pretty much what you think."

The sage smiled and said: "You understand the Earth's Core Language, and according to our historical records, only one person has ever reached our past hometown. If what I expected is correct, you are the descendant of that person."

It turns out that the sage has already seen Chen Yang's origins, so no wonder he treats Chen Yang differently.

Chen Yang said seriously: "So, the Ocean Center Realm is indeed an immigrant from the Earth Center World? You didn't originally belong here?"

"It seems that you do have a certain relationship with the real person Hao Lan in historical records."

There was a hint of excitement in the sage's calm tone, and he seemed to be a little excited, and said: "Master Hao Lan is unparalleled in the world. Since you are his descendant, it should not be a problem to decipher this rune."

"Is this why you brought me here?" Chen Yang raised his eyebrows.

The sage said: "I am not taking advantage of you. I really don't know how to ask for your help, so I came up with this trick."

Chen Yang said: "So, if we can't crack the runes, you really won't let me and Jiang Yu leave?"

"Sorry, this is a rule passed down from our ancestors."

There was a hint of apology in the sage's tone as he explained: "Even if you can break the runes, you can come and go freely. This is also a rule set by our ancestors. Mr. Chen, please forgive me, I did not embarrass you."

Chen Yang curled his lips and said, "Then can you tell me why you immigrated here?"

PS: I still owe four chapters of debt, and Yogurt will continue to pay off the debt tomorrow.

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