Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5621 Seeking the Sage

Lao Li seemed to see Chen Yang's doubts and explained: "Look at the top of the tower, there is a hollow space there, and there is a ring in the middle, which is slowly rotating. Although the shape is not particularly like an eyeball, this is the ground. The totem sages’ eyes in the inner world are exactly the same as those I have seen before.”

Chen Yang looked at the top of the tower and saw a slowly rotating ring.

The strange thing is that when he looked at the ring, he felt like he was being stared at, as if it was really an eyeball looking at him.

"It's really evil."

Chen Yang withdrew his gaze and said to Old Li: "What was your relationship with the people in the inner earth world back then? Maybe the immigrant ancestors here have met you before."

Chen Yang was already used to the things and people around him being related to Lao Li, so he asked this question.

Lao Li said: "When I was practicing in the inner earth world, when I left, I originally planned to leave some star techniques and magical power secrets to them.

But then I thought about it, the emergence of the power system would only break their peace and stability.

So I rejected my idea and only left them some medical books.

I met with their leader and told him some things about the outside world.

He is not interested, he just hopes that the inner earth world can have eternal peace.

Except for the leader and his son, I have never met anyone else.

So I don’t have much interaction with the inner earth world.

Whether they are immigrants or not, we must understand their origins and history.

Perhaps their leader, known as the Sage, can tell us the answer. "

Chen Yang thought: "It may be dangerous to go to the sages like this."

Old Li said: "Let's go. If you want to find Jiang Yu, you will most likely meet this man who dares to call himself a sage."

Chen Yang hesitated and had no choice but to move on.

Fortunately, the people in the Sea Heart Realm are very kind, and there are no guards patrolling the streets, so Chen Yang can pass unimpeded, otherwise he would be in trouble.

Moreover, the people here are very simple. Even if Chen Yang asked where the well-known Hai Palace was, no one would doubt his origins.

After walking for dozens of miles, he arrived at the Sea Palace.

The Sea Palace where the sages, the leaders of the Sea Heart Realm, live is just below the tower. It occupies a vast area and has a magnificent construction.

What surprised Chen Yang was that this place was not the private domain of the sages. It was open to the public at any time and anyone could enter it.

Moreover, if you want to see a sage, you only need to queue up.

"It seems that there is no strict hierarchy here. Although the sage is in charge of the overall situation, everyone only respects him and has no fear of him. He is also very close to the people and does not enjoy or abuse his power."

Chen Yang joined the queue. There were more than a hundred people in front of him, and the number behind him was still increasing.

In the queue, there were tall giants, tiny beetle-like monsters, charming elves, and ugly goblins...

They were all talking in low voices, using Geocentric Tongue.

"Yesterday I yelled at the lobster next door, and my heart was filled with regret. I came to confess to the sage."

"It's okay if you scold me. You know, just the day before yesterday, I actually thought that the food distribution in my family was unfair. But I found that the soldiers fighting outside didn't eat. Then I realized that I was How shameful and stupid.”

"Don't forget, those soldiers are cultivators, they don't need to eat."

"I want to marry my daughter, and I want the sages to choose a good day for my daughter to get married."

"I shed my skin yesterday, as if a part of my body was missing. I am very distressed now. Only saints can untie the knot in my heart."

Hearing these discussions, Chen Yang was speechless for a while. What do these guys think of saints? Is the neighborhood committee an enthusiastic aunt?

However, that sage is actually enthusiastic about this way. Is it possible that he has nothing to do all day long?

The number of people in front gradually decreased, and finally, it was Chen Yang's turn.

An old demon lady with a kind-faced face, hunched over her back, led Chen Yang the way, and said with a smile: "Young man, what happened to you?"

Chen Yang said: "I have some doubts in my heart, and I would like to ask the sages to answer them for me."

"What doubts?"

After the old lady asked, she chuckled and said, "Forget it, you should tell these secrets to the sages."

Stopping in front of a wooden door, the old lady stepped back and said, "The sage is inside, please go in."

Chen Yang glanced at the wooden door and wondered how those tall giants entered this narrow wooden door.

"Why is it a wooden door?"

Suddenly, Chen Yang discovered something special.

All the buildings here are made of fossils, except for the door in front of it, which is a wooden structure.

"Young man, why don't you go in?"

The old lady looked at Chen Yang with a smile and said, "There are still many people waiting outside, so hurry up."


Chen Yang came back to his senses, didn't care so much, and pushed open the wooden door in front of him.

Inside the wooden door is a stone room, only ten square meters in size, with a stone table and two stone benches placed in the middle.

Sitting on the stone bench opposite was a man in a white robe. Because he was wearing a mask, it was impossible to tell whether he was a man or a woman.

His back was straight and his white robe was wide. It was impossible to tell his gender from his figure.

His clothes are very simple, and although his face cannot be seen, he gives off an aloof air and makes people respect him.

"Close the door and please sit down."

Just when Chen Yang was observing the other party, the other party made a gesture of invitation.

His voice was very peaceful, and strangely, he couldn't tell whether he was male or female.

Chen Yang did not dare to rashly sense the other person's realm and body. He turned around and closed the door. Then he sat on the stone bench, which was only half a meter away from the other person on the stone table, and asked: "Are you... a sage?"

"Yes." The sage nodded and said, "You need me, why do you do what you do?"

Chen Yang was silent for a moment, then decided to go straight to the point and said, "To tell you the truth, I am looking for someone. She is from the mermaid tribe and her name is Jiang Yu."

What Chen Yang didn't expect was that the sage didn't hide anything and said calmly: "Yes, she is here. Are you from outside? To find her?"

The other party had already seen through Chen Yang's identity, but he did not act excessively and was very calm.

Chen Yang said: "She was sold to the Jiuqianzhang tribe by the giants. I got some information, so I came here to find her."

"Then can you release Captain Yu first?"

The sage asked, using a deliberative tone, as if he was negotiating with Chen Yang on an equal footing, without any intention of oppressing Chen Yang.

The other party's attitude made Chen Yang very embarrassed, so he quickly opened the door to the small world and released the colorful fish.

As soon as Xiaoyu came out, he glared at Chen Yang and said angrily: "You villain, what did you do to me?"

Before Chen Yang could explain, the sage said calmly: "Captain Yu, please calm down. This is not the attitude we should have towards our guests."

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