Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5610 Breaking the Formation

"Shu Junyan."

Yang Ji said a name, with a look of disgust on his face, and said: "That guy is very ugly, but his name is Junyan. It's really shameless."

Shu Junyan.

Chen Yang had never heard of this name.

He asked again: "Does Shu Junyan have a title?"

Yang Ji's eyes flickered and he said: "That guy calls himself the Black Sea Demon God. He is really arrogant. Even the masters on Tianhuang Island, no one dares to call himself a god. He dares to call himself the Demon God."

While talking, Yang Ji had already reached the depths of the trench, and Yu Han quickly came up to meet him. One of them was Yang Ji. He was startled and hurriedly bowed and saluted: "Meet the second shopkeeper."

Yang Ji asked: "Where is Chen Yang's cave?"

"This way."

Yu Han quickly led the way and sent Chen Yang into the cave.

Yang Ji slammed the door shut and said to Chen Yang through the small window on the door: "You stay in there well. It's not your turn to worry about what to do next."

Chen Yang cupped his hands and said, "I would also like to ask the second shopkeeper Duoduo to help me and let me become the gatekeeper."

Yang Ji did not agree or refuse. He gave Yu Han a few words and left the trench.

After he left, Yu Han said to Chen Yang, "What's going on? Isn't Ji Jiji optimistic about you? Why did the second shopkeeper send you back again?"

"They had a conflict and I became the victim."

Chen Yang complained and asked: "By the way, Brother Yu, I wonder how many people are in charge in this trench?"

"Why do you ask?"

Yu Han said warily, thinking that Chen Yang wanted to change the person in charge.

He now regards Chen Yang as a cash cow. If someone else is responsible for Chen Yang, he will never get a share of it.

Chen Yang said: "Just asking casually."

Yu Han hesitated and said to Chen Yang: "There are ten and fifty people in charge, and one general person in charge."

Chen Yang said: "What is their strength? Are they all the same as you?"

Yu Han was suspicious. He didn't know what Chen Yang was doing by asking so clearly. He felt that there must be another purpose.

But he didn't think so. He thought that Chen Yang wanted to leave.

Because no one has ever been able to break through the formation of the cave.

He said bluntly to Chen Yang: "The level of the person in charge is the same as mine. The person in charge, as you have seen, is Xu Lingfeng."

Chen Yang said in surprise: "There is a third-level earth master gladiator in the cave, an assistant who can be suppressed by Xu Lingfeng alone?"

Yu Han smiled and said: "The gladiator can't even get out of the cave, so there is no need to suppress him."

"No one has ever thought about escaping?" Chen Yang asked.

Yu Han said: "Of course there is, but those people were killed before they even walked out of the trench. After all, our Wuji Platform does not only have one Xu Lingfeng. Of course, the most important thing is that as long as the bracelet on your hand is triggered, the fifth-level earth master All of them will surely die."

"What are the triggering conditions?"

Chen Yang has thoroughly studied the runes on the bracelet, but the triggering conditions are encrypted. If cracked, it will be triggered immediately, so he only found a way to unlock the bracelet and did not crack the code.

Facing Chen Yang's question, Yu Han shook his head and said with a smile: "This is a secret. Unless you become a gatekeeper, you cannot tell the gladiators about this inspection."

Chen Yang said: "I'm going to become a gatekeeper soon. It doesn't matter if you tell me."

"Let the big shots tell you."

Yu Han smiled, turned and left.

"The positioning of this bracelet is not the main purpose. It is mainly to restrain the gladiator and threaten the life of the gladiator. What are its triggering conditions?"

Chen Yang looked at the bracelet and thought about it. There were various possibilities and he couldn't be sure.

Shaking his head, he no longer thought about this problem, but thought about what he should do next.

"There is a conflict between Yang Ji and Gu Ye. Although Yang Ji's status and strength are higher than Gu Ye, behind Gu Ye, there is a powerful master, the Black Sea Demon.

This guy nicknamed the Black Sea Demon is a being that even the head shopkeeper of Wuji Terrace cannot completely suppress.

With him supporting Gu Ye, Yang Ji would definitely not be able to touch Gu Ye.

In order to suppress Ju Ye, Yang Ji will never let the Black Sea Demon take me away.

Therefore, in their conflicts and fights, I will most likely become a victim and be executed by Yang Ji.

Even if Yang Ji doesn't kill me, being taken away by the Black Sea Demon God is definitely not a good thing.

That guy definitely doesn't mean well.

Otherwise, Gu Ye would not have let me fall into situations that they considered dangerous.

In this case, I can't stay here any longer.

Every moment you stay, there is more danger. "

After thinking about it, Chen Yang decided to leave in two hours.

As for the action plan, he has repeated it many times in his mind. Although it may not be foolproof, as long as no major changes occur, he can escape safely.

Two hours passed quickly.

Chen Yang, who had closed his eyes to rest, suddenly opened his eyes.

The first step is to break the formation that imprisons the cave.

Not just the cave where Chen Yang was, but the prison in the entire trench.

Because Chen Yang wants to release all the gladiators.

It's not to help these people escape, but to let these people create enough chaos.

It is not difficult to break the formation, but what is difficult is to break the formation silently.

Fortunately, Chen Yang had worked out a plan a few days ago, and it took him half an hour to open a formation gap in his cave.

Moreover, as long as he takes one step further, he can quietly crack the entire formation.

It's not that this formation isn't clever, but because it's clever enough, Lao Li recorded it in detail in the "Book of Immortals and Demons" and came up with a better way to crack it.

After breaking the formation, Chen Yang disguised himself as Yu Han, then used the goggles method to reflect out of the prison.

Deep in the trench, there was darkness, but it did not affect Chen Yang's vision. He could see the continuous iron gates of different sizes on the stone wall.

Gladiators of various races were imprisoned in these caves.

He walked to the nearest door, his finger flashed with starlight, and lightly traced the pattern on the door. Suddenly, the large formation that blocked the entire trench was cracked silently.

But no one knows except him.

The gladiators in the cave stayed obediently and did not move.

Chen Yang opened the iron door in front of him and said to a demon clan member he had never met before: "You are free."

The monster stared at "Yu Han" with a blank expression, frozen on the spot, not knowing what happened.

Before he could react, Chen Yang was already heading to the next iron gate.

The same scene happened in dozens of iron gates.

At first, the gladiators were suspicious and suspicious.

But soon, they walked out of the iron gate and saw that the gladiators with the same identity as themselves had all walked out today. They realized that maybe they were really free.

Finally, the person in charge of supervising this place discovered the situation, rushed over, and shouted angrily: "Get back here!"

Although he didn't know how the gladiators got out of the iron gate, the person in charge had no time to think. The most important thing at the moment was to control all the gladiators and avoid riots.

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