Urban magic doctor

Chapter 560: Someone from the Witch Tribe

Although Chen Yang didn't hear the conversation of the four demons, he knew that those four guys must have bad intentions.

He had a feeling that the appearance of the "Psychic Blood Code" would surely cause turmoil in the city.

And that thing will definitely not come out of the ground out of thin air. I don’t know who has it in someone’s hands or where it will be found.

All this is not known yet.

After he separated from the four demons, he did not return to the Fourth Courtyard. Instead, he quietly boarded a plane to Lecheng. He wanted to return to Qingyun Temple.

"Awakening Pills, five pills, where did you get them?"

Li Yiliang held the porcelain bottle and looked at Chen Yang in surprise.

Chen Yang told what happened. After listening, Li Yiliang frowned and said, "That bastard Eddie is not dead yet."

Chen Yang said unexpectedly: "Do you know Eddie?"

Li Yiliang said: "Of course I know, that dead bat has had many ideas about Hua Jinguo before, but he overestimated the blood clan and underestimated Hua Jinguo's martial arts. He was beaten and fled, and he never came back again. We’ve passed through the Kingdom of Flowers and Brocades.”

As he said that, Li Yiliang changed the subject and said: "But it seems that Eddie has met an expert. He can come up with so many awakening pills. I'm afraid that the mysterious person who pointed him out is not simple."

Chen Yang asked: "Master, do you know the "Psychic Blood Code"?"

Li Yiliang muttered: "I've heard of it. It's said that it seems to be Wu Miao's Gu insect witch doctor technique, but it has been lost long ago. Even Wu Miao people don't have to practice it. Maybe the people behind Eddie want to use it Use the witch doctor's technique to strengthen Eddie's vampire physique."

Chen Yang said: "It seems that this matter is not simple."

Li Yiliang warned: "Anyway, you'd better be careful. When the news of the "Psychic Blood Code" comes out, there will definitely be a lot of people competing for it."

Chen Yang smiled and said: "Master, don't worry, I've got the Awakening Pill, but I won't sacrifice my life for Eddie."

Li Yiliang said: "By the way, those four devils you mentioned, as long as there is a suitable opportunity, kill them. Those four guys are not good people."

"If you don't tell me about this, I will do it." Chen Yang nodded and pointed at the porcelain vase: "Master, these five Awakening Pills are my filial piety to you. I will go back to Dayi first."

Li Yiliang shook his head and said: "No, take the Awakening Pill with you. You need it now."


Chen Yang wanted to refuse, but Li Yiliang interrupted him and said seriously: "You are extremely talented. If you practice hard, your cultivation will soon surpass mine. I am old, and these pills are of little use to me, and you can If you do, you can improve faster. From now on, if you become famous all over the world, my teacher will be happy."

Chen Yang was silent for a moment, took the elixir bottle, and said with a smile: "Leave it to my junior sister to become famous all over the world. I can just become stronger secretly."

Li Yiliang sighed: "Your little junior sister, if she can suppress the devil in her heart, we will burn incense, but don't expect her to become famous. By the way, I forgot to tell you, but never let your little junior sister eat meat." , and don’t let others irritate him. You have to remember that when she was eight years old, she almost destroyed Qingyun Temple because she ate meat secretly. "

"Don't worry, master, I will definitely keep an eye on my little junior sister." Chen Yang nodded and asked, "But master, what's going on with my little junior sister?"

Li Yiliang stroked his beard and said thoughtfully: "I don't know about this. She was able to eat the flesh and blood of her dead parents when she was a baby. In short, this girl has some evil nature. If I didn't feel sorry for her, I would have killed her long ago. .”

Chen Yang smiled and said: "Fortunately you didn't kill me, otherwise there would be no junior sister."

Li Yiliang said: "Anyway, you have to keep an eye on her. If she is really possessed by the devil, then, alas, you will have to be ruthless and kill her..."

Li Yiliang didn't say any more, but Chen Yang knew what he meant.

As for actually facing that kind of situation, if he wanted to be ruthless, Chen Yang believed that he would definitely not be able to do it, and neither would his master.

Before going down the mountain, Chen Yang asked: "Old Li, tell me, who are you? Why do you feel like everyone knows you, and you also know everyone."

"Why are you asking so many questions? Just know that I am your master."

Li Yiliang smiled and entered the Taoist temple.

Chen Yang felt helpless for a while and turned around and went down the mountain.

After returning to Dayi from Qingyun Temple, to Chen Yang's surprise, the women in the fourth courtyard were obediently practicing some boxing and kicking skills with the younger junior sister, and everyone had achieved some success.

Although they are still far from cultivating true energy, they have no problem dealing with ordinary gangsters.

Chen Yang encouraged them a few words, and he himself began to meditate in the room to practice Qi.

With the help of the Awakening Pill, his cultivation improved rapidly.

A month later, after taking the five Awakening Pills, he felt that his energy had doubled and his strength had greatly improved.

No wonder everyone attaches great importance to the Awakening Pill and treats it as a treasure. It is indeed a good thing.

On this day, Chen Yang was practicing, and Guan Xiyue knocked on his door.

Chen Yang asked: "Little nurse, is something wrong?"

Guan Xiyue said: "My father arrived in Dayi. He said he wanted to meet you and invite you to dinner at the Huangting Hotel tonight."

Chen Yang was a little surprised. People in the witchcraft department usually would not leave the witchcraft department if nothing happened. Why did Guan Zheng come to Dayi this time?

He didn't ask any more questions and said to Guan Xiyue: "Uncle invites you, of course you have to go to the appointment."

Seeing that it was almost time, he took a shower, tidied up, changed into a suit, and went out with Guan Xiyue.

The Royal Court Hotel is Nie Qiang's property. Chen Yang has been in and out of Nie Qiang many times. Almost all the staff here know him and call him Mr. Chen.

The two entered the hall. Liu Jian, the guard captain of Cang Yue Division, was waiting here. He greeted from a distance: "Chen Yang, Xi Yue, you are here."

"Brother Liu, you've been waiting for a long time."

Liu Jian was older than Chen Yang, so Chen Yang gave him enough face and called him Brother Liu.

Liu Jian waved his hand and said, "Chen Yang, you're welcome, just call me by my name."

Chen Yang smiled and said: "How can that be done?"

"Let's go, Mr. Li is inside. There are two other big shots tonight. I'll introduce them to you then."

Liu Jian led the way and stopped in front of a private room.

Standing at the door was a young man in his twenties, wearing a suit and having an upright temperament, but there was a hint of sinisterness in his eyes.

When this man looked at Guan Xiyue, his eyes lit up, and the greed in his eyes flashed away.

Liu Jian stepped forward and said: "Deacon Wu, let me introduce to you. This is Guan Xiyue, and this is Chen Yang who broke up the conspiracy of Brother Nicai last time."

After finishing speaking, Liu Jian said to Chen Yang and Guan Xiyue: "This is the big shot I just mentioned, the deacon of Wu Miao, Wu Tiao."

Deacon Wu Miao!

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows. This young man's status was not low. Below the Witch King and the elders, he was the deacon.

The other party has this status, and he went to Dayi with Guan Zheng. Chen Yang can barely be regarded as the host, so naturally he cannot neglect the other party.

He reached out his hand and said, "Hello."

Unexpectedly, Wu Tiao ignored Chen Yang, stretched out his hand to Guan Xiyue and said, "I have long heard that Cang Yue Minister Lao Guan Zheng has a daughter who looks like a fairy. When I saw her today, she was indeed extraordinary."

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