In the early morning, the sun shines on Dongdu, coating the densely populated Dongdu with a light golden color, making the city even more resplendent.

The imperial palace located in the center of the Eastern Capital covers an area of ​​10,000 acres and is equivalent to a city within a city. It is built very grandly and magnificently.

At the entrance of the palace, a carriage stopped. Lian Shang, who was driving the horse, got out of the car and handed the token in his hand to the guard guarding the gate.

After seeing the token, the guard looked solemn and immediately opened the palace door to let him through.

Among all the princes, only Prince Hui has the right to pass through the palace.

Because he did not participate in the battle for the throne that year, this was a privilege given to him by the emperor after consultation with the elders.

The carriage drove slowly inside the palace, and after a while, it arrived at Dongyang Palace.

Dongyang Palace is the residence of the current emperor of the Anxia Dynasty. It is heavily guarded and no one can enter without Wanyan Canglan's order.

The carriage stopped in front of Dongyang Palace. Lian Shang stood aside. Wan Yanhui got off the carriage. The soldiers guarding outside Dongyang Palace saluted in unison, but did not make any sound, as if they were afraid of alarming the emperor inside Dongyang Palace.

"Lian Chong, let me know."

Wan Yanhui stopped in front of an old man and said calmly.

The old man named Lian Chong has a somewhat similar appearance and face.

In fact, they are cousins.

The Lian family has always served the Wanyan family, and the elite among them will become the close confidants of the elite in the Wanyan family.

Lian Chong and Lian Shang are such elites.

Of course, they are loyal to different masters and have no feelings for each other for a long time. They will only obey the orders of their own masters.

"Prince Hui, wait a moment."

Lian Chong bowed slightly and immediately entered the Dongyang Palace.

Not long after, Lian Chong returned, made an invitation gesture sideways, and said: "Prince Hui, please come in."

Wan Yanhui nodded and walked into Dongyang Palace.

"Fifth Emperor, your sudden arrival in Beijing is really a surprise to the Emperor."

In the hall, a man in a dragon robe stood behind the desk, holding a brush in his hand and writing something. He heard footsteps and looked up at Wan Yanhui who walked in the door.

The man has a majestic appearance, a handsome figure, and a restrained momentum.

This person is none other than Wanyan Canglan, the emperor of the Anxia Dynasty.

"Greetings to the Emperor."

Wan Yanhui bowed slightly, walked to the desk, and said, "Brother, to be honest, I have something to ask for when I come to Beijing this time."

"Is there anything that requires you to go there in person?"

Wanyan Canglan put down the pen in his hand. There was a word written on the rice paper on his desk. There was only one stroke, which was "一".

This word is vigorous, powerful, and majestic. It has the aura of a dragon flying to the nine heavens and dominating the world.

Wan Yanhui looked away from the desk and said, "Brother Emperor, I want to ask you to open the portal and send a friend to the Divine Sea."

"Going to Shenhai?"

Wanyan Canglan was silent for a moment and said, "You don't know that since that incident, the number of places for Daxia Dynasty to travel to the Divine Sea has been greatly reduced, and there are only a few opportunities a year.

Although there is still one quota for this year, it will never be used easily if it is not necessary.

Your friend is going to the Divine Sea, but I'm afraid he won't be able to satisfy himself. "

Wan Yanhui complained: "Brother Emperor, I have already promised that friend. I bet you won't embarrass me, right?"

"The portal is in my hands. You agreed before I agreed. Are you making the decision for me, the emperor?"

Wanyan Canglan's expression was calm, and his tone was calm, but it gave off a sharp-edged feeling.

Wanyanhui found that Wanyan Canglan's attitude seemed different from before.

Although Wanyan Canglan was a ruthless person, and even more unscrupulous when fighting for the throne, he always treated Wanyan Hui very warmly.

But Wanyan Canglan's attitude today seemed very cold, even a bit hostile.

Wan Yanhui frowned slightly and said, "Brother Emperor, I promise that friend that I will ask for your permission. You must not embarrass me."

"A very important friend?" Wanyan Canglan asked.

"They are indeed very important friends."

Wanyanhui did not elaborate. He was worried that Wei Lingyin's poisoning would be exposed and Wanyan Canglan would be on guard.

"Since we are very important friends, it is hard for me to refute your reputation. However, it is too hasty to allow this person to use the last opportunity to go to the Divine Sea this year."

Wanyan Canglan thought for a moment and said in deep thought: "My five-hundredth birthday is approaching. At that time, I will choose the one I like best from the many gifts, and then fulfill the wish of the person who gave the gift.

When the time comes, ask that person to give you a generous gift. I will choose his gift and grant his wish to go to the Divine Sea.

In this way, it is reasonable and reasonable, so that the people in the royal family and all the officials in the court have nothing to say. "

Hearing this, Wan Yanhui hesitated.

After all, he planned to question Wei Lingyin about the poisoning on Wanyan Canglan's birthday.

At that time, the elders of the clan, civil and military officials will all attend, and it is a great time.

There must be an explanation for who is right and who is wrong.

"Why, Fifth Emperor Brother, you don't agree?"

Wanyan Canglan smiled and said: "I have already promised you, I just have to wait a few days, and you can't let your brother be in trouble."

Wan Yanhui said: "That's not the case. I was just thinking about what kind of gift my friend needs to be attracted by you, the emperor brother."

Wanyan Canglan said: "Any gift, if I say I like it, can anyone refute it?"

"If the stuff you send is too bad, there's no guarantee that others won't say you're operating in secret." Wan Yanhui joked.

"Ha ha."

Wanyan Canglan smiled and said: "Even if it is done behind closed doors, I am the emperor and the king of the Anxia Dynasty. Who can refuse to accept it?"

Wan Yanhui said: "Thank you very much, Brother Huang. I will go back now and tell my friends the good news."

Wanyan Canglan smiled and said: "Fifth Emperor Brother, you must not let other brothers know about this matter, otherwise, they will say that I am partial again."

"Brother, don't worry, I won't tell anyone else about you."

Wan Yanhui cupped his hand and left immediately.

After Wanyanhui exited the palace gate, Wanyan Canglan's eyes gradually turned gloomy, snorted coldly, looked at the word "一" on the rice paper on the table, and said in a deep voice: "The Anxia Dynasty is my territory, everyone belongs to me. You are my people, I want you to live, I want you to die, it all depends on my thoughts, no one can disobey."

After the words fell, Wanyan Canglan pressed his palm on the rice paper. The rice paper with the word "一" written on it suddenly burned, and the raging fire rose up, and then gradually disappeared into the void.

At this time, Lian Chong walked into the palace door and bowed: "Your Majesty, do you want me to..."

"Need not."

Wanyan Canglan interrupted in a deep voice and said: "If the Fifth Emperor's brother recognizes me, then wish me a good birthday. If he has evil intentions, my birthday will be his memorial day."

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