Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5558 Save a hand

Wan Yanhui's eyes flickered and he said in surprise: "Alchemist Chen, are you... going to kill them?"

He didn't expect that Chen Yang would threaten to kill someone when he was present.

Although he respected and was grateful to Chen Yang, killing someone here would be too much.

Chen Yang held up his hands to Wan Yanhui and said, "Zhou Weixian, Zhou Kang, and Zhou Haoran are the chief culprits who must be eliminated. Please forgive me."

Zhou Weixian and others were sweating from behind, and looked at Wan Yanhui for help. Only Wan Yanhui could help them now.

Wan Yanhui said: "Master Chen, I can ask the Zhou family to give you more resources. As for killing them, I don't think it is necessary. After all, they have already apologized."

Chen Yang said: "Having said that, if you hadn't come forward today, the king, I would probably be dead. What's more, I have given them a chance to change their ways, but they want to kill me, how can I let them go. "

Wan Yanhui was speechless. After all, Chen Yang's words made sense.

If someone really wants to kill Wanyan Hui, although he is kind and friendly, he will not let the other person go in this situation.

But after all, the Zhou family is one of the four major families in Linyun County. As the king of the county, if he just sits back and ignores it, the other three major families will definitely be disappointed.

At that time, there will be no benefit to him in managing the entire Linyun County.

Moreover, if he really wants to start a war against the emperor's brother, Linyun County will be his base camp, and he will need to rely on the power of the four major families.

Therefore, he did not want to see Zhou Weixian killed.

After a moment of silence, Wan Yanhui said to Chen Yang, "Alchemist Chen, can you give me some face and let this matter be settled?"

Chen Yang couldn't help but frown. For this reason, he couldn't ignore Wan Yanhui.

After thinking for a while, he said to Wan Yanhui: "Prince, it's not that I despise you, but the Zhou family is really vicious. If they are not suppressed, I will not be able to calm down."

Wan Yanhui said: "In that case, I will make the decision and the Zhou family will give you 30% of their resources. The grudges between you and the Zhou family will be wiped out. Moreover, the affairs of Zhao Mian and the Mei family will be handled properly. No one in Linyun County will bully them. I don’t know what Alchemist Chen is thinking."

"It would be disrespectful of me if I didn't nod."

Chen Yang still had to use Wan Yanhui's way to reach the Divine Sea, so he didn't want to make it too difficult for Wan Yanhui.

Wan Yanhui felt relieved and said to Zhou Weixian: "Brother Zhou, 30% is voluntarily given to Master Chen. You should have no objections, right?"

"Everything must be obeyed by the prince."

In Linyun County, Wan Yanhui is the king. Not to mention 30% of the resources, even if the Zhou family is handed over to Chen Yang, Zhou Weixian cannot say no.

"In this case, the delivery should be carried out within two days. Those fixed resources are not necessary. 30% of the resources only require circulating items such as spiritual stones, spiritual herbs, elixirs, and weapons."

Because Chen Yang and Wan Yanhui were going to Kyoto in two days, Wan Yanhui gave Zhou Weixian a two-day limit.

Most of the Zhou family's resources are fixed assets. There is even a mine in Linyun County that is still being mined, accounting for half of the Zhou family's resources.

Now, 30% of the liquid resources must be given to Chen Yang, which is equivalent to emptying out all the current reserves of the Zhou family.

But Zhou Weixian couldn't agree, so he could only agree: "Yes, the prince."

"Then thank you Senior Zhou for the gift."

Chen Yang laughed and said to Zhou Weixian.

Zhou Weixian looked embarrassed and said, "I hope Master Chen will ignore the past grudges."

"Easy to say, easy to say." Chen Yang smiled.

"Brother Zhou, after preparing the resources, go to the Prince's Mansion to find Alchemist Chen, and we will take our leave."

After Wan Yanhui warned Zhou Weixian, he left Zhou Mansion with Chen Yang and Liao Fuquan.

Zhou Weixian sent them out of the door, and when they walked away, a look of resentment appeared on his face, and he was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

The other Zhou family members also looked ugly and angry.

They all thought that today they could wash away yesterday's humiliation and capture Chen Yang.

But who would have known that the plot would take such a shocking turn. If Wan Yanhui hadn't explained it to them, they would all have been killed by Chen Yang now.

This made everyone in the Zhou family who were running rampant in Linyun County feel angry and unwilling.

But even Wan Yanhui is on Chen Yang's side, so what can they do?


Zhou Weixian was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood.



Everyone quickly expressed concern.

"Grandpa, is this the only way this can happen?"

Zhou Haoran looked resentful, but still had a glimmer of hope in retaliating against Chen Yang.

Zhou Weixian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his face was livid, and he was silent for a while, then said: "We can only hand over 30% of the resources first. But it is absolutely impossible for me, Zhou Weixian, to swallow this breath."

Zhou Kang frowned: "But Chen Yang's demon slave is very strong and we can't defeat it. Now, there is a county king backing him, how should we deal with it?"

Zhou Weixian's eyes were cold and he said in a deep voice: "Wan Yanhui helped an outsider but didn't help us. He is ruthless and unjust, so don't blame us for turning against him.

I have already obtained the invitation letter for the Emperor's birthday. When the time comes, I will go to Beijing to meet the Holy Spirit, and I can take this opportunity to get closer to the Emperor.

It would be best if we could get rid of Chen Yang with the help of the emperor.

Even if I don't want to, I will definitely take revenge in the future.

I don't believe that Wan Yanhui can keep that boy Chen Yang with the emperor's intervention. "

Zhou Kang was puzzled: "Father, what can we do to make the emperor pay attention to us?"

Zhou Weixian said: "I have prepared the gift. It is the secret of the Dalie Dynasty. The emperor has long had ideas about attacking the Dalie Dynasty. With this secret, the Anxia Dynasty's probability of victory will increase by at least 30%. I present this As a matter of fact, the emperor will definitely look at me differently. When the time comes, I will naturally be able to get close to the emperor."

Zhou Kang said unexpectedly: "Hasn't that thing been given to the prince as a gift to the emperor?"

Zhou Weixian said: "Originally, I planned to give it to the king, but I changed my mind. Instead of being on good terms with the king, it would be better to surrender to the emperor directly. What I gave to the king was the Five Rainbow Jade. Although it is also a treasure, it is less valuable than what I have in my hand. The secrets we have are far behind."

Hearing this, the senior officials of the Zhou family finally knew that Zhou Weixian had something to hide.

Although doing this is very dangerous and will bring disaster if discovered by the prince, the Zhou family believes that it is worth taking the risk in order to retaliate against the prince and Chen Yang.

And, if successful, the prospects are promising.

Zhou Weixian told Zhou Kang: "Go to the treasure house, sort out our reserves, and send them to Chen Yang. Quietly put a tracking spirit stone in it. We will get these things back sooner or later."

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