Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5508 Family Split

Chen Yang thought about many possibilities, and also thought that Zhao Dingnan and Ku Xuan were inextricably linked. He even speculated that Zhao Dingnan and figures such as the master of Jidian Palace were related.

But he never expected that Ku Xuan was Zhao Dingnan's grandfather. This relationship was too close.

The master of Ji Palace is Zhao Dingnan’s mother, who is Ku Xuan’s daughter. No wonder Ji Palace clearly belongs to Ji Yin Palace, but it doesn’t obey the orders of Ji Yin Palace, and Ji Yin Palace turns a deaf ear.

This is Ku Xuan's indulgence and love for his daughter.

It can be seen from this that although Ku Xuan is ruthless and even cultivates by smelting the entire White World, he is not indifferent to his relatives.

However, what made Chen Yang curious was how the Ji Yin Palace was divided into the Ji Palace and the Yin Palace, and why there were completely different concepts.

"Ximen Zhen, you know my identity, so you won't be scared out of your wits, right?"

Seeing that Chen Yang remained silent, Zhao Dingnan frowned.

Chen Yang came back to his senses and said: "Since the master of Jidian Palace is your mother, why can't you stay here?"

"That's a long story."

Zhao Dingnan curled his lips and told Chen Yang the whole story.

It turned out that after the war with the demon clan that year, Ku Xuan gained a lot of resources and rose to power, commanding six of the thirteen states and establishing the powerful Jiyin Palace, which was unparalleled for a while.

However, he followed the evil path and practiced evil skills. He only benefited himself and never cared about the life, death and suffering of others.

Because he was addicted to cultivation, Ku Xuan lived for ten thousand years, but he still had no children.

It wasn't until ten thousand years after the war between the demon clan that he had his only daughter, Zhao Dingnan's mother, Ruo Lan, the current master of the Jidian Palace.

After getting a son at an old age, Ku Xuan gave all his love to his daughter, met all her conditions, and hoped to train her daughter to be his successor.

However, Ruolan has lived in the Jiyin Palace since she was a child, and has been exposed to the most vicious and vicious human cultivators, but she is pure at heart and is kind to others.

Let alone a human being, she is not willing to kill even an ant easily.

This also led to Ruolan's unwillingness to practice the evil skills that Ku Xuan taught her that she was proud of.

At first, Ku Xuan was very dissatisfied with this, thinking that his daughter had not inherited his talent and could not inherit his mantle.

But after all, he doted on his daughter, and later gradually disapproved of it, as long as her daughter was happy and getting better.

As for the daughter's character and cultivation, it doesn't matter.

As Ruolan came of age, she discovered that the exercises, magical powers, and secret techniques of Jiyin Palace were all evil, and the cultivation methods were very cruel and vicious, and she was very dissatisfied with this.

She persuaded Ku Xuan many times, hoping that Ku Xuan would abandon evil and do good, but Ku Xuan did not listen and became increasingly dissatisfied with Ruo Lan's behavior. The father and daughter often had disputes.

The people in the Jiyin Palace are more vicious than the others, and they want to kill everyone in the world to practice. Ruolan is isolated there, and there is no one who can speak in common with her.

She was lonely, sad, and felt hopeless.

However, just when she decided to end her life to warn her father about Ku Xuan's change, a slave sent to serve her touched her heart.

This slave's name was Zhao Lingang. He was handsome but not very talented, so he became Ruolan's servant.

At first, the two of them were speechless.

As the conversation gradually deepened, Ruolan finally found her soulmate, and Zhao Linang was also a kind person.

The two became romantically involved over time and fell in love.

Although she was not pregnant, Ku Xuan knew about the two of them.

In Kuxuan's view, the slave was not worthy of his daughter at all. This was an insult to him and his daughter, so he decided to execute Zhao Linang.

Ruo Lan threatened to die and saved Zhao Linang's life.

Ku Xuan was so angry that he ordered Zhao Lingang to be expelled from Jiyin Palace and let him live in the wilderness.

Ruolan couldn't bear to see Zhao Linang suffer, so she offered to go with Zhao Linang and depend on him.

Ku Xuan was very angry, thinking that his daughter was so obsessed that she actually liked a lowly slave.

After the father and daughter had a big quarrel, Ku Xuan threatened not to pay attention to Ruo Lan's affairs and asked Ruo Lan and Zhao Ling'ang to leave.

However, Ku Xuan loves his daughter very much, so he can't be so cruel.

He secretly sent someone to protect Ruolan and sent back information regularly. Knowing that Zhao Linang took great care of Ruolan, his dislike for Zhao Linang was alleviated a lot.

At least this man loves his daughter.

Until Zhao Linang and Ruolan's first daughter was born, Ku Xuan finally couldn't sit still and came to see his granddaughter in person. He was overjoyed.

Ku Xuan and Ruo Lan had a long talk, hoping that Ruo Lan could change his mind and return to Jiyin Palace.

But Ruolan hated Ji Yin Gong's behavior and said that if Ku Xuan did not change Ji Yin Gong, she would sever the father-daughter relationship with Ku Xuan.

Ku Xuan was so angry that he took his granddaughter away.

Ruolan lost her daughter and wanted to go to the Jiyin Palace to find her, but couldn't find it.

Moreover, she and Zhao Lingang could not reach the Jiyin Palace on foot.

However, she did not give up, and started an endless journey with her husband, just to reach the Jiyin Palace and get her daughter back.

On the way, Ruolan gave birth to her second child, also a girl.

Unexpectedly, everything about her was under Ku Xuan's surveillance.

Ku Xuan appeared again, and the two broke down again.

Ruolan's second daughter was also taken away by Ku Xuan again.

She was so sad that she almost went crazy. If it weren't for Zhao Linang's care and comfort, she might have committed suicide.

The couple continued to pursue the Jiyin Palace.

Ruo Lan found out that she was pregnant, but thinking about the daughter she had lost, she did not dare to give birth to the child, otherwise it would be taken away by Ku Xuan, shrouded in darkness, and possibly turn into a devil.

So she decided to abort the child.

But then, Ku Xuan appeared and promised her that he would never take away her child. Then she gave up her thoughts and saved the child's life.

Although Ku Xuan is fierce, he is very trustworthy to Ruo Lan, so Ruo Lan does not doubt his words and gives birth to the child.

This third child, also a daughter, is Zhao Qingxuan.

After that, Zhao Qingxuan followed Ruolan and continued to Jiyin Palace with Zhao Linang.

But then Ruolan woke up and realized that her abilities were humble. Even if she reached the Jiyin Palace, what could she do to get her two daughters back?

There are two ways now, the first is to negotiate with Ku Xuan; the second is to use strength to get his daughter back.

The negotiation would definitely not work, so Ruolan decided that she must become stronger, not only for her daughter, but also to change the environment of the six states including Youzhou and Guzhou, so that the innocent people can live a happy life.

But the problem is that apart from remembering the evil techniques that Ku Xuan forcibly instilled into her mind, she has no other way to practice.

The evil cultivation methods are harmful to nature, and she will definitely not practice them.

Therefore, we need to find another way.

But she knew nothing about cultivation and didn't know any relevant information. This path was too difficult.

Just when she was at a loss, she met someone who changed her life.

Having said this, Zhao Dingnan paused and sighed: "According to what my mother said, at that time she heard that there was a human treasure appearing in the Badiran desert, so she went to the desert to look for the treasure.

But with her mortal body, she couldn't find any treasure, and even enduring the scorching heat of the desert almost killed her.

Fortunately, the respected senior saved her. "

Hearing this, Chen Yang smiled and said casually: "Don't tell me that the senior is called Master Hao Lan."

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