Urban magic doctor

Chapter 548 Private Chat

After the incident in the Tang family calmed down, the Thornblood sect and the Eddie family who were looking for cooperation with Chen Yang never appeared again, and Chen Yang's life returned to peace.

Dayi, four courtyards.

Chen Yang leaned on the bamboo couch in the yard and said to Tao Xiaotong who had just entered the door: "Little junior sister, did you study hard today?"

Tao Xiaotong said: "Yes, but..."

"But what?"

"I contradicted the teacher and was punished by the teacher."

Chen Yang smiled and asked, "Why?"

"Because the history the teacher taught was different from what the master taught, I corrected the teacher and he made me stand."

"You're not punished by standing still, are you?"

"I only listen to the master and you. He asked me to stand for a while, and then I left."

"Well done, what did the teacher say?"

"He said he wanted to invite the parents."

"Okay, I'll help you solve it. You don't need to ask your parents."


Tao Xiaotong nodded, then went to the kitchen to help Su Zining.

With the background and strength Chen Yang has shown, Dayi University of Technology now attaches great importance to him, and the president Wu Lingyu has to give him face.

Chen Yang called Wu Lingyu directly. After telling the story about the junior sister, Wu Lingyu cursed and said: "Who is so ignorant that you dare to ask your sister to invite the parents? Don't worry, leave this matter to me."

"Then thank you Principal Wu."

Chen Yang thanked him and hung up the phone.

After a while, Guan Xiyue also came back.

The little nurse is wearing a T-shirt and jeans. She is young, beautiful and full of energy.

However, Chen Yang doesn't like the little nurse's outfit. He likes the little nurse to wear a nurse's uniform.

He blurted out: "Little nurse, I like to see you in your nurse uniform."

Guan Xiyue blushed, bit her lip, and said while walking to her room, "Oh."

Seeing her shy look, Chen Yang laughed happily.

Soon, Liu Pheasant came back.

There were beads of sweat on her forehead. It was obvious that she had just finished dancing, and she hadn't had time to change out of her dance clothes, which highlighted her delicate figure.

After entering the fourth courtyard, she took a change of clothes and went straight to the bathroom.

Hearing the sound of water rushing in the bathroom, Chen Yang remembered the scene when he had just returned to Dayi, when he was taking a bath in the bathroom and Ye Yiqing broke in.

Just as he was remembering, Kalla came back.

Karla is now working as a fitness coach and her figure is getting better and better.

In addition, she is sexy and beautiful, and many people in the gym are chasing her.

Because it is a high-end gym, many of the fitness members there are big bosses and officials in Dayi.

At first, everyone was interested, but after Karla beat up three gym members who were rude to her, no one dared to mess with her anymore.

The women in the Fourth Courtyard all knew about the relationship between Karla and Chen Yang, and Karla didn't hide anything.

As soon as she entered the fourth courtyard, she walked straight over and kissed Chen Yang on the face.

Chen Yang smiled evilly and said, "I'll go to your room tonight."

Karla blinked, showed a sexy smile, and walked towards the kitchen to help Su Zining.

At this time, Ye Yiqing happened to come back.

She saw Karla kissing Chen Yang and heard Chen Yang's words, which made her feel uncomfortable.

She almost confessed her love to her during the last trip to Lingxi Mountain, but who knew that Su Zining was being teased and her affairs were interrupted.

At this moment, watching Chen Yang flirting with Karla, she felt depressed.

Chen Yang waved to Ye Yiqing: "Yiqing, you're back."

Ye Yiqing came back to her senses, glanced at Chen Yang, said nothing, and went to the kitchen with a sullen face.

Chen Yang muttered: "I didn't provoke you."

After a while, dinner was served.

What everyone didn't expect was that Guan Xiyue actually changed into a nurse's uniform.

The most depressed person is Ye Yiqing.

The more she thought about it, the more panicked she became. She finished the meal in a few mouthfuls, stood up and said, "I'm full. I have a mission tonight, so I'll leave first."

After saying that, she went straight back to the room.

After a while everyone saw her putting on her uniform and going out.

About half an hour later, Chen Yang received a text message, and the sender was Ye Yiqing.

"At 9 p.m., room 1508 of Senhai Hotel, I'll wait for you."

Seeing this text message, Chen Yang raised his eyebrows and thought to himself: "What kind of trick is Yi Qing going to play?"

In order to prevent others from seeing this text message, Chen Yang quickly put his phone away, pretended that nothing was wrong, and continued eating.

At 8:30 pm, Chen Yang said hello to the girls of the Fourth Courtyard, and specifically told Karla not to wait for him at night, and then he left the Fourth Courtyard.

Standing in front of Room 1508 of Senhai Hotel, Chen Yang knocked on the door. There were footsteps inside, and then the door clicked open.

In the room, Ye Yiqing was wearing a uniform, buttoned tightly, with a stern expression, as if she was about to arrest a prisoner.

He looked at Ye Yiqing, who was in uniform. The two had known each other for a long time, lived in the same compound, and had experienced so many things together. If they said they had no feelings, it would definitely be a lie.

It's just that Chen Yang won't take the initiative to express his feelings before he knows what the other person is thinking.

After all, it is very difficult for a woman to accept that a man has multiple women.

After Karla's ideological indoctrination, Ye Yiqing has obviously accepted it now.

It can also be seen from this that she really loves Chen Yang.

In this case, between Chen Yang and Ye Yiqing, he would never let Ye Yiqing take the initiative. This was unfair to Ye Yiqing.

At this time, Ye Yiqing said: "Chen Yang, I want to talk to you."

PS: Yogurt has a severe cold and fever. Fortunately, the task of updating 4 has been completed. I won’t stay up late tonight to code. I will go to the hospital tomorrow. I’m not sure if I can update 4 early tomorrow morning, but Yogurt will do his best!

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