Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5423 Negotiation

Seeing that Gu Hui despised him, Chen Yang couldn't help but feel funny.

Although the realm he displayed at the moment was the first level of three stars, he was still stronger than Gu Hui. But who was Gu Hui looking at with his complacent look?

Chen Yang didn't pay attention to Ju Hui's attitude, followed him and left the restaurant.

After a while, the two stopped in front of a huge wooden building.

Most of the buildings in the entire sand city are made of loess, and there are very few buildings that can be made of wooden materials. They all show the noble status of the owners.

The wooden building in front of them covers a vast area and has nine floors. It shows an extraordinary momentum, which shows the extraordinary strength of the Ersha Gang.

After entering the wooden building, Ju Hui led Chen Yang to the top floor.

Stopping in front of a room, the short Gu Hui looked back at Chen Yang, who was a head taller than him, and said: "Don't blame me for not reminding you, this is your opportunity, seize it, you have a bright future, otherwise, You know."

Chen Yang smiled but did not respond.

With a displeased look on his face, Ju Hui knocked on the door in front of him.

"Come in."

After receiving the answer from inside, Ju Hui opened the door and saw that the room was fifty square meters in size. A bald man was sitting on a large chair and looking at the door of the room.

There is a tattoo on the left side of the big man's bald head, which is a black hydra.

"Ha ha……"

The big man suddenly laughed, pointed at Chen Yang outside the door, and said, "Quick, let that guy in."

Ju Hui had to move away and said to Chen Yang, "This is our gang leader, why don't you go in and salute."

Chen Yang stepped into the room and looked at the bald man in front of him. He was at the fourth-level and seventh-level level, and his strength was really not weak. It was no wonder that he could lead the Ersha Gang and become the second-ranked gang in Shacheng.

Chen Yang thought to himself that the people he injured before were probably members of the Ersha Gang, otherwise, the other party would not come looking for him.

But it's just a few gangsters, does the gang leader need to come forward?

Could it be that he values ​​his level 1st level of three stars and wants to win him over to join the Ersha Gang?

In all likelihood, this is the case, otherwise Gu Hui would not have said that this was his opportunity.

While Chen Yang was thinking, he said to the bald man in front of him: "My friend, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Haha, good thing, you did a great thing."

The bald man clapped his hands and cheered, with a look of excitement on his face, and said with joy, "Do you know who the person you injured today is?"


Chen Yang said calmly, but he was surprised in his heart. I beat your man, and you are still so happy. Are you mentally ill?

The bald man shouted: "Haha, the person you injured is my brother-in-law."

Chen Yang twitched the corners of his mouth, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I didn't expect that I accidentally hit your brother-in-law."

"No, no, no, there's nothing to be embarrassed about." The bald man waved his hands quickly and said with a smile: "This is a good thing. That bastard has been relying on the name of the Ersha Gang all day long to bully the weak and fear the strong outside. I am worried that there is no one." Being able to take care of him is a good thing I met you."

"What a coincidence."

Chen Yang couldn't help but find it funny and asked: "Friend, you are at the four-star realm, why can't you deal with your brother-in-law?"

The bald man said angrily: "It's not because of his sister, who is my wife. If I beat him, how can I explain to his sister?"

"Then now that I have injured him, how will you explain to his sister?" Chen Yang said.

The bald man smiled and said: "It's very simple. First, give her the murderer's body. Second, if the murderer is one of the Ersha Gang, then just pretend nothing happened."

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "So, my brother came to me because he wants me to join the Ersha Gang?"

The bald man looked carefree, but there was a bit of slyness in his eyes, and he smiled and said: "What, you're still not happy?

I originally planned to kill you, but after investigation, I found that you are actually at the first level of Samsung, but you are not weak.

In this case, it would be a pity to kill him, why not join our Ersha Gang.

You have to know that in the entire Sha City, countless people want to join the Ersha Gang, but they have no chance.

Now the opportunity is in front of you, you must cherish it. "

Chen Yang shrugged: "I don't plan to stay in Shacheng for a long time. If I join the Ersha Gang, I won't be able to contribute much to the gang."

The bald man's smile gradually faded, and a ruthless look appeared on his face as he said, "I told you, there are two choices, either join the Ersha Gang or become a corpse."

"Forget it turns into a corpse."

Chen Yang shook his head, thoughtfully, and said, "I want to know, if I join the Ersha Gang, can you help me get the token of a Yin Temple cultivator?"

"You're crazy."

Ju Hui at the door looked shocked and shouted: "What kind of existence is the Yin Palace? You actually tried to steal the tokens of the Yin Palace cultivators. Do you want our entire Ersha Gang to be destroyed?"

The bald man was much calmer, with a thoughtful look on his face, and said to Chen Yang: "The token of the Jidian cultivator, this is contraband, you asked us to take the risk to get it for you, and what can you bring to us? If it were just you, I wouldn't be that interested."

Judging from this, he was obviously willing to negotiate terms with Chen Yang.

Ju Hui became anxious and said quickly: "Gang leader, this must not be done. If Ji Dian is provoked, we..."

"I have my own sense of proportion."

The bald man interrupted Ju Hui's words, then looked at Chen Yang, raised his chin, and asked Chen Yang to give him the answer.

Chen Yang smiled and said: "What you want is nothing more than resources. If you can help me get the token of the Ji Palace cultivator, I can give you a powerful "Star Art"."

"The powerful "Star Art"?" The bald man smiled disdainfully and said, "How powerful is it? Maybe the power in your eyes is just penniless in my eyes."

Chen Yang did not defend himself, but took out a first-grade spiritual stone, carved it into a spiritual seal, and threw it to the bald man.

The bald man activated the spirit ultimatum dubiously. After reading the content, a look of surprise appeared on his face, and he eagerly shouted to Chen Yang: "Give it to me. Where is the Star Secret at the back? Give it to me quickly."

Seeing this, Ju Hui knew that this Star Technique was not simple, otherwise the gang leader would not be so rude.

Chen Yang smiled calmly and said to the bald man: "This is the condition I gave. If you take out the token of the Yin Palace cultivator, I will give you the complete Star Art."

"Hand it over immediately!"

Ju Hui looked sulky and scolded sternly.

The bald man said solemnly: "Give me the Star Secret, otherwise, you will never get out..."

Chen Yang laughed and interrupted: "Hahaha, do you think I am the kind of person who is afraid of threats? Don't say you kill me, even if you touch a hair on my head, you won't get the Star Secret."

Ju Hui shouted: "This is the territory of the Ersha Gang, do you still want to act like a hero?"

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