Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5380 Misunderstanding

"Thank you, Senior Ji!"

Flying out of the sky-filled lake, Chen Yang cupped his hands to Ji Youjian beside him and thanked him.

He had broken the formation at the bottom of the lake before, but Hu Yufeng flew into the water again and attacked him.

He was at the critical moment of breaking the formation, and he couldn't be distracted or separate. Otherwise, the backlash of the formation would kill him immediately.

However, it was impossible for him to ignore Hu Yufeng.

Just when he was in a dilemma, Ji Youjian suddenly appeared, helped him block Hu Yufeng, and easily killed the seriously injured Hu Yufeng.

"No need to thank me, I'm just following the helmsman's orders."

Ji Youjian waved his hand, looked at Chen Yang with more appreciation and admiration, and said with a smile: "I really didn't expect that your boy can really break the formation, and it takes less than half a stick of incense."

After a pause, Ji Youjian said a little embarrassedly: "I wrongly blamed you before, and I will apologize to you."

"Senior Ji, you're welcome." Chen Yang said humbly.

"Vice Captain Ji, you are still alive!"

At this time, Nie Tian saw Chen Yang and Ji Youjian, with a look of joy and surprise on his face, and quickly flew over.

When she got closer, she said happily: "It turns out that it was Vice Helmsman Ji who dealt with Hu Yufeng before. Why did I say that Hu Yufeng was seriously injured and flew out from the lake?"

Nie Tian misunderstood, thinking that the first time Hu Yufeng was repelled was due to Ji Youjian.

Ji Youjian was about to explain when Chen Yang pointed to the air and exclaimed: "No, what is Captain Ge doing? The energy fluctuations are so unstable. Is he going to self-destruct?"


Ji Youjian was shocked, and quickly flew towards Ge Yinxiang, saying: "Maybe he saw the formation's light flashing, thinking that the formation was activated again."

"Is not it?"

Nie Tian looked confused, and she thought the formation was activated again.

"I'll explain it later, Senior Nie, let's settle the battle first."

Chen Yang rushed into the battle. Although he did not exert his full strength, he was able to deal with some ordinary Yunge Sect cultivators with ease.

"Ge Yinxiang, you lunatic, you will die if you blow yourself up."

Facing Ge Yinxiang who was chasing after him, Fu Weiming complained endlessly, but was powerless.

At this time, Ji Youjian arrived quickly and shouted: "Master Ge, stop quickly, you can't blow yourself up."

Ge Yinxiang laughed and said: "The Yunge sect has done many evil things. We must destroy them this time. You don't need to persuade me, as long as..."

Ji Youjian interrupted: "I'm not trying to persuade you. The formation has been cracked. Why are you so self-destructive?"

"Has the formation been cracked?"

Ge Yinxiang quickly stabilized the energy in his body and wondered: "Since it has been cracked, why is the formation below still shining?"

Ji Youjian hurriedly explained: "Dongfang Xuan closed the formation first. He said he wanted to completely destroy the formation, so he changed the formation pattern. Now the forces inside the formation are impacting each other, and it will soon completely collapse."

"I see."

Ge Yinxiang's eyes lit up, but he didn't expect that he had misunderstood.

Fu Weiming, who was running away, suddenly changed his expression when he heard Ji Youjian's words. He quickly took out the formation flag and found that the formation flag could not control the formation, and the energy it received was chaotic.

Only then did he know that the protective formation that the Yunge Sect had finally hired someone to set up had actually been cracked.

And it was cracked in less than half a stick of incense.

"How is it possible? Is Dongfang Xuan's formation attainments so brilliant?"

Fu Weiming was shocked and confused, but he had no time to think about the answer to the question because Ge Yinxiang was already attacking him, so he quickly accepted the challenge.

At this time, Ji Youjian loudly announced that the formation had been broken, and the Yunge Sect cultivators who had regained some morale suddenly lost their will to fight again.

After two consecutive blows, they completely lost the courage to fight.

Moreover, seeing their companions around them being killed one by one, they did not have the strong will of Yongting's helm cultivators, and their hearts completely collapsed.

"Surrender, I surrender."

"Stop fighting, I surrender."

Soon, some people from the Yunge faction put down their weapons and surrendered, but were captured alive by Yongting's men.

The battle situation changed extremely quickly, and the Yunge Sect was gone in the blink of an eye.

The first person surrendered, and then the army was defeated like a mountain. People from the Yunge faction surrendered one after another, and there were not many people left who persisted in fighting.

Fu Weiming and the top leaders of the Yunge Sect personally supervised the battle, but still few people dared to continue fighting.

In the end, there were less than a hundred people left, still united around Fu Weiming. The battle circle was continuously compressed, and they were about to be wiped out in one fell swoop.

"Damn it, damn it..."

Fu Weiming was so angry that his eyes were splitting. He had been planning for many years, but it was ruined in one fell swoop. He had nowhere to vent his anger.

However, he was not reluctant to fight. He made a prompt decision, used his speed to the extreme, passed through the crowd, and escaped.

"Fu Weiming, don't leave."

Ge Yinxiang immediately chased after him. Fu Weiming was the evil leader and he would never let him go.

For a moment, the two of them disappeared in an instant.

The others wanted to follow, but they couldn't catch up quickly and could only watch helplessly.

The remaining people of the Yunge faction who were still fighting saw Fu Weiming abandoning them. They were all angry and unwilling to fight any more, so they laid down their weapons and surrendered.

The originally fierce battle calmed down completely in less than half an hour after the formation was cracked.

Except for Ge Yinxiang's escape, most of the Yun Ge faction lost their lives and wounded, and most of them surrendered and became prisoners.

As the deputy helmsman, Ji Youjian immediately organized everyone to guard the prisoners and blocked their bloodline to prevent them from counterattack.

Tian Bin and the other four people, when the light of the formation lit up again just now, they thought the formation was activated and retreated to hide in the forest.

When they showed up at this moment, they found that not a single enemy had been captured and they had no merit in battle.

Everyone in the audience was busy counting the prisoners and registering their merits, but the four of them stood there alone without any merit, which looked very ridiculous.

Looking at the busy crowd, Tian Bin showed embarrassment on his face and frowned: "How is it possible that Dongfang Xuan really cracked the formation?"

Although Ji Youjian said it himself, he still didn't believe that Chen Yang could break the formation.

"I will kill you if you steal the limelight."

After being silent for a long time, Tian Bin snorted coldly and turned to look in the direction of the artificial lake, only to find that Chen Yang was missing.

This is really strange. I just saw him coming out of the lake and fighting in that area, but why is there no trace of him now?

Not only Tian Bin, but Ji Youjian also discovered that Chen Yang was missing after arranging the affairs.

"Hey, where is Dongfang Xuan?"

Ji Youjian was worried, thinking that Chen Yang had been killed, and quickly investigated, but found that this was not the case, and Chen Yang actually disappeared out of thin air.

This is the great hero of this battle and cannot be lost.

"Quick, find Dongfang Xuan."

Ji Youjian looked anxious and ordered quickly, fearing that something might happen to Chen Yang.


At this moment, a loud noise came from the ground, and violent energy fluctuations hit the face, which was frightening.

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