Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5318 Creation

"help me?"

A look of surprise flashed in Yin Yue's eyes, she shook her head and said to Chen Yang: "I will help you fight for the opportunity to leave the Jinggu world. After leaving, you must not come back again. By the way, where is Longan?"

There was only a treasure chest containing Fenghou on the ground, but there was no dragon eye. Yin Yue thought that Chen Yang had taken it, but now she didn't see Chen Yang taking it with him.

Chen Yang left in a hurry, and then he remembered that the longan was left in the space where the mirror was placed.

He shook the mirror in his hand and said: "The dragon's eye is left where the mirror is. I should be able to get it back when I master the "Mirror Shadow Technique"."

"The "Mirror Shadow Technique" is not that easy to practice."

Disappointment flashed in Yin Yue's eyes. She rolled up the treasure box with a flick of her tail and placed it in front of Chen Yang. She said, "Don't think about the dragon eye. Feng Yan takes it away. In addition, Xuan Jing also stayed behind to support this ancient mirror." The world still needs it.”

I don’t know how Yin Yue did it. The formation on the treasure box was cracked, and the wind throat inside can be opened and taken out.

However, Chen Yang didn't care about this. He said to Yin Yue: "I can help you defeat Black Feather, don't be in a hurry to leave now."

"How to help?"

Yinyue smiled, still not believing that Chen Yang had this ability, and said: "Thank you, you'd better go."

Black Feather neighed and shouted angrily: "Boy, don't even think about leaving."

Yin Yue looked at Hei Yu and said in a deep voice: "This is a battle between us. I don't want to implicate him. Hei Yu, please let him leave."


Black Feather decisively refused, with a fierce light flashing in his eyes, and said: "Yinyue, we are no longer friends. I will not agree to your request."

After the words fell, Heiyu rushed towards Chen Yang and shouted: "Boy, Longyan, Fenghou, Xuanjing, these are not things you should get involved with. Just keep your life, I want to take a look, Hao Will that pedantic old guy Master Lan come to avenge you?"

"Black Feather, stand down."

Yin Yue scolded angrily and stopped Hei Yu.

But the two black feathers attacked at the same time, and Yin Yue, who was already seriously injured, was no match and was forced down, crashing into Chen Yang.

The speed was too fast, and Chen Yang had no time to dodge. If he was hit by Yinyue, he would definitely die under the impact of the powerful force.

Silver Moon's tail moved back and rested on the ground, supporting her body and no longer falling backwards.


The ground made a loud noise, and it seemed that it would be shattered by the huge force at any time.

"Yinyue, is it worth it for this kid?"

Black Feather roared angrily, grabbing Yin Yue's neck with his claws and forcing Yin Yue down.


Silver Moon's fighting spirit was ferocious, she turned her head and bit her abdomen, but she was dodged. Black Feather's claw condensed with star energy slashed across her forehead, and blood spurted out.

"He came to save me, shouldn't I save him?"

Yinyue's eyes were firm and she protected Chen Yang behind her.

"Yinyue, you..."

Black Feather showed an unwilling look on his face, his eyes gradually became firmer, and he seemed to have made a major decision. He suddenly attacked Yin Yue's eyes and shouted: "In this case, you will die together."

Yin Yue was shocked. She had already decided to die, so she blew herself up and suppressed Hei Yu.

Now Chen Yang is behind her. If he blows himself up, Chen Yang will definitely die.

But other than that, she had no other way to resist the attacks of the two Black Feathers.

At this moment, suddenly, Yin Yue sensed violent energy fluctuations coming from the side. It was very powerful, no less powerful than herself and Hei Yu.

Who else has joined the battle group?

What's even weirder is that Yin Yue found that the energy fluctuations were very similar to his own, and could even be said to be exactly the same.

Just when Yinyue was confused, he felt Chen Yang touch his tail, wondering what Chen Yang was doing.

Suddenly, a silver shadow rushed over from the side and hit the two Black Feathers, helping Yin Yue block Black Feather's attack.

Yinyue didn't have time to think about why Chen Yang touched her tail. When the silver shadow stopped, she took a closer look and was shocked.

Because that silver shadow actually looked exactly like her, and even the energy fluctuations were not different at all.

The only difference is that it is an entity and an image.

"What's going on? There should be no mirror image of me in this mirror ancient world. Where does this come from?"

Yinyue was thinking in her heart, turned back to look at Chen Yang who was standing behind her, and said in surprise: "Is it you?"

"Yes, this is how I help you."

Chen Yang also breathed a sigh of relief at this time. He didn't know whether the goggles rule was useful. He just judged based on the previous situation and thought that he could create a mirror image for Silver Moon.

And the mirror images here have the power of the original body. In this way, two silver moons can naturally deal with two black feathers.

However, during this period, Chen Yang must maintain the release of the goggles law, otherwise the mirror image Silver Moon will disappear.

Originally, Chen Yang thought that it would be a huge drain on him and he would not be able to hold on for long, but when the Silver Moon Mirror appeared, he found that it was much easier than expected.

On the one hand, it is because the world rules of the ancient mirror world make the existence of mirror images easier.

On the other hand, Chen Yang discovered that the mirror in his hand, which Yin Yue called a mysterious mirror, also imparted magical power to himself, supporting the existence of the mirror Yin Yue.

"It seems that I underestimated you."

Yinyue received Chen Yang's affirmative reply, and a look of appreciation flashed in her eyes. She did not ask where the mirror image came from, but said: "You step away first. Since there is a mirror image, then I can fight Heiyu fairly." ”

Chen Yang frowned and said: "He has violated justice by summoning the mirror image. Why do you insist on fighting him? Even if you promised to give him a chance, he gave up on his own. You don't need to fight anymore, we will leave directly This is it.”

"I will cover your departure. In this battle, I will not only keep my word, but I will also owe him."

Yin Yue slowly turned her head and looked at Hei Yu, without arguing with Chen Yang.

Although Chen Yang felt that Yinyue was worthy of admiration, he believed that this kind of thinking was ridiculous.

He didn't plan to leave, but just said to Yinyue: "I won't leave. If I leave, your mirror image will disappear. When you defeat him, we will leave together."

Yinyue's eyes flickered and said, "Then be careful."

On the other side, Heiyu looked surprised and said to Yinyue: "I didn't expect that he actually helped you create a mirror image!"

"Now if you beat me, I will admit it." Yin Yue said solemnly.

Kuroyu said in a complicated tone: "With this situation, at least you don't have to blow yourself up. Although I hate you, I don't want you to die."

"Because we are friends and relatives."

Yin Yue actually laughed, but for some reason, she suddenly touched a mouthful of blood. The energy fluctuations weakened rapidly and her body shrank.

"You forced yourself to activate your power, but you got a backlash." Black Feather's eyes lit up, and he fiercely attacked Yin Yue, shouting: "My opportunity has come."

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