Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5294 Encounter

Gradually entering the palace, the cold feeling disappeared. Chen Yang felt more comfortable, but he became more vigilant and said to Li Hongran: "If everyone here comes here for Yingshan Spring, the competition will be huge."

"After all, you're not afraid." Hu Yanshuo flew in front and shook his head disdainfully, his tone full of contempt for Chen Yang.

Qiu Yuan curled her lips and said to Li Hongran: "Your Highness, if you ask him to help, he is nothing more than cannon fodder."

"Two seniors, you guys..."

Li Hongran was not a smooth person to begin with, but at this moment he didn't know how to smooth things over, with an embarrassed and helpless expression on his face.

"It doesn't matter."

Chen Yang patted Li Hongran on the shoulder and said, "As long as I can help you find Yingshan Spring, it doesn't matter if the two seniors say a few words to me."

"No shame."

Hu Yanshuo said something scornful again, stopped at a fork in front of the road, turned around and said to Li Hongran: "Your Highness, which way are we going?"

Although Li Hongran has a rough map of Yingshan Palace, this place is like a maze, and it is connected in underground caves, making it difficult to determine the route.

More importantly, Yingshan Spring is mobile, and he doesn't know where to go.

Chen Yang sensed it, pointed to the passage on the left, and said to Li Hongran: "Go this way. Most of the people before have gone to the right. They are one step ahead. If we follow now, even if Yingshan Spring is there, we are afraid It’s not your turn either.”

Li Hongran was about to nod his head in agreement with Chen Yang's plan when Hu Yanshuo said coldly: "There is only a weak energy left here, and you can actually determine the direction of others' walking. This is obviously bragging."

Qiu Yuan said in a deep voice: "Young man, in this world, strength speaks, not bragging."

These two so-called seniors were so self-righteous that no matter how good Chen Yang was, he would still be a little annoyed.

However, after looking at the helpless Li Hongran, he suppressed his displeasure and said to Li Hongran: "The decision is yours, and I can't determine the location of Yingshan Spring."

Li Hongran pointed to the left and said: "Since Brother Chen said so, then..."

"Go to the right."

Before Li Hongran could finish speaking, Hu Yanshuo flew straight towards the passage on the right and entered the next palace connected by the passage.

"Senior Huyan..."

Li Hongran shouted quickly, but was unable to stop Hu Yanshuo's progress, and even Qiu Yuan followed.

He frowned, his face full of frustration and depression. He turned back to Chen Yang and said, "Brother Chen, we..."

"Okay, just follow them."

Chen Yang sympathized with Li Hongran a little. For the prince to do this, he had no strength, no power, and maybe he was the only one.

After passing several palaces in succession, and finally walking out of a broken door, the four of them stepped into another cave.

The condition of the entire cave is no different from the previous one, except that the palace here looks larger and more splendid.

Obviously, these palaces had a high status in Yingshan Palace in the past. They were probably the places where some elders and other characters lived, or they were palaces with important functions.

After passing through various large and small palaces, Chen Yang felt more and more that Yingshan Palace was a little weird.

All the palaces here collapsed, but there was not a single corpse, and the furniture in the palace was intact except for the change in position.

What kind of power could cause such strange destructive power?

"Haha, Thirteenth Brother, I didn't expect you to actually come. Are you not afraid of whether you will come back or not?"

Suddenly, a sinister sound came from the ruins ahead.

Chen Yang retracted his thoughts and looked up, only to see a young man in brocade robes standing on top of a collapsed palace, looking over with a sneer.

"Brother Three Emperors!"

Li Hongran exclaimed, which made Chen Yang understand the identity of the other party.

Chen Yang's eyes fell on the old man behind the third prince. Sure enough, as Li Hongran said, he was in the realm of the second-level ninth level. He must be the third prince's bodyguard, Tan Gen.

Tan Gen's expression is cold and reserved, and his eyes are calm and sharp. He is definitely the kind of character who kills without blinking an eye.

But the level is too low, no matter how powerful the murderer is, Chen Yang will not take it seriously.

In addition to Tan Gen, Chen Yang also sensed that there were two other cultivators on the left and right sides, who were at the first and second levels of the Three Stars.

Obviously, the third prince was more prepared than Li Hongran.

"It turns out to be His Highness the Third Prince."

When Hu Yanshuo saw that the third prince was accompanied only by Tan Gen, the original vigilance in his eyes disappeared, and his eyes became a little calmer and arrogant. In his opinion, Tan Gen was obviously no match for him and Qiu Yuan.

The third prince glanced at Hu Yanshuo and Qiu Yuan, with a look of surprise in his eyes. When his eyes finally fell on Chen Yang, his eyes turned into disdain.

He said to Li Hongran: "Thirteenth Emperor, if you bring a small character like this, you are too depressed. You are simply embarrassing our royal family."

Li Hongran naturally knew that the other party was talking about Chen Yang. He did not defend himself, but bowed his hands and said, "Brother Three Emperors, we don't interfere with the water in our wells. Whoever finds Yingshan Spring first will be the winner. Please don't, Brother Three Emperors." Let me down."

"If you find it first, wouldn't I suffer a loss?" The third prince sneered and said, "So, I will drive you away first. This way, my chances of winning will be even greater."

Li Hongran frowned and said in a deep voice: "Brother Three Emperors, you..."

Before Li Hongran could finish speaking, Hu Yanshuo stood up and said, "Your Highness, Third Prince, what you said is too disrespectful to me and Qiu Yuan. Could it be that Qiu Yuan and I can't deal with Tan Gen?"

Qiu Yuan also said: "Your Highness, Third Prince, you are a prince after all, and we dare not harm you easily. However, if you are ignorant, Brother Huyan and I will have no choice but to take action."

Although Hu Yanshuo and Qiu Yuan did not dare to kill the third prince, they did not have to worry about the consequences if they defeated the other party.

Because Xin Yuanguo has an express decree that cultivators in the Hexing Realm can challenge the prince, and as long as no death is caused, they will not be convicted.

So, they have no concerns.

The third prince looked at the arrogant Hu Yanshuo and Qiu Yuan, but smiled disdainfully and said, "It seems that you haven't seen the situation clearly yet."

"What kind of situation is it? Do you think that just based on Tan Gen..."

Hu Yanshuo was talking when his expression suddenly changed, his words stopped abruptly, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

Just to the left and right of Chen Yang's group of four people, two old men in black appeared, respectively the first and second level Samsungs.

Although their energy was restrained, their aura as three-star cultivators was fully exposed, giving Hu Yanshuo and Qiu Yuan a strong sense of oppression.

The expressions on their faces changed from calm and arrogant to frightened and fearful.

There was a joking expression on the third prince's face, and he said playfully: "Now, do you still have the qualifications to fight with me?"

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