Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5266 Pain

Zhang Dahe took a look at the contents of the bag and saw a few third-grade spiritual stones. A smile appeared on his cold face.

He put away Yang Ming's small bag, glanced at Chen Yang, and said to Yang Ming: "Your cousin is a little ungrateful. You should teach him a lesson. Fortunately, I am tolerant this time. If it were anyone else, he would just I’m afraid I might even lose my life.”

"Yes, I will teach him a lesson."

Seeing Zhang Da and Ken let Chen Yang go, Yang Ming secretly breathed a sigh of relief and quickly apologized with a smile.

Zhang Dahe reached out and patted Yang Ming on the shoulder and said, "Okay, you all can go."

It seemed like an unintentional move, but Chen Yang found that when Zhang Dahe patted Yang Ming's shoulder, he obviously squeezed it.

He had murderous intention in his heart and was about to take action. Yang Ming turned around and pushed him, winking and saying: "Let's go, cousin, it's okay. Let's go into the city quickly, don't delay Brother Zhang and his patrol."

Chen Yang hesitated for a moment, remembered the appearance of Zhang Dahe and several guards, and followed Yang Ming to Yunmu City.

The gate of Yunmu City was closed and guarded by guards, but Yang Ming did not go through the main entrance. Instead, he climbed over the wall in a laxly guarded area.

Chen Yang still pretended to have no skills and was carried by Yang Ming and flew over the city wall.

"Zhang Da and this bastard are just eating people without spitting out their bones."

Yang Ming gritted her teeth and only dared to scold Zhang Dahe after entering the city.

Xiao Yu frowned and muttered: "Sister Ming, everything was taken away by Zhang. I finally managed to collect some spiritual stones. What can I do to save A Liang now?"

"You're the only one who talks too much."

Yang Ming glared at Xiao Yu, then smiled at Chen Yang: "You don't have to be burdened, I..."

"thank you all."

Before Yang Ming could finish speaking, Chen Yang nodded slightly and solemnly thanked Yang Ming and Xiao Yu.

Although in fact, he did not need their help, their kindness still moved him very much.

In order to help him, Yang Ming suffered heavy losses.

And it seems that the reason why Yang Ming poached in Yunmu Forest was to save people.

"Why are you so polite?"

Yang Ming smiled and changed the subject: "Chen Er, if you really feel that you owe me something, you can come to my shop to help. But I can tell you that if you don't get paid for the first two months, it's your fault. Pay off the debt.”

Chen Yang couldn't tell what Yang Ming meant. This was to give him a place to stay in the city without hitting the wall everywhere.

As for two months' salary, for ordinary people, no matter what they do, they can't afford to pay back the spiritual stones that Yang Ming lost.

To put it bluntly, Yang Ming was helping Chen Yang out of kindness.

Chen Yang was very surprised. Such a kind person is really rare to see in a thousand years.

Although Yang Ming was charming and even used women's methods when facing Zhang Dahe, it did not prevent Chen Yang from being fond of her.

"In that case, thank you for taking me in."

Chen Yang planned to find out more about the situation before moving on, so he decided to stay in the store Yang Ming mentioned for the time being.

After following Yang Ming and Xiao Yu to a restaurant, Chen Yang realized that Yang Ming was the proprietress of the restaurant.

As for Xiao Yu, he is actually the chef of the restaurant.

The restaurant has three floors. It looks quite grand from the outside, but in fact, the space inside is not large and can only be considered average.

Yang Ming arranged a room for Chen Yang, then explained what he had to do tomorrow, and then walked to the yard behind the restaurant.

Chen Yang quickly stopped Yang Ming: "If you need help, you can tell me anything and I can help you."

"just you?"

Yang Ming curled her lips and said with a smile: "Okay, little brother, you are new here, just settle yourself down, don't think about helping others."

Before Chen Yang could explain, Yang Ming left quickly.


Looking at Sister Ming's back, Xiao Yu sighed, with a bit of sadness in his eyes.

Seeing this, Chen Yang asked Xiao Yu: "Chef Yu, who is Sister Ming trying to save? Why did you go poaching in the middle of the night?"

Xiao Yu sighed and said: "Sister Ming wanted to save her brother Yang Liang. I don't know what strange disease Yang Liang had, and he was paralyzed. Sister Ming went to many famous doctors, but they couldn't be cured. Now we can only hope. The first doctor in Yunmu City is Ding Jiuzhen. But the consultation fee for Ding Jiuzhen is too high. Sister Ming saved it for a long time before she could barely get enough. Originally, after selling the Gale Wolf tonight, she could collect the consultation fee. Who can I knew there was an accident."

At this point, Xiao Yu seemed to be afraid that Chen Yang would be too preoccupied, so he hurriedly explained: "Chen Er, it's not your fault. It's Zhang Dahe who is too greedy."

Chen Yang said: "There is indeed my reason."

Xiao Yu looked sad and said: "Actually, Sister Ming has had a hard time over the years. Not only did she have to find a way to save A Liang, but she also had to deal with many people who came to the restaurant to cause trouble. Thanks to her strength, this Just got over it."

Chen Yang asked doubtfully: "The restaurant is open to welcome guests for dinner, and they are all customers. But from what you said, it seems like many people are here to cause trouble?"

"It's a long story."

Xiao Yu had a depressed look on his face, and was about to tell Chen Yang what was going on, when he saw Yang Ming coming from the backyard and glared at Xiao Yu: "Go to bed quickly, you are the only one who talks too much."

Xiao Yu shrank his head, quickly walked towards the kitchen, and said to Chen Yang: "Chen Er, get up early tomorrow and help me."

There is a small bed in the back kitchen warehouse, where Xiaoyu sleeps on weekdays.

Chen Yang's room was in another simple room.

"Go to sleep now."

Yang Ming glanced at Chen Yang, then picked up a basin of hot water and returned to the backyard.

The lights in the backyard stayed on for a long time before going out. Chen Yang heard Yang Ming sigh slightly, her voice sad and tired.

Although this woman seemed to be cheerful and smiling, in fact, she was living a very miserable life.

"Find a way to help her brother."

With this in mind, Chen Yang sat cross-legged in the narrow room, looking at the moonlight outside through the window, thinking about what to do next.

He has yet to figure out where he is and what the surrounding environment is like. He plans to figure out the situation first before making a decision.

One night passed, and early the next morning, the restaurant became busy.

In addition to Xiao Yu, several other restaurant staff members arrived one after another, and they were all very curious about the extra Chen Yang.

Xiao Yu introduced him as Yang Ming's cousin, and everyone didn't ask any questions. They all started talking to Chen Yang in good faith.

After everything was packed up, Yang Ming came out of the backyard and stood behind the counter, pounding on the abacus while encouraging the employees to work hard.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, Chen Yang planned to go to the backyard to see Yang Ming's brother and cure Yang Ming by the way.

At this moment, a young woman in her thirties suddenly rushed into the restaurant with several servants.

Yang Ming obviously recognized the person who came and hurriedly came out from behind the counter and said: "Sister Hong, you..."

"Don't call me Sister Hong, our Yuan family doesn't have the shamelessness like you."

The young woman known as Sister Hong had a fierce look on her face, pointed at Yang Ming's nose, and shouted: "At midnight last night, someone saw you dating a pretty boy outdoors. Please explain it to me clearly!"

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