Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5236: Can’t wake up people who pretend to be asleep

"He's over there in the corner."

While Wang Xue was searching, Yang Xun discovered his motive and immediately sent a message to remind him.

When they arrived at Lingzhong just now, Yang Xun immediately found Wang Xue and asked Wang Xue to challenge Chen Yang and give Chen Yang a severe beating.

This was the best way he could think of to beat Chen Yang upright.

And he believed that Wang Xue would definitely be willing to help him.

After all, Wang Xueben would challenge low-level opponents. It was just a favor, and he would never refuse.

When he saw Wang Xue challenging Sun Lei just now, he was a little worried. Now when he saw Wang Xue searching in the crowd, he immediately knew that the good show he expected was about to be staged.

"Humph, you're miserable."

After reminding Wang Xue, Yang Xun's eyes fell on Chen Yang, his eyes full of resentment.

He couldn't afford to offend Qiu Xuanyin, so he held a grudge against this boy who dared to ignore him, and had to find his place no matter what. Otherwise, it wouldn't be a joke to have so many junior brothers and sisters following him at that time.

Not to mention, there are Wei Ying and Qu Yan who he wants to possess. He finally spent a lot of effort to bring them to Lingkong Sect to gain experience. It would be too embarrassing if they see him making a fool of himself, so he must definitely Just show your strength.

Otherwise, how could these junior sisters be so convinced.

Thinking of the beauty of Qu Yan and Wei Ying, Yang Xun felt restless in his heart.

Although the realm of these two junior sisters is a bit lower, their beauty is excellent. Yang Xun, who is already lustful, is very eager to have them as his own.

Wang Xue heard Yang Xun's message and looked toward the corner of the platform. Sure enough, he saw Chen Yang sitting cross-legged on the ground. Because he was shorter and blocked by the crowd, it was difficult to spot him.

If Yang Xun hadn't told him Chen Yang's face, he would never have associated the man huddled in the corner with the arrogant and arrogant person Yang Xun described.

However, he quickly figured out that Chen Yang must be afraid of Yang Xun's revenge, so he hid behind the crowd.

"What a pity, you miscalculated."

Wang Xue raised a sneer on his lips, pointed at Chen Yang, and said loudly: "I challenge him in this match."

Seeing that Wang Xue did not randomly choose the person standing in front, but pointed to the corner of the platform, everyone's eyes were directed there.

Everyone was stunned when they saw a disciple of the Lingkong Sect sitting cross-legged and concentrating with his eyes closed.

In this situation, even if it has nothing to do with you, you should still focus on the battle. You can actually sit down and close your eyes to rest. Is this a big heart or disrespect for the Lingkong Sect?

Or is it to hide behind deliberately to avoid being challenged by Qixia Sect disciples?

No matter what the reason is, this is not something that the senior leaders of the Lingkong Sect can tolerate, because Chen Yang's behavior insults the dignity of the Lingkong Sect.

After Wang Xue chose to challenge Chen Yang, he turned around and flew under Ling Zhong without saying a word. He put his hands behind his back and looked calm, as if he was waiting for Chen Yang to fight.

"Senior Brother Wang actually challenged this person!"

Seeing Chen Yang's face clearly, Wei Ying showed surprise, and was slightly excited, saying: "I was stopped by Qiu Xuanyin just now, otherwise he would have knelt down, but now, he is challenged by Senior Brother Wang, he will be beaten It’s miserable.”

Qu Yan looked thoughtful and said, "Senior Brother Wang chose to sit cross-legged in the corner. I'm afraid it's not that simple."

After saying that, Qu Yan glanced at Yang Xun beside him. Yang Xun looked proud and said with a smile: "Haha, Junior Sister Qu saw it. Junior Brother Wang challenged this person. It is indeed not a coincidence, but an arrangement by me."

"That's it." Qu Yan smiled and glanced at Yang Xun, with a bit of charm in his eyebrows.

She is different from Wei Ying. Although they both fawn over the strong ones in the sect, she is very persistent and gives people a distant feeling, which makes people's hearts itch even more.

Wei Ying looked at Yang Xun with admiration and said flatteringly: "As expected of Senior Brother Yang, this kid dares to despise you, so he must be punished."

"If he offends me, he won't be able to reap the rewards."

Yang Xun looked indifferent, his eyes fell on Chen Yang, and said: "However, he has not moved yet. Will he give up this battle?"

"Probably not. After all, the Lingkong Sect's face is involved. Even if they lose, they still have to fight."

Wei Ying had a look of anticipation on her face. She really wanted to see the disciple of the Lingkong Sect who dared to ignore her get a severe beating from Wang Xue.

But she would never have thought that the Lingkong Sect disciple was the vicious middle-aged man who smashed her cheek in Linxian City.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were on Chen Yang, waiting for him to fight.

However, after half a minute, he still had no response.

At this moment, he was immersed in understanding the properties of "sound". Only Ling Zhong's weak voice was left in his ears. All other sounds were isolated by him. Naturally, he did not hear Wang Xue's words.

Therefore, he had no reaction, no energy fluctuation, and no expression.

In the eyes of others, it was as if he had fallen asleep.

This kind of behavior made Xu Yuan, the leader of the Lingkong Sect, very dissatisfied.

You just hid, but now you don't go out to fight and pretend not to hear. This is simply a disgrace to the Lingkong Sect.

The disciples of the Lingkong Sect all noticed that something was wrong with Xu Yuan's expression, pointed at Chen Yang, and started talking one after another.

"Who is this person? He is so shameless. Even if he loses, he should fight."

"He seems to be a casual cultivator who has just started. He may have been used to being shameless. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to keep him so calm in this situation."

"This challenge was originally a shame for our Lingkong faction. Unexpectedly... something even more embarrassing would happen."

"Boy, why don't you accept the challenge? Do you really want to be a coward?"

The voices of the disciples of the Lingkong Sect kept coming and going, even if they were asleep, they should have woken them up, but Chen Yang still didn't react at all.

This made everyone even more determined that he was pretending not to hear and did not dare to challenge.

Both the disciples of the Lingkong Sect and the Qixia Sect all despised and despised Chen Yang, thinking that he was a courageous scoundrel.

"Hahaha, is this how you Lingkong faction are? You don't even dare to accept a challenge?"

"Since you don't dare, just admit defeat and there's no shame in it. Why pretend not to hear."

"Don't wake him up either. You can't wake him up if he pretends to be asleep."

The disciples of Qixia Sect began to mock the disciples of Lingkong Sect.

Although the disciples of Lingkong Sect despised Chen Yang, they were not convinced, and they all used Wang Xue to challenge low-level cultivators.

For a time, the two sides actually started arguing with each other, and the situation was about to get out of control.

Seeing this, Xu Yuan, the head of the Lingkong Sect, was furious and shouted: "Get him up immediately. If he doesn't fight, we will expel him from the Lingkong Sect!"

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