Urban magic doctor

Chapter 521 The villain succeeds

Chen Yang called Yang Xuewei and learned that today's lunch location was booked at a restaurant called Reese. It was located in the most prosperous area of ​​Jinshan. It was a high-end restaurant with very expensive charges.

It seemed that Orifu clearly wanted to take this opportunity to severely humiliate Chen Yang, a poor student, and show off his rich temperament.

By noon, Xiaojiu was busy annexing the Soros family's property, and he hadn't come back yet.

Chen Yang put on a decent suit, said hello to Ye Zi, and drove away from the villa.

He originally planned to drive the shabby car yesterday, but in order to prevent the police from tracking down what happened in the warehouse, Xiaojiu had arranged for the car to be destroyed.

There was nothing we could do about it, after all, so many people died, it was definitely a major event that shocked the entire Lion Kingdom.

Xiaojiu's men gave Chen Yang a car key, saying that he could use the car while he was in Jinshan.

I looked at the logo on the key and saw it was a Bentley.

Although Bentley is a bit flamboyant, Chen Yang doesn't know what it means to be low-key.

If that's the case, then just pretend to be cool.

Chen Yang drove his Bentley and went straight to Yang Xuewei's residence.

Because the inspection team only rented one car, and that car was driven away by Orifu first, so he had to pick up Yang Xuewei, Sister Ping, and Xu Fang.

When he arrived outside Yang Xuewei's residence, he got out of the car and made a phone call. Yang Xuewei walked out with Sister Ping and Xu Fang.

Seeing Chen Yang put on a suit, Sister Ping and Xu Fang's eyes lit up. They found that Chen Yang was really a handsome guy. Although he had a lazy smile on his face, he had a full temperament and a bit of a ruffian. , somewhat charming.

Sister Ping muttered: "Xuewei, your boyfriend is so handsome."

"Sister Ping, how many times do you want me to say that he is not my boyfriend."

Yang Xuewei's pretty face turned red and she quickly explained, but neither Sister Ping nor Xu Fang believed it.

"Chen Yang, where is the car you rented?"

The three girls walked up to the Bentley. Sister Ping looked around, not even thinking that the Bentley next to Chen Yang was Chen Yang's car.

Chen Yang opened the car door very gentlemanly: "Everyone, get in the car."

Sister Ping exclaimed: "It's amazing, I actually drove a Bentley."

"Borrowed it from a friend."

Chen Yang smiled, then opened the car door and asked the three women to get in the car.

"That's right. Your friend owns a Bentley and is doing business in Jinshan?"

"Your friend is so powerful, Xiao Chen, you must not be simple either."

"Xiao Chen, how old is your friend? Does he have a partner? My daughter is pretty good. She is studying in Jinshan. How about setting them up."

Along the way, Sister Ping and Xu Fang kept talking.

Chen Yang always had a smile on his face and answered their questions patiently.

Yang Xuewei was sitting in the passenger seat and looking at the smiling Chen Yang, she suddenly felt a sweet feeling.

After a while, Bentley arrived downstairs at Ruisi Restaurant.

I saw Orifu waiting at the door and looking towards the road in the distance, but he didn't realize that the person he was waiting for was sitting in the Bentley.

The Bentley parked, the waiter opened the door, and everyone got out of the car. Chen Yang threw the keys to the parking boy and gave him a hundred gold tip.

Looking at Chen Yang's familiar appearance, he looks like he frequents high-end places.

Orifu glanced at the Bentley being driven away by the waiter, looked at Chen Yang, and said unhappily: "That's right, you actually rented a Bentley for today's dinner party. Could it be that the suit you are wearing was also rented? Bar."

Yang Xuewei, Sister Ping and Xu Fang showed displeasure on their faces and were about to help Chen Yang out. Chen Yang stared at Orifu and said with a smile: "Even if it is rented, is it none of your business?"


Orifu was choked and speechless. It really was none of his business.

He snorted and said angrily: "I am a highly educated person and I am too lazy to argue with you."

After speaking, he said to Yang Xuewei and others: "Please go upstairs, the seats have been reserved."

Under the leadership of the waiter, everyone walked upstairs together.

Yang Xuewei pulled Chen Yang, and the two of them deliberately fell behind. She whispered: "You keep a low profile. After all, Orifu is from the Sifu. It is not a good thing to provoke him."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Yang Xuewei showed a satisfied smile: "You are good."

As soon as she finished speaking, Yang Xuewei regretted it because the words were too intimate.

Arriving upstairs, Orifu introduced: "This restaurant is owned by the Soros family. You should know that Soros is the strongest hellfire in Jinshan. It took me a lot of effort to book the best seat by the window." Good location.”

After speaking, Orifu held his head high and waited for others to praise him, but no one paid him any attention.

He looked depressed and walked quickly towards the window.

At the long table, not only the other two old professors from the exchange group had arrived, but there were also five foreigners sitting here.

Yang Xuewei and others greeted the foreigners friendly, and Chen Yang realized that these foreigners were all experts in the computer field of Lion Country.

Of these five people, two are professors at Sifu University, and the other three are from Calvary University at Berkeley, Shulow Polytechnic University and the Guili Headquarters Research Laboratory.

All in all, the people here are all awesome people, far more than the people in the Hua Jinguo exchange group in terms of reputation and research results.

And these five experts were specially invited by Orifu.

After introducing each other, everyone took their seats.

However, Orifu did not introduce Chen Yang, making him look like an outsider.

Because they were all active in the same field, everyone chatted very speculatively, and Yang Xuewei also got involved in computer-related topics.

Orifu does have some level of skill, and he expresses some opinions from time to time, which attracts everyone's admiration.

It seemed that the five Lion Country experts also valued Orifu very much and spoke highly of him. Even the expert from Wei Li expressed his intention to win him over to Wei Li.

Although Orifu was humble, the pride in his eyes was clearly reflected.

Chen Yang said nothing and didn't bother to pay attention to what they were talking about. After the food was served, he ate by himself, and from time to time asked the waiter to hand over the menu and order some of the most expensive dishes.

He doesn't care if it tastes good or not, it's expensive anyway.

After a while, several plates were placed in front of him, and the waiter was too late to take them away.

Seeing this, several foreign experts frowned. In their opinion, Chen Yang's behavior was too unqualified.

A treacherous sneer appeared at the corner of Orifu's mouth, and he said deliberately: "Chen Yang, don't be in a hurry to eat. You are Professor Yang's student and you are also in the computer field. Talking with everyone will help you improve."

Chen Yang shrugged, holding a large piece of steak in his mouth, and said while chewing: "Oh, okay, you talk and I listen."

Ou Ruifu looked at Chen Yang's chewing movements, with a look of disgust in his eyes, and said: "What's the point of just listening? Why not do this? Several experts from the Lion Country will ask you a few questions. Let's help Professor Yang test you as a student." ."

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