Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5199 I don’t know

"The realm is finally stable, and it's time to set off to find my junior sister in the Tiannan Territory."

Chen Yang walked out of the room, planning to say goodbye to Wu Jiyuan and Yinyin.

During this period of time, he has completely integrated the energy in the space heart, reaching the fourth-star and third-level realm, and his strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

The understanding of the second attribute "sound" of "Broken Void Palm" has also matured, and it is almost ready to start trying to practice.

After practicing it, your combat power will definitely be stronger.

He estimated that there would be no problem even against a four-star seven-eighth cultivator.

If he wasn't in a hurry to see his junior sister, he would definitely finish practicing the "sound" attribute before leaving.

"Chen Yang, have you decided to leave?"

Seeing Chen Yang saying goodbye, Wu Jiyuan frowned, with a look of reluctance and embarrassment on his face full of grooves.

Chen Yang nodded.

Wu Jiyuan said: "Now that you are gone, how can I pay you back the money you helped me build Jiyuan Academy?"

Chen Yang did not expect that Wu Jiyuan would never forget this, and said with a smile: "Mr. Wu, don't worry, I will come to Fengji City to visit you in the future, but it's you who will talk about paying back the money."

"This..." Wu Jiyuan looked solemn and said, "Then I will include the price increase and interest together, and pay it back to you when you come back."

"Uh..." Chen Yang smiled in astonishment and said: "Mr. Wu, there is no need to be so serious. As long as you and Yinyin live well, the money doesn't matter. What's more, you saved my life. Money can never repay this kindness."

"These are two different things." Wu Jiyuan was somewhat resigned, but still had a serious expression on his face.

Next to her, Yinyin poked her head out and said expectantly: "Brother Chen Yang, I have already thought about it. I want to become a cultivator. Can you teach me the secret book?"

"Mr. Wu, what is your attitude?"

Chen Yang looked at Wu Jiyuan and asked for Wu Jiyuan's opinion.

Wu Jiyuan glanced at Yinyin helplessly and said, "This is Yinyin's own choice. In that case, please give her some guidance and hope she won't cause trouble in the future."

Hearing this, Yinyin jumped up with excitement.

Then, Chen Yang handed over the secret book he had prepared to Yinyin, and then began to teach Yinyin to understand, learn, and comprehend the contents of the secret book.

Fortunately, Wu Jiyuan has already taught Yinyin how to read and write, and she has a strong understanding of words.

What Chen Yang didn't expect was that Yinyin had a very high level of understanding. In just half a day, she actually learned all the theories of star techniques and magical powers.

For people who have never been exposed to cultivation, this is simply a miracle.

Chen Yang was a little excited for a moment. If he could guide Yinyin on the path of cultivation and teach her well, her future achievements would be extremely high.

However, he had a mission to find his junior sister and had no time to worry about Yinyin.

"It seems that we can only let her grow up on her own."

Chen Yang was quite regretful and had to say goodbye to Yinyin and Wu Jiyuan and embarked on the road to Tiannan Territory.

A few days later.

Two black shadows entered Fengji City and then landed in the backyard of Jiyuan Academy.

"Chen Yang stayed here for a long time."

"He has lived here. The people here must have a close relationship with him. We need to arrest them and interrogate them."

"The remaining energy is heading southwest, should we pursue it directly?"

"Interrogate the owner of this place first. Maybe we can get some information about Chen Yang's motives and where he is going."

The two men in black chatted in low voices, finally reached an agreement, and walked towards the only room in the backyard that was occupied.

They obviously didn't have the habit of knocking, so they opened the door directly.

In the room, Yinyin was sitting at the desk, carefully looking at the Star Technique given by Chen Yang in her hand, analyzing the main points and key points pointed out by Chen Yang, and planned to wait until everything was fully understood before starting to practice.

Suddenly someone opened the door, interrupting her study.

She turned around and saw two men in black standing at the door. She couldn't help frowning and had a bad feeling in her heart.

Because these two men in black looked eerie and it really didn't look like they were up to anything good.

She suppressed the fear in her heart and asked carefully: "Who are you looking for?"

"Has Chen Yang lived here?"

One of the men in black asked in an indifferent tone.


Yinyin felt that the other party would definitely not do anything good to Brother Chen Yang, so she shook her head.

But she was obviously not a child who was good at lying. The turning of her eyes was simply telling the two Extreme Yin Palace cultivators that she was lying.

"We are sure that Chen Yang has lived here. You'd better not lie to us, or we will kill you."

There was a hint of joking and greed in the man's tone, as if he had a paranoid hobby in killing children.

"No...really...really not."

Yinyin was shocked by the other party's terrifying aura. Her whole body was trembling when she spoke. She felt that her body was very cold, as if she was frozen.

She felt very scared, but she was extremely controlled, staring at the man in black with what she thought was a calm look, trying her best to create a feeling that she was not lying.


The man in black obviously didn't expect that a little girl would have such a firm will, and he made an unexpected sound of surprise.

Then, the man in black's eyes fell on the spiritual tablet on the desk.

After Chen Yang's transformation, even if you are not a cultivator, you can drive the spiritual ultimatum and see the contents inside.

Of course, only Yinyin and Wu Jiyuan have this authority, and others cannot see the content even if they get the spiritual ultimatum.

In order to prevent other cultivators from viewing the contents, Chen Yang arranged a miniature formation inside the spirit ultimatum. As long as there are fluctuations of external energy that touch it, the spirit ultimatum will explode immediately.

"This is a spiritual weapon that only cultivators can use. Where did you, an ordinary person, get it? Did it fall from the sky?"

The man in black moved his right hand, and the spiritual ultimatum was placed in his palm. He said to Yinyin: "This spiritual ultimatum is the evidence of your contact with Chen Yang."

As soon as the man in black finished speaking, the spiritual tablet that fell into his hand made a pinging sound. The outside remained intact, but a slight crack could be clearly seen inside.

The cracks spread outwards, and finally the entire spiritual ultimatum was turned into fragments.

"He actually arranged a formation to destroy the spiritual ultimatum!"

The man in black looked sullen, feeling like he was being teased.

Another impatient Jiyin Palace cultivator released black starlight from his fingertips, pointed at Yinyin, and said in a commanding tone: "Tell us everything you know about Chen Yang, otherwise, we will kill him immediately about you."

Yinyin stood still, tears welling up in her eyes, and muttered: "I...I really don't know Chen Yang."

She knew that these two people came with bad intentions, so even if she was in danger, she was unwilling to bring danger to Chen Yang.

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