Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5192 Jiyuan Academy

"Ah! Chen Yang!"

"Brother Chen Yang!"

Wu Jiyuan and Yinyin were both shocked when they saw that the cold middle-aged man was actually Chen Yang pretending to be Chen Yang.

Yinyin broke away from Wu Jiyuan's arms, looked at Chen Yang with wide eyes, and said excitedly: "Brother Chen Yang, are you a cultivator?"


Chen Yang nodded.

Yin Yin's eyes shone, and then she pouted her mouth again and muttered: "If that's the case, then why did you lie to us before."

"I don't want to get you into trouble."

Chen Yang rubbed Yinyin's head, glanced at Wu Jiyuan, and said: "Just like now, I killed the Wang family in Linxian City. If I abandon you, you will be in danger, so I will take you with me. leave."

Yinyin said anxiously: "No, no, I want to stay in Linxian City, so that my mother will find me when she comes back."

"Don't worry, I have left a mark. If your mother comes back, she will contact me, and I will notify you then."

Chen Yang was unwilling to tell Yinyin about the death of Yinyin's mother.

Although doing so may not necessarily be beneficial to Yinyin, at least for now, Chen Yang is not willing to speak.

Maybe when she is older, Wu Jiyuan can tell her the truth.

"Really? Can my mother contact you?" Yinyin tilted her head and looked at Chen Yang and asked.

Chen Yang nodded: "Don't worry."

"That's good." Yinyinsong sighed, went over to grab Wu Jiyuan's hand, and said happily: "Grandpa, now that this is done, my mother can find me, and you can go to teach in other cities."


Wu Jiyuan barely squeezed out a hint of danger, looked up at Chen Yang, and asked, "Where are we now?"

"Fengji Castle."

Chen Yang just noticed the city gate in front of him intentionally, with the words "Fengji City" written on it.

"We actually arrived at Fengji City!" Wu Jiyuan exclaimed in surprise, "Fengji City is more than two thousand miles away from Linxian City. We flew in the air for a while, and we arrived."

He was shocked by Chen Yang's speed.

Chen Yang said: "Mr. Wu, what do you think of Fengji City? If possible, settle here in the future."

"Fengji City is a good place with simple folk customs. It is very good to settle here."

Wu Jiyuan briefly judged Fengji City, then frowned and said: "But, we are penniless, and it will be difficult for us to settle here."

"Don't worry." Chen Yang smiled and said, "I will help you, and I will leave after you settle down."

Wu Jiyuan looked grateful: "Chen Yang, you are considerate, thank you."

Yinyin asked excitedly: "Brother Chen Yang, where are you going? To practice? Can I go with you? I also want to be a cultivator? In this way, I can protect grandpa from being bullied by others. .”

Chen Yang knelt down, pinched Yinyin's nose, which was red from the cold, and said, "Yinyin, becoming a cultivator is not necessarily a good thing. Living a peaceful life is better than anything else."

"But... we have never been stable." Yin Yin muttered, looking aggrieved.

Chen Yang smiled and said: "Don't worry, you will be stable in the future."

With that said, he took Yinyin's hand, supported Wu Jiyuan, and walked towards Fengji City.

Although Fengji City is not as prosperous as Linxian City, it has a touch of human touch. It has the softness of a Jiangnan water town, and the people are kinder and friendly. As Wu Jiyuan said, it is a suitable place to settle.

With Chen Yang's help, it would be easy for Wu Jiyuan and Yinyin to settle here.

After finding out that the currency here was Zi ingots, Chen Yang adopted the method of robbing the rich and giving to the poor. He took a large number of Zi ingots directly from the homes of the richest and most disgusting rich people in the city, and directly bought a large house in the city, in the front yard. Decorate the academy, and behind it is the residence of Wu Jiyuan and Yinyin.

The place where Wu Jiyuan taught before was not shabby, but it was not luxurious either. It could only be called a school.

At this time, when he saw that Chen Yang wanted to build an academy for him, he was flattered and repeatedly refused Chen Yang's kindness, saying that he only needed a shed to teach.

Chen Yang persuaded Wu Jiyuan to pay back the money slowly in the future, and Wu Jiyuan agreed.

It will take a lot of time for the academy to be established. During this time, Chen Yang hired a master to help Wu Jiyuan run errands, so he didn't have to worry about big and small things.

As for the name of the academy, it is still the same as before, called "Jiyuan".

However, it changed from Jiyuan Thatched Cottage to Jiyuan Academy.

The next enrollment work seemed a little difficult, because Wu Jiyuan was not well-known in Fengji City, and few others were willing to come to study.

But Chen Yang didn't expect that in just five days, Jiyuan Academy had already enrolled 100 students. This was a huge pressure for the academy with only Wu Jiyuan as a teacher.

After Chen Yang asked, he learned that Wu Jiyuan recruited children from poor families, and each child was given a tuition fee of one zidian per month, and food and accommodation were also included.

Calculated in this way, Wu Jiyuan's college can only maintain operation, and sometimes he even has to pay back.

Chen Yang did not agree with this approach. How would the academy continue to operate over time?

After asking again, he learned that it turned out that the first batch of students Wu Jiyuan accepted were the trial operation of the academy, and they had lifetime immunity. The tuition fees were always one month's tuition.

If you want to enroll later, you must first pay the registration fee of fifty zidian and the tuition fee of ten zidian per month.

Only then did Chen Yang understand that Wu Jiyuan was not a fool, but had a mind of his own.

The poor can't afford to study, so the first batch of people to come are poor, so they don't have to worry too much about tuition fees in the future.

As for the rich, when they get to know Wu Jiyuan's knowledge in the future, they will naturally come to him to study. They are the channels through which Wu Jiyuan makes money.

"It seems that everything will develop smoothly soon. When the time comes, it's time for me to find my junior sister."

Chen Yang returned to the room, recovered his thoughts, and began to absorb the energy in the heart of the fusion space.

In just a few days, his current realm has reached the current seventh level of three-star level from the first level of three-star level.

The entire advancement process was without any obstacles, as if it was a matter of course.

He speculated that after the energy in the space heart is completely exhausted, it should be enough to reach the limit of the three-star ninth level. When the time comes to comprehend the stars, one can hit the four-star realm.

Perhaps, after reaching the fourth level, the energy can still be maintained, and maybe one can reach the second or third level of the four-star level in one fell swoop.

Bang bang bang...

Suddenly, there was a rapid knock on the door. Chen Yang flicked his sleeves and robes, and the breeze opened the door, only to see Yin Yin standing outside the door.

"Brother Chen Yang."

Holding a book in her hand, Yinyin walked up to Chen Yang, with an expectant and mysterious look on her face, and said, "Can you teach me how to practice? If you teach me, I can tell you a secret."

"What secret?" Chen Yang asked with a smile.

Yinyin rolled her eyes and said mysteriously: "I'll tell you where the Tiannan Territory is."

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