Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5166 Self-destruction

Lao Li sent the cannon to Chen Yang, looked back at Ku Xuan, and said coldly: "Relax the rope that traps Chen Yang and let him open up his small world."

The dark rope relaxed, and Chen Yang could freely circulate the star energy, but he could not escape the control of the dark rope.

He immediately opened the door to the small world, and Lao Li threw the cannon he still wanted to keep in, and then looked deeply at Chen Yang before turning around.

"Old Li."

Chen Yang called out to Lao Li in a low voice, squeezed out a smile on his face covered with blood, and said: "You can leave too, leaving some of your spiritual consciousness behind. At least you can recover. When the time comes, remember to help me take revenge." That’s it.”

"Do you think you can destroy the formation just by sending out a ray of spiritual thought?" A look of farewell flashed in Lao Li's eyes, and he said: "This is the formation that smelts the entire white world. It's a pity that I don't have the strength now." Too weak, otherwise...forget it, I have lived for so many years and it is enough."

Upon hearing this, Chen Yang knew that Lao Li had decided to sacrifice himself to save him.

He looked panicked: "No, no, I..."

"I've told you before, sometimes, you have to make choices."

Lao Li didn't feel sad at all, and his tone was relaxed. He turned to look at Ku Xuan and said, "Ku Xuan, I will make a final deal with you. Let Chen Yang and everyone else here go free and let them enter the small world. Wait until the small world ends. Once the door is closed, I will stay away from the formation completely."

"Are you kidding me?" Ku Xuan said coldly: "If they are all safe, will you still listen to me? When the time comes, I'm afraid you will destroy the formation immediately."

The writing brush made a sound: "If you don't agree, I will destroy the formation now."

"My patience is limited. If you play tricks with me again, I will kill him."

Ku Xuan looked very impatient, and suddenly exerted force, and the dark rope wrapped around Chen Yang penetrated into Chen Yang's arm bones.

If he used a little more force, Chen Yang's arms would break.

Seeing this, Lao Li dared to threaten Ku Xuan and said nervously: "Stop, stop."

"Lao Li, let's go."

Suddenly, Chen Yang let out a roar, and the door to the small world that was still open flew towards Old Li. I don't know how Chen Yang did it.

At the same time, Chen Yang's energy and blood surged, the energy trembled unstablely, and the capillaries on his body burst, spurting out blood.

The next moment, the energy in his body exploded, terrifying power spread, and cracks appeared in the dark rope that trapped him.

Seeing this, everyone realized that Chen Yang actually chose to blow himself up in order to make Lao Li give up on him.

And the reason why he did this was just to let Lao Li hide in the small world with peace of mind.

At this moment, Lao Li was extremely moved. He did not expect that Chen Yang would die so unhesitatingly for his own sake.

However, this is not the situation he wants to see.

"No, Chen Yang!"

Lao Li exclaimed, and quickly tried to stop Chen Yang, but all his strength was used on the brush that touched the eye of the formation, and it was too late.

Ye Yunlun, Li Yan and others even have no ability to prevent others from self-destructing.

However, the most nervous person is not those who are worried about Chen Yang, but Ku Xuan who controls Chen Yang.

Chen Yang is very important to him, not only because the mysterious methods Chen Yang masters may involve a certain legendary level powerhouse.

He left Chen Yang and Lao Li alive, on the one hand, to ask the two for information about the strong man, and to obtain the secrets such as the Star Technique practiced by Chen Yang and the other two.

But now, the most important thing to him is not these, but that Chen Yang is his weight to threaten Lao Li.

If Chen Yang died, he had no doubt that Lao Li would destroy the formation of the Grand Sacrifice Starry Sky Formation in order to avenge Chen Yang.

At that time, his long-planned plan will be completely finished.

Therefore, Chen Yang must not die.

"I won't let you die!"

Ku Xuan shouted, and surging, mysterious, and cold energy was released from his body and passed along the dark rope to Chen Yang's body surface.

Originally, Chen Yang's surging energy was about to burst and turn his entire body into powder, but at this moment, the restless energy immediately calmed down.

The dark energy spread from the rope, completely covering Chen Yang's body surface, flowing in a mysterious manner, seeming to be pulling Chen Yang's energy to get everything back on track.

Only in this way will the energy impact caused by Chen Yang's self-destruction be reduced.

Otherwise, once he loses the suppression of dark energy, Chen Yang will explode immediately.

Although Ku Xuan's clever methods prevented Chen Yang from self-destructing, it was absolutely impossible to restore Chen Yang's body. At most, Chen Yang could not die.

Moreover, this requires a lot of effort for him who is just a projection.

"He can't die, or I will destroy the formation!"

Lao Li roared at Ku Xuan, his eyes tearing up.

Ku Xuan's guess was correct. After Chen Yang died, Lao Li would not be alone. Instead, he would destroy the formation of the Grand Sacrifice Starry Sky Formation.

He was very angry at Lao Li's threat, but under the current situation, he could only do his best to keep Chen Yang and could not go against Lao Li's wishes.

If he were to come in his true form, why would there be so much trouble? With just a thought, he could destroy everything in front of him.

Unfortunately, he is just a projection.

And because of certain limitations of projection, it was not easy for him to attack the brush that touched the formation eye.

Because the brush is a fusion of runes and spiritual thoughts, not an entity, not a simple energy body, and is supported by a mysterious secret method, it cannot be dealt with by his projection alone.

"Li Yiliang, what is the origin of Xuanjizi?"

While Ku Xuan tried his best to suppress Chen Yang's self-destruction power, sort out Chen Yang's meridians, stabilize his energy, and prevent him from death, he was also thinking about Lao Li's origin.

For being able to force him to this point, he believed that Lao Li was at least a master in the eighth realm of Yin Xian.

Why is it said to be Yinxian Realm? Because if it is a person like Lao Li, if it is a person from Zhonghao Realm, Ku Xuan thinks that he must have some understanding.

However, he didn't have any information about Lao Li.

As for Lao Li being someone outside the Sacred Star Road, he didn't believe it.

Therefore, they can only be people from the eighth realm of Yinxian.

"Hurry up, he's going to die!"

Seeing the blood gushing out from Chen Yang's body, Old Li was about to lose his breath. He roared anxiously at Ku Xuan, the ferocious expression on his face completely losing his previous calmness.

After all, Chen Yang triggered a self-destruction. Although he was suppressed, he was already on the verge of death.

Ku Xuan was yelled at by Lao Li and was forced to withdraw his thoughts. In order to save Chen Yang, he poured dark power into Chen Yang's meridians, directly stimulating Chen Yang's energy.

But at this moment, Ku Xuan suddenly discovered that there was a faint pulling force from Chen Yang's abdomen, pulling all the dark energy that had been poured into Chen Yang's body into him.

How is this going?

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