Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5146 Kill him

Everyone was confused and looked in the direction of the Kaioufu army. They saw a young man in Confucian robes with a graceful demeanor, calmly stepping out of the queue and flying downwards.

"Yan Guangsheng!"

"How could it be him!"

When they saw the young man's appearance clearly, everyone from the Five Elements Sect and the King's Palace were extremely surprised.

"Sure enough, Junior Brother Yan did not betray Tumen. He still insisted on his belief. He will fight for our Five Elements Sect."

Chu Gui'e looked excited. Although he called Yan Guangsheng his junior brother, he deeply respected this genius.

He was quite emotional when Yan Guangsheng stayed in Jiewang Mansion before. Now seeing Yan Guangsheng come forward, he couldn't help but be happy.

But Bu Lie, the leader of the Tumen Sect, frowned slightly, with a worried look on his face: "With Yan Guangsheng's strength, even if he joins forces with Chen Yang, he is definitely not qualified to compete with Jiang Yuncan. Moreover, Yan Guangsheng gave me Although I feel confident, I don’t have the sharp arrogance before, but I feel calm, restrained and calm.”

Dai Tie observed Yan Guangsheng and said: "Although it looks like Yan Guangsheng, it gives me the feeling that this is not Yan Guangsheng. But if it is not Yan Guangsheng, who is he?"

"Perhaps his mentality changed after losing to Chen Yang." Li Yan made a guess, but this statement was not very convincing.

Mu Xueran frowned and said solemnly: "Something's wrong. Yan Guangsheng is at the ninth level of the second-star realm, and his strength is not as good as Chen Yang. How can he be Jiang Yuncan's opponent. In this case, what's the point of him standing up now? "

"He stayed in Kaiwang Mansion for nearly two months. Perhaps during this period, he found a way to know Jiang Yuncan's weakness." Bu Lie did not think Yan Guangsheng was a fool. Since Yan Guangsheng came forward, he thought he must have a trump card. , otherwise it would be like committing suicide.

"What do we do now?"

Mu Xueran looked at the other three sect masters. She had an impulsive personality, so she was not willing to make decisions on her own.

Li Yan said seriously: "Observe the situation first and adapt accordingly. If Chen Yang and Yan Guangsheng are defeated, we will attack immediately, get close to Jiang Yuncan, and then blow ourselves up."

This is their last resort. The other three sect leaders are ready to take action at any time.

"Yan Guangsheng!"

Jiang Yuncan looked back, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes. He didn't expect that Yan Guangsheng would actually go against him. Is he crazy? He dared to compete with him even with his two-star ninth-level strength?

Although Jiang Yuncan already knew that Yan Guangsheng was reborn, he still did not think that Yan Guangsheng, an old guy who had lived for who knows how many years, would be his opponent.

After all, he was the strongest person in the entire White Realm. Over the course of time, most of those who opposed him died.

Unless Yan Guangsheng is a strong man from the upper world.

But this kind of thing is absolutely impossible.

After all, cultivators in the upper realm will choose the upper realm even if they take away their bodies. Why come to the white realm?

"Yang Tengying, kill him!"

Jiang Yuncan didn't want to ask why Yan Guangsheng gave up the chance of survival and chose to stand up to help the Five Elements Sect at the last moment.

In his opinion, since he rebelled, he could just kill him.

"Yes, master!"

Yang Tengying took the order and without any hesitation, he waved his sword and attacked Yan Guangsheng's back.

Yan Guangsheng's strength was extraordinary. Although Yang Tengying believed that his strength was much higher than that of his opponent, he did not take it lightly. He used 80% of his strength and tried to kill Yan Guangsheng into pieces with one blow.

The sword light was released from the crowd in Kaiou Palace, and its power was extremely terrifying. It was obviously much higher level than the battle during the Five Elements Ceremony.

"Get out of the way."

"Brother Yan, be careful."

Seeing Yang Tengying's fierce attack, everyone in the Five Elements Sect was worried, and they all spoke to Yan Guangsheng to remind him.

However, Yan Guangsheng looked calm, as if he had discovered nothing, and continued to fly slowly downwards.

This behavior was the same as during his first battle against Wei Liang in the Five Elements Ceremony.

That time, he was arrogant and flamboyant, with contempt in his eyes.

This time, he felt restrained, calm, and calm, as if nothing could shock him in the slightest.

Either the same or different.

The question is, can Yang Tengying be the same as Wei Liang?

This is a top master who is two realms higher than Wei Liang, on the same level as the five sect masters, and even three points higher in strength.

In the blink of an eye, the surging sword light had reached behind Yan Guangsheng.

Just when everyone was worried, a faint energy was released from Yan Guangsheng's back.

The energy is obviously very weak, but the power it gives people is very terrifying, as if it is a vast sea of ​​​​stars, possessing power that no one can match.

And that terrifying vast feeling, just sensing it, makes people tremble with fear, as if they are trapped in it and cannot escape.

Not to mention, to fight against such a force is simply to hit an egg against a stone.

That faint ray of energy quickly spread out and formed a barrier, neither big nor small, completely covering Yan Guangsheng's back.

At this moment, Yang Tengying's sword light struck the barrier.


The energy exploded and the terrifying power shook the world, making people from both the Five Elements Sect and the King's Palace tremble in their hearts.

However, the scene of energy sweeping and scattering did not appear. The barrier that protected Yan Guangsheng from the sword light suddenly expanded and closed at the moment when the sword light exploded. Like a packed bag, all the energy that had been dispersed by the sword light was gone. Shrouded in.

Everyone could clearly see that the energy of the sword light was trembling violently, but it could not escape the shackles of the energy barrier and was continuously compressed.

Before he could see clearly, it was as if the mirror image was changing instantly, and the raging energy was compressed to the size of a fist, very condensed, and running in the energy barrier.

Suddenly, the energy barrier suddenly moved and moved very quickly, carrying the energy wrapped in the sword light and shooting towards Yang Tengying.

Everything happened in an instant. When Yang Tengying reacted, the energy was already fifty meters in front of him.

This distance is not too far for masters in the three-star realm.

What's more, Starlight's attack speed is extremely fast.


Yang Tengying snorted coldly, swung his sword out, and the powerful sword light cut through the oncoming attack.

The energy swept away, covering the sky and the sun.

While everyone marveled at Yang Tengying's power, only Yang Tengying noticed that in the vast energy, a tiny ray of starlight, like a long needle, whizzed towards him.

The starlight approached quickly, and Yang Tengying only saw a flash of light. Before he could make any reaction, the starlight had already passed through his head, leaving a tiny blood spot on his forehead.

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