Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5135 A Last Stand

Li Yan glared at Jiang Yuncan and said in a deep voice: "King of the Realm, even if we die, we will never give in. Faith is more important than life."

Bu Lie said in a solemn voice: "Jiang Yuncan, you are helping the tyrants and trying to destroy the entire White Realm. You are not worthy of being the King of the Realm."

"What's so good about the King of Kai?"

Jiang Yuncan smiled disdainfully and continued: "Zhonghao Realm, that is the vast sky. When I get there, even if I just become a servant of Kuxuan Star Lord, it will be better than being the king of the realm here."

Bu Lie was so angry that he gritted his teeth and was speechless.

Among the five sect masters, Mu Xueran was the most out of control. With both male and female swords in hand, he pointed at Jiang Yuncan and angrily shouted: "Jiang Yuncan, stop talking nonsense and take action."

"It's just you, there's no need for me to take action."

Jiang Yuncan shook his head, the smile on his face faded, his eyes became sharp, his voice deepened, and he said to an imposing man behind him: "Yang Tengying, you lead the army, launch an attack, and let them know that in the white world and If I resist, I must pay the price of death."

Yang Tengying is Jiang Yuncan's eldest disciple. He is at the third level of the Three Stars and is extremely powerful. In the entire White Realm, he can be said to be second only to Jiang Yuncan and Ye Yuncheng.

"Yes, master."

Yang Tengying bowed and responded, with a bloodthirsty sneer on his angular face.


He took out a long spear, stepped out from the crowd, and shouted loudly: "Everyone obeys the order and prepares to fight!"

The sound of clanging weapons being unsheathed was heard, and tens of thousands of golden-armored guards took out their weapons and pointed at the Five Elements Sect cultivators gathered on the hillside below.

Their faces were expressionless, their eyes were cold, and the surging star energy was released from their bodies and gathered together to form terrifying energy fluctuations.

Wang Xiong, Wan Jun and others also took out their weapons and entered a state of preparation for war.

Now they seemed to have completely regarded themselves as members of the Kaiou Palace, forgetting everything they had experienced in the Five Sects, and the cultivation and kindness the Five Sects had shown them.

The Kaioufu army in the sky formed a formation, putting huge pressure on the people of the Five Elements Sect.

Li Yan looked grave and whispered to the other four sect leaders: "We must not be obsessed with fighting. Our purpose is to protect the sect leader and give him enough time to activate the formation."

Everyone else nodded, agreeing with Li Yan's point of view.

Mu Xueran said in a deep voice: "If I can survive today, I will definitely catch the traitor and cut him into pieces."

"Who knows if you are a traitor."

Shui Qianxun glanced at Mu Xueran and said coldly.

"stop fighting."

Bu Lie shouted sharply, drew his sword in his hand, and said to Dai Tie: "Master Dai Tie, now you come to take charge of the overall situation and lead us in this difficult defensive battle."

At this moment, Ye Yuncheng was still activating the Five Elements Soaring Formation. The person in charge of the overall situation of the Five Elements Sect was naturally the most powerful Dai Tie.

Although Dai Tie once wanted the Golden Gate to suppress the other four gates and become the strongest among the five gates.

But now, he has given up all thoughts and only hopes to keep the Five Elements Sect and Jinmen.

The same goes for other people's thoughts.

It can be said at this moment that although there are still minor conflicts among the five sect masters, they can be said to be a rare united force.

Dai Tie rose into the air, looked at the 20,000 strong men from the five sects gathered on the hillside behind him, raised his spear, and shouted loudly:

"Prepare for war!"

His voice, full of firm belief, echoed among the mountain peaks. The five cultivators who were shocked by the Kaiou Palace army regained some morale, took out their weapons, mobilized the star energy in their bodies, and prepared for attack.

Star energy surged in the sky and the ground, and the lines between the Five Elements Sect and the Realm King's Mansion were clear and tense.

Judging from the number of people, the Five Elements Sect has the advantage.

From the perspective of cultivation level, the top experts in Kaiou Palace are even better.

In fact, the Five Elements cultivators all know in their hearts that the King's Palace is stronger than the Five Elements Sect, otherwise the Five Elements Sect would not have ended up splitting back then.

They were in awe of the Kaiwang Mansion.

However, this battle is inevitable and every effort must be made.

Otherwise, even if they survive today, when the White Realm is destroyed, everyone will die.

Among the cultivators of the Fire Sect, Shang Lianxiu, Hua Cheng and other Fire Protector disciples were among them.

Among the cultivators supported by various sects, they are already considered to be at the top of the list. They are the main force in this battle and must exert huge power.

Hua Cheng, Hu Dong, Xuanya and others had firm faces, all ready to fight with a death mentality.

But Shang Yeonxiu looked at the Kaiou's army in the sky, and there was a hint of fear and hesitation in his eyes. At this moment, he hoped that he could be valued by the Kaiou and become a Kaiou.

At this time, among the five cultivators, there are very few timid people who have the same idea as monk Lianxiu.

However, they have no choice.

Because even if they seek refuge with the Kaioh, the Kaioh will not accept them.

But such thoughts weakened their fighting spirit and made them feel cowardly, which would greatly affect their combat efficiency.

Dai Tie had no time to pay attention to what everyone was thinking at the moment. He then ordered that the deputy sect masters, elders and other high-level cultivators of the five sects rose into the air and scattered around the Five Elements Altar, protecting the Five Elements Altar in the center to prevent Ye Yuncheng from activating the formation. The legal process is disrupted.

Of course, their strength alone is not enough.

"The five gates listened to the order and formed a defensive formation based on the directions of metal, wood, water, fire and earth to protect the sect master."

Dai Tie continued to give orders.

The five cultivators, under the auspices of the elders, immediately took action and guarded the periphery of their respective Five Elements Treasures, forming a human wall, completely shielding Ye Yuncheng in the center.

Externally, the situation is tense.

Inside the human wall, there are five holes in the ground, and the five Five Elements Treasures release surging power, converging on the Five Elements Altar, becoming stronger and stronger, and the degree of integration is getting higher and higher.

"The activation of the formation has reached 70%. As long as you persist for half an hour, it will be fully activated. During this period, you must be careful about Jiang Yuncan, he is likely to launch a surprise attack on the sect leader."

Dai Tie whispered to the other four sect leaders beside him, then raised the spear in his hand and shouted loudly: "Fight for the Five Elements Sect."

His momentum was astonishing, with the courage and determination to die, and his strong appeal, which affected the Five Elements Sect practitioners and made them more determined.

"Fight for the Five Elements Sect!"

Among the five cultivators, some looked up to the sky and screamed at the top of their lungs, as if they were venting their inner anger, erupting in a fight to the death, and venting the fear deep in their hearts.

This cry resonated with the crowd.

Then, voices sounded one after another.

"Fight for the Five Elements Sect!"

"Fight for the Five Elements Sect!"

At this moment, the five divided sects seemed to be reunited, and the Five Elements Sect regained its integrity and unity.

However, there was a hint of sadness in the people's fighting spirit.

It was like, this was the last sound they made.

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