Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5123 The third time

The Yaotianyan fireball suddenly exploded, which was completely beyond Li Yan and Yang Dinghan's expectations.

Why did it suddenly explode when it was clearly under control?

The originally restrained fire power burst out at this moment, and its power was so terrifying that even Li Yan, who was at the third level of Three Stars, found it irresistible.

"Chen Yang, be careful."


Li Yan and Yang Dinghan started at the same time and flew towards Chen Yang.

Chen Yang reacted very quickly and immediately placed the Five Elements Order in front of him. A five-color shield expanded from the Five Elements Order, covering him from behind.

Boom boom boom boom...

The flames impacted on the five-color shield. Although the shield's light continued to wave, it was not defeated in the end.

The raging flames dispersed in all directions, then suddenly emerged from the hole in the ground and sank downwards.

In the blink of an eye, everything returned to its original state, the fireball disappeared, and the Yaotianyan burned blazingly again, the fire soaring into the sky, vast and vast.

"Chen Yang, are you okay?"

Li Yanfei stepped forward and looked at Chen Yang with worry.

Although Yang Dinghan didn't say anything, the moment the flames burst, he rushed forward with all his strength, which already showed his attitude.

This fact allowed him to gain more trust from Chen Yang.


Chen Yang waved his hand, looked down at the Five Elements Order in his hand, a look of thought appeared in his eyes, and said in deep thought: "I can already use the Five Elements Order to communicate with Yao Tianyan, but my strength is still a little bit behind, and I can't control the violent temper. Yao Tianyan. It’s like...being controlled by me, Yao Tianyan is a little unconvinced."

"Now what?"

Li Yan frowned. He didn't expect that he had just made progress and encountered another problem.

Chen Yang looked at Li Yan: "If I want to completely control Yaotianyan and transfer it to the original location of Fire Gate, then I must at least advance to the three-star realm."

Li Yan's eyes showed a look of hope: "You have now reached the limit of two-star and nine-level. If you advance to three-star level, there shouldn't be much problem."

"I'll try it now."

Chen Yang glanced at the entire Yaotian Flame Cave, with a determined look on his face, and said: "The star energy here is very strong, and the fire attribute power also helps stimulate my bloodline, allowing me to burst out with stronger potential. I decided , hit the realm right here.”

Li Yan looked shocked: "Yao Tian Yan is very dangerous. If you have any flaws in the process of impacting the realm and lose your defense against Yao Tian Yan, you will be severely burned or even die."

“If you don’t take risks, how can you unleash your potential?”

Chen Yang looked firm and said to Li Yan and Yang Dinghan: "No matter what happens later, please don't interfere. Even if my life is in danger, please don't interfere."

Yang Dinghan frowned slightly and whispered: "Master, you..."

"obey orders."

Chen Yang had a determined look in his eyes. Without waiting for Li Yan to persuade him again, he turned around, faced the cave where Yao Tianyan was, and sat cross-legged.


Li Yan looked helpless, sighed, retreated to the water curtain, and muttered: "Only Chen Yang can do this kind of thing. No wonder he has achieved such great achievements."

Watching Chen Yangxing slowly start to function and become more and more powerful, Li Yan became more and more worried.

But he found that Yang Dinghan beside him had regained his composure and looked at Chen Yang calmly, seemingly not worried at all.

He couldn't help but ask: "Elder Yang, aren't you afraid of Chen Yang's accident?"

"He can succeed."

Yang Dinghan stared at Chen Yang intently, a look of expectation flashing in his eyes.

"I hope so."

Li Yan still couldn't let go, with a solemn expression on his face.

Chen Yang originally planned to hit the realm, but now it's just a change of environment.

This environment is better, but also more dangerous.

However, Chen Yang believes that such an environment can better stimulate his potential.

He circulated the star energy and reached the limit of the impact realm, and then took two Dingyang Pills in one mouthful.

The function of Dingyang Pill is to assist with strong induction when comprehending the stars, which can not only strengthen the connection with the stars, but also strengthen the stability after the formation of the perception.

Usually in the impact realm, you can only take one Dingyang Pill at a time.

But Chen Yang was confident in his physique and took two pills directly.

His behavior surprised Li Yan again.

"That dark star, come out."

Chen Yang concentrated his mind, and his soul's perception of the stars in the sky reached its peak, looking for the star that he sensed when he advanced to one star or two stars.

The surrounding mirrors changed, and everything went more smoothly than Chen Yang expected. He appeared above the dark star for the third time.

Endless darkness shrouded the star, and the sky and the earth were connected together in black.

Darkness and chaos are everything about this star.

A cold feeling came over me, but it was quickly dissipated by warmth.

The warmth came from Yao Tianyan, and the stimulation to Chen Yang's body weakened Chen Yang's sense of reality around him.

He understood that now he was just a thought appearing on the star, forming a mysterious and magical connection.

Chen Yang has always felt strange about this.

When other people hit the realm and perceive the stars, they sense the stars from a distance. They can only see the outline of the entire star and perceive its power, attributes, etc.

But he can be above the stars.

Why is there such a difference? Chen Yang has not found the answer until now.

Everything was crucial at this time. Chen Yang concentrated his attention, abandoned all distracting thoughts, and walked forward.

There is a special place above this dark star that has always made Chen Yang curious.

That dark castle, for the first time, I just watched from a distance.

The second time he reached the steps in front of the castle.

This time, he saw the castle, approached the castle, and reached the not high stairs again.

Last time, stopped here.

Will it be the same this time?

Chen Yang looked at the stairs, was silent for a moment, raised his feet and walked up the stairs.


Suddenly, a loud noise sounded in his mind.

He felt that his figure became blurred, as if his connection with the stars might be interrupted at any time.

At the same time, a chaotic and dark power was entering his body, making him stronger.

"Hold on! Hold on!"

Chen Yang's eyes widened angrily, his expression firm, and his figure quickly regained its composure.

He continued, heading up the stairs.

The power poured into the body has been strengthened again.

I don't know if this feeling is the induction of the spirit, or if it actually affects the body.

When he found that his body was weakened again, Chen Yang quickly gathered his strength and pressed his feet tightly on the steps, as if this could strengthen his sense and connection to the star.

"This time, at least I have to walk to the door. Then next time, I can open the door and see the world inside the castle."

Chen Yang suddenly stepped forward, taking a dozen steps in succession, and climbed up the steps.

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