Urban magic doctor

Chapter 511 Someone else


Is Yang Xuewei in the hands of Hellfire?

Chen Yang looked puzzled. He didn't know about the Solomon family, and Yang Xuewei would definitely not have anything to do with this family. Why would they arrest Yang Xuewei?

He looked at the woman who spoke and asked, "Besides, does the Solomon family have anything else to say?"

The woman did not answer, but looked at Xiao Jiu, asking for Xiao Jiu's opinion.

"He's my boss."

Xiaojiu only said one sentence to express his attitude.

The woman nodded and said to Chen Yang: "The Solomon family said that they will contact the boss at nine o'clock. He will tell the boss what he needs to do at that time."

Chen Yang was silent for a moment, then looked at Xiao Jiu and said, "It seems that the person who arrested Yang Xuewei is the Solomon family."

"Strange, Professor Yang has no relationship with the Solomon family?"

Xiaojiu said doubtfully.

Chen Yang held his chin and thought for a moment, then said to the woman: "Tell me some information about the Solomon family."


The woman responded and told: "The Solomon family is the most powerful social organization in Jinshan. The main core members are composed of Solomon family members. The leader is called Agassiz Solomon. The Solomon family is mainly engaged in Arms, medicines, smuggling, smuggling, prostitutes and other illegal businesses. In addition, they also operate legitimate industries, and our companies have their shares."

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at Xiao Jiu: "So, the Solomon family is still your partner?"

Xiao Jiu said: "We can't be called partners. Everyone is afraid of each other, so they use cooperation to relieve the sense of crisis. When I first arrived in Jinshan, I had many fights with the Solomon family. They were stronger than me, but not as ruthless as me. , so they finally compromised and let me do business, but they must have their shares.”

"You can conquer the sky with your bare hands, you are very powerful."

Chen Yang praised, looked at the woman who just spoke, and said, "Is there any other news about the Solomon family? For example, which organizations have they been closer to recently, and have they done anything strange?"

"There is no news on this."

The woman shook her head and said.

At this time, the only foreigner looked at Xiao Jiu and said impatiently: "Boss, who is this guy? He is dictating to us. It makes me feel very uncomfortable."

Xiaojiu's expression changed, and Chen Yang felt that he was very angry.

In his heart, Chen Yang is the supreme being. Others can disrespect him, but he does not allow others to disrespect Chen Yang.

"Don't worry."

Chen Yang raised his hand to signal Xiao Jiu not to be impulsive. He glanced at the five people present and said to Xiao Jiu: "You only introduced me, but you haven't introduced them to me yet."

Xiaojiu glared at the foreigner and introduced the five people present to Chen Yang.

These five people are all Xiaojiu's generals.

The three men with Beizhou faces are named Li Yaotian, Gao Senlin, and Huo Yuhao.

The woman's name is Ran Dong. Her name sounds nice, but her appearance is very ordinary, but her eyes are shrewd.

The only foreigner was called Siwo, who was mainly responsible for helping Xiaojiu manage the police in Jinshan. Because he had a good relationship with the police, Xiaojiu absorbed him into the organization.

After listening to the introduction, Chen Yang nodded, looked at Siwo and said, "Give me a reason why you look down on me."

Siwo shrugged: "At least for now, you don't have any respect for me."

If it were someone else, Chen Yang would have beaten him up, but after all, he was Xiaojiu's subordinate. Chen Yang didn't want Xiaojiu to lose a general and affect the operation of the organization.

He said to Swan: "Financial resources, manpower, force. Which aspect do you want me to show you?"

Siwo looked Chen Yang up and down and saw that he was very thin. Siwo stood up and said with a smile: "Let's see your strength. Fight me. As long as you can hit me, you will win."

Hearing these overestimating words, Xiao Jiu's lips curved into a disdainful smile.

Competing with Chen Yang in terms of force is simply seeking death.

As Siwo spoke, he took off the white shirt on his upper body, revealing his strong muscles. With his height of over 1.8 meters, he looked a bit intimidating.

Chen Yang smiled and said: "You are too weak. I will not bully you. I will sit here without moving and let you put your feet and hands."

Give both feet and hands? !

Everyone looked confused, how could they fight?

"How dare you despise me."

With an angry look on his face, Siwo rushed forward and punched Chen Yang.

Everyone thought that Chen Yang would dodge, but they didn't expect that Chen Yang remained motionless and allowed Siwo's fist to hit him.

Everyone thought that Chen Yang had suffered a heavy blow, but only Siwo knew what happened.

The moment he hit Chen Yang with his fist, he felt a huge force come back, making his whole arm numb.

The next moment, there was a click, and his wrist was shattered by the shock.

Siwo's expression changed drastically, and he quickly stepped back. He stared at Chen Yang in surprise, his eyes full of surprise, and he didn't speak for a long time.

Chen Yang didn't move, but his wrist was broken by the shock, and Xiao Jiu's five capable generals were stunned.

"Now you know why he is my boss."

Xiaojiu chuckled lightly and said, "Li Yaotian, take Siwo to bandage it."


Li Yaotian came to his senses, responded, stepped forward and pulled Siwo out.

"Brother Yang, I obey you."

Siwo was able to pick it up and put it down, and immediately nodded slightly to Chen Yang, and then said to Li Yaotian: "I'll bandage it myself, and I'll be back later."

After saying that, he walked straight out of the villa, and Li Yaotian had no choice but to sit down.

Just now, everyone called Chen Yang Brother Yang just because of Xiaojiu's instructions. Now, everyone respects him from the bottom of their hearts.

Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang...

At exactly this time, the pendulum clock in the living room rang, a total of nine times, which happened to be nine o'clock.

Just as the bell finished ringing, Xiaojiu's phone rang.

He took out his phone and showed the screen to everyone. He saw Agassiz Solomon written on it, and it was the leader of the Solomon family calling.

Chen Yang winked at Xiaojiu, and Xiaojiu pressed the speakerphone and answered the phone.

A foreign language with an Italian accent came from the phone: "Yu Kun, I know you are looking for a woman, and now that woman is in my hands."

Xiaojiu's real name is Yu Kun, so the other party calls him that.

"Agassi, what on earth do you mean?"

Xiaojiu frowned and deliberately said in a blank tone.

Agassi said: "Yang Xuewei, a professor at Dayi University of Technology in Hua Jin Kingdom, is a very famous young professor in the field of computer technology. You sent someone to protect her, don't tell me, you have no relationship with her."

Xiao Jiu said in a deep voice: "Tell me, Agassi, what do you want from me? I'm warning you, you'd better not touch Professor Yang, otherwise you will regret it."

Agassi said: "I am not interested in you or your things. What I am looking for is not you, but someone else."

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