Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5100 One-on-two

"So dangerous!"

"It's crazy!"

"It's not that they are crazy, it's that they are too strong."

Seeing that the five-color battlefield was stabilized, the panicked audience gradually calmed down, but they were still afraid that the five-color battlefield would be bombarded again.

Many spectators began to retreat, and the scene was chaotic for a time.

However, when they saw that the nine-marked silver dragon was about to bite the Poxu palm that hit his head, everyone stopped and stared at the battlefield intently.

This battle is so exciting that no one wants to miss it.


The nine-marked silver dragon's sharp fangs condensed with ice edges bit into Poxu's palm. The energy of Poxu's palm exploded, and the nine-marked silver dragon's teeth flew away, and a section of its mouth was broken.

The energy spread and impacted, sweeping across the entire five-color battlefield in an instant.

The five sect masters are currently on the edge of the battlefield, maintaining the stability and stability of the battlefield and unable to escape.

Otherwise, the leaked energy will kill more people.

"Dissipate the energy."

Seeing the energy turbulence spreading, Dai Tie shouted, and the five sect masters immediately joined forces to disperse the ownerless energy dispersed in the five-color battlefield with the help of the battlefield formation.

If it were the situation before, everyone would have to wait for a few breaths before they could see the scene on the battlefield.

But at this moment, it was immediately clear.

I saw that the Nine-marked Silver Dragon was severely injured, with almost half of its head missing.

Everyone suddenly realized that the Poxu Palm was not just a palm, but also a magical power with powerful attack power.

Therefore, after the Po Xu Palm explodes, the energy is completely released, which can cause the greatest damage to the Nine Pattern Silver Dragon.

But before the people who supported Chen Yang could be happy, Yan Guang's energy surged out and blessed the nine-marked silver dragon. The nine-marked silver dragon immediately returned to its form, with a ferocious look on its face, even more ferocious than before.

"Chen Yang, you are destined to lose. Unless you are a strong person in the three-level three-star realm, it is impossible to block my Nine-Pattern Silver Dragon."

Yan Guangsheng sneered, and the Nine-marked Silver Dragon roared and suddenly charged towards Chen Yang. Compared with before, its power was not weakened at all, but slightly enhanced.

Seeing this, everyone believed that this battle would be a protracted one.

Both the Pouring Void Palm and the Nine Pattern Silver Dragon can be regenerated.

It is difficult to predict who will have the last laugh between Chen Yang and Yan Guangsheng.

Perhaps, whose star energy background is deeper than anyone else;

Perhaps, who has better fighting skills.

Two Void-Breaking Palms appeared again, fighting with the Nine-Patterned Silver Dragon in the air. The fight was inextricable, with explosions heard from time to time, and violent energy impacting the five-color battlefield.

If it weren't for the blessing of the five sect masters, the five-color battlefield would have been destroyed long ago.

"It's too scary. The two-star ninth level actually has such a strong power."

Looking at the battlefield, Shang Lianxiu exclaimed, feeling a faint fear of Chen Yang.

Her previous behavior of mocking Chen Yang made her feel scared.

Wan Jun next to him heard this, his eyes flickered, envy flashed deep in his eyes, his teeth clenched, his fists clenched, and the desire for power in his heart became stronger and stronger.

"It seems that in a short time, there will be no winner."

Li Shuheng said with a solemn expression.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, Poxu Palm actually used both hands to grab the writhing Nine-Pattern Silver Dragon.

The nine-marked silver dragon struggled fiercely, and its tail quickly wrapped around Poxu's palm. You grabbed me, and I wrapped around you, falling into a real stalemate.

But then, violent energy fluctuations came in the sky above the Nine-Line Silver Dragon and the Po-Xu Palm. A gap opened in the void, and a huge seal, fused with the power of the Fire Dragon Law and other powers, fell suddenly, covering both the Po-Xu Palm and the Nine-Line Silver Dragon. Shrouded in the offensive.

"Mingwang Seal!"

Yan Guangsheng raised his eyebrows, and his eyes showed a blazing light. There was no fear or fear, only excitement and greed.

He moved, holding a sword, and attacked Chen Yang with a swish.

"what is that?"

"It should be Chen Yang's method to appear from the void. He wants to completely defeat the Nine-Pattern Silver Dragon."

"It turns out that he was waiting for this moment."

"No, Yan Guangsheng is attacking Chen Yang!"

The crowd suddenly discovered that Yan Guangsheng was attacking Chen Yang directly, and everyone showed panic.

Seeing Yan Guangsheng's attack, Chen Yang had no choice but to give up control of Poxu Palm and Mingwang Seal. He moved back and at the same time struck forward with one palm.

According to his previous plan, as long as the nine-marked silver dragon is defeated and the spirit of the demon clan is severely damaged, then this "snake" will not be afraid.

But now it seems that Yan Guangsheng doesn't care about this.

No, it's not that it doesn't matter, it's because the spirit of the demon clan will dodge and resist the Ming King's Seal on its own.

Chen Yang discovered that although Yan Guangsheng did not control the Nine-marked Silver Dragon at this time, the "snake" actually let go of Poxu Palm and dodged out of the attack range of Ming Wangyin very quickly.

Its reaction force is even faster than before.


The nine-marked silver dragon was extremely fast, but it was still hit by the King Ming's Seal, and its entire lower body was turned into powder and submerged in energy.


The nine-marked silver dragon roared, turned its head suddenly to look at Chen Yang, with resentment in its eyes, and said in a hoarse and low voice: "I'm going to kill you."

Hearing the sound, everyone was stunned.

This sound was obviously not made by Yan Guangsheng, nor was it controlled by him.

Instead, it was emitted by the spirit of the demon clan integrated into the nine-marked silver dragon.

Only then did everyone realize that the spirit of the demon clan could make sounds. Although he was in fragments, he had complete consciousness.

"Although this demon spirit is fragmented, it is stronger than imagined."

Chen Yang frowned slightly. Seeing his palm blocking Yan Guangsheng's hand being slashed by Yan Guangsheng's sword, his heart skipped a beat and he suddenly discovered a problem.

Although the Nine-Pattern Silver Dragon was released by Yan Guangsheng, it actually only relied on Yan Guangsheng's energy, laws and other powers. It was not that Yan Guangsheng had complete control, but it belonged to the spirit of the demon clan.

Now, the spirit of the demon clan and Yan Guangsheng are attacking at the same time, and Chen Yang is facing a one-on-two situation.

This is completely different from dealing with Yan Guangsheng alone.

Yan Guangsheng noticed the look of surprise flashing in Chen Yang's eyes. He smiled and said conspiratorially: "Hmph, the nine-marked silver dragon is like my contracted demon clan. Now you finally understand that you are one against two." , there is no way it can be our opponent.”


The nine-striped silver dragon, which was only half of its body, roared angrily, spewing out cold air from its mouth, and swept towards Chen Yang.

Yan Guangsheng did not hesitate, waved his sword, and a sword light like a silver moon shrouded in the ice, spinning, and went straight towards Chen Yang.

The cold air and sword light are terrifying and unstoppable.

Two Void-Breaking Palms gathered around Chen Yang's body, covering him to form a defense.

But just for an instant, there was a boom, the Poxu Palm was blasted, and Chen Yang was submerged in the cold air and sword light, and disappeared.

"Chen Yang!"

Li Shuheng was shocked, his eyes widened with panic.

Duan Yunxian, Mulanxi, Xuanya and others were also dumbfounded.

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