Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5089 Killing


When Chen Yang finished speaking, the entire audience was in an uproar, even more surprised than Duan Yunxian when he saw the demonic energy boiling.

"Chen Yang actually has demon blood!"

"In other words, the two people fighting now are not completely human!"

"The Five Elements Ceremony is a grand ceremony for our human race, and now two people with demon blood are actually competing here. What does it mean?"

"The demons are an inferior race, but there are humans willing to combine with them. Chen Yang and Duan Yunxian are both evil species!"

The whole audience was furious, and many people expressed their discrimination and anger against the demons.

"Shut up, everyone!"

An angry shout rang out, with terrifying momentum and murderous intent.

The originally noisy voice gradually weakened and finally became completely quiet.

Chen Yang looked around the audience with cold eyes, a murderous sneer on his lips, and said solemnly: "My mother is a demon. If anyone speaks rudely again and dares to insult my mother, I will kill him!"

Everyone was shocked by his momentum. For a while, although they felt unhappy, they did not dare to speak out.

As for the five sect masters, disciples and others, they have a broad vision, so naturally they will not really look down on the demons, and they will not argue with Chen Yang.

"Demons are an inferior race and are not worthy of being combined with humans, let alone ruling the roost in the White World."

After all, among the crowd, there were bold and ignorant people who raised their arms and shouted and roared.

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Yang turned around and saw that even though he was tens of thousands of meters away, the power of his eyes could still easily control these lowly cultivators.

I saw the man's eyes were blank, and he drew his sword in his hand. Without any hesitation, he cut his own throat with the sword.

Blood splattered and he died on the spot.

"what happened?"

"Why did he kill himself? What happened?"

"Could he commit suicide to express his determination to fight against the demons?"

The whole place was in a commotion, and no one could see clearly how the human race died.

The king of the realm, the masters of the five sects, and the elite disciples of the five sects were all aware of the power of spiritual consciousness that Chen Yang burst out in that moment.

"Divine consciousness magic!"

Mu Xueran had a look of surprise on his face and muttered: "What a brilliant spiritual consciousness technique. It actually completely controls the opponent and makes him kill himself."

Bu Lie glanced at Li Yan and said, "It seems that Chen Yang has his own practice and has not received the inheritance from the Fire Sect."

Li Yan looked solemn and nodded: "Chen Yang's inheritance is more powerful and mysterious, and he is indeed an unparalleled genius."

"This divine consciousness technique is quite clever."

Even Shui Qianxun, who looked unhappy at Chen Yang, couldn't help but praise him.

However, these advanced cultivators knew Chen Yang's methods, but the ordinary viewers had no idea what was going on.

When everyone came to their senses, someone started to insult the demons again, greeting all the eighteen generations of Chen Yang and Duan Yunxian's ancestors.

Chen Yang can ignore others, but he will never let anyone insult his mother.

This is his limit.

To deal with cultivators above the same realm, Li Yantong may not be strong enough, and may not even be able to control the other person's behavior.

But the audience's level is far lower than Chen Yang. With just one look, he can immediately invade the other person's mind and make him kill himself.

For a time, starting from the area closer to the five-color battlefield, people continued to commit suicide.

In just a moment, hundreds of people were dead.

The threat of death is the most terrifying thing.

The crowd that had been noisy just now immediately fell silent, and they were all frightened.

Especially after discovering that the louder the louder the people, the faster they die, they even closed their mouths and did not even dare to let out a fart.

However, these low-level cultivators still don’t know what happened.

Could it be that insulting the demon clan would result in divine punishment?

Soon, the truth about Chen Yang's divine consciousness method of killing people spread among the crowd, and everyone knew what was going on.

"Chen Yang actually killed someone who insulted the demon clan!"

"No, strictly speaking, those who insulted his mother should have been killed."

"It's better to be silent, I don't want to die."

The crowd murmured in low voices. The crowd that had been arrogant just now suddenly lost their confidence in the face of the threat of death.

On the floating platform, everyone also looked surprised and surprised.

No one expected that when the dignity of Chen Yang's mother was involved, he would be so decisive in killing someone.

Especially Li Shuheng, Xuanya, and Hu Dong, they felt that the feeling Chen Yang gave them at this moment was completely different from usual.

"Very good, this is the attitude that a strong person should have."

When the five sect masters and disciples were all quiet, Realm King Jiang Yuncan suddenly shouted "Hello".

His eyes fell behind Chen Yang, his eyes full of admiration.

Obviously, Chen Yang's talent, strength, and personality are all to his liking.

Seeing that the whole place fell into silence, Chen Yang showed disdain, looked around the whole place, and said loudly:

"Demons, monsters, blood, ghosts, phantoms, elves... there are many races, all possessing very high intelligence, and apart from their shapes and customs, there are no essential differences between them.

You discriminate against the demons simply because, in the White World, the humans are more powerful than the demons, so you are arrogant, confident, and arrogant, shouting and killing the demons!

But if you don’t have the entire human race to back you up, what are you?

In front of the powerful demons, you are nothing but useless people. "


The whole place was in an uproar, and many people looked angry, thinking that Chen Yang had betrayed the human race.

Chen Yang smiled disdainfully and said coldly: "If anyone is dissatisfied, after I defeat Duan Yunxian, you can stand up and fight with me to prove that you are superior to others with your strength. If you don't have that strength, just shut up."

The whole place was boiling, but no one dared to contradict or insult Chen Yang.

Duan Yunxian looked at Chen Yang solemnly, with a complicated look in his eyes, seeming to be a little hesitant.

After a moment of silence, his face hardened, and he shouted to the audience: "If anyone is not convinced, you will die after I defeat Chen Yang!"

The threats from Chen Yang and Duan Yunxian were very useful.

The boiling scene gradually calmed down.

Except for Chen Yang, everyone else at the scene felt a little complicated at this moment.

Chen Yang ignored the gazes of others, looked at Duan Yunxian, and sensed his much enhanced energy, and said: "It seems that your demon blood is very strong. It would be more suitable for you to practice the demon's star arts and magical powers."

"No, I'm human!"

Duan Yunxian's eyes flickered. Although he was dissatisfied with others' discrimination, he himself was unwilling to admit his demon bloodline.

"It doesn't matter."

Chen Yang shook his head, his eyes focused, and he said solemnly: "I finally understand why you are so arrogant and want to prove yourself."

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