Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5046 Carriage

The ball of multicolored light, about a hundred meters wide, reached space in an instant, and then exploded. The gorgeous multicolored brilliance spread, forming a huge battlefield of ten thousand meters.

The battlefield was so bright that it reflected the sky, and the residents of the surrounding stars could clearly see it.

Experienced cultivators all know that when this Five Elements Battlefield appears, it means that the Five Elements Ceremony is about to begin.

A wonderful ceremony that everyone is looking forward to.

Before the people from the five gates could fly into the starry sky, the audience, which had been waiting for them from the surrounding stars, soared into the sky. Blue streams of light appeared from the stars, and then gathered together, heading straight for the five-color battlefield.

There were too many people and the energy was too strong. At this moment, it seemed that even the surrounding stars were affected and were shaking slightly.

In a moment, cultivators gathered in the starry sky, surrounding the five-color battlefield. Only the dazzling blue stars could see the five-color light of the battlefield.

Moreover, there are hundreds of stars around, and people continue to rush towards the starry sky. I wonder how many people will be attracted to this grand ceremony.

One billion, ten billion?

Even, 100 billion?

"The Five Elements Ceremony is indeed the largest ceremony in the entire White World. Such a large audience is enough to prove its status."

Chen Yang looked up at the starry sky, thinking to himself, but found that up to now, he had not seen the face of the King of Kai.

What does this mean? Isn't the King of Kai not showing up?


The five sect masters flew vertically towards the starry sky at the same time.

The five disciples followed closely behind, and within a moment, everyone arrived in the starry sky where the sea of ​​people was surging.

"The Five Elements Sect has arrived."

"Everyone, get out of the way."

"Haha, I got a good position this time."

"Get out of the way."

The dense crowd spontaneously gave way to a path, and the people from the Five Gates passed through the crowd and reached the core.

In that 10,000-meter-wide battlefield, five colors of light flowed, releasing powerful power.

"Cultivators outside the five gates should step back a thousand meters."

Dai Tie shouted loudly, and all the voices around the bustling battlefield were suppressed by him.

Everyone did not dare to neglect and immediately retreated.

Suddenly, there were countless millions of people, and the crowds were so crowded that some low-level cultivators were directly squeezed to death.

Elders in the Golden Gate flew away to maintain order on the scene, and the chaos improved.

Then, the viewing area was adjusted so that no one could watch from above or below, and the crowd was distributed to both sides in a trapezoid shape. In this way, even practitioners who were far away could clearly observe the battle.

Dai Tie waved his hand and threw out a platform carved with white jade, suspended in the vast starry sky. On the highest point, there were five seats, and the masters of the five gates were seated.

Below, there are fifty seats, belonging to the five disciples participating in the battle.

Other ordinary disciples, under the leadership of the elders, were divided into five directions and surrounded the five-color battlefield.

"It's finally about to start. I don't know who will be first this time."

"I was also lucky enough to watch the last Five Elements Ceremony. Jinmen disciple Bai Xun's strength was quite impressive. He overwhelmed everyone and won the first place."

"Currently, the chief disciple of Jinmen is Duan Yunxian, and Bai Xun is second. Duan Yunxian must be much stronger. I'm afraid he must be the first."

"That's not necessarily the case. The other four gates have also worked hard. The wooden gate Mulanxi and the earth gate Chu Gui'e are all extraordinary."

"So what, he must not be Mr. Duan's opponent."

"That unparalleled young master from Tumen is said to be a peerless genius, with a two-star and ninth-level master, he can defeat a three-star and first-level practitioner. His strength is extraordinary."

"Chen Yang, a fire guardian disciple of the Fire Sect, is a two-star eighth level. When he was in Copper Iron City, he single-handedly defeated three Xuanshui disciples. He is also extremely talented."

"It seems that this Five Elements Ceremony is full of talented people."

"But, why don't we start a fight now that everyone has arrived?"

The audience, which stretched thousands of miles away, was talking a lot at this moment. Just the sound gathered together was a terrifying energy, making people's heads buzz.

Seat of Fire Protector Disciple.

Xuanya raised her head and glanced at the five-sect master sitting above her, and whispered: "Strange, why haven't you announced the start of the Five Elements Ceremony now?"

Li Shuheng muttered: "Have you forgotten that during this Five Elements Ceremony, the King of the Realm has returned to watch the battle. The King of the Realm has not yet appeared, and the hour has not passed, so naturally we have to wait."

While speaking, Li Shuheng glanced at Chen Yang. He knew that Chen Yang's ultimate goal was to meet the realm king. If the realm king did not come, then this Five Elements Ceremony would not be of much significance to Chen Yang.

Boom, boom, boom...

At this moment, a violent noise came from the distant sky, covering up even the voices of tens of billions of people.

Thousands of troops and horses galloping are no longer enough to describe the mammoth sound.

Everyone followed the sound and saw that at the end of the dark starry sky diagonally above, a group of white light was approaching at a very fast speed. At the end, there was a white afterimage of unknown length, which was spectacular.

Gradually getting closer, I could finally see the white light clearly. It was a bright snow-white carriage. It was unknown what kind of material it was made of. It was as gentle as jade, but it gave people an indestructible feeling.

When they got closer, everyone discovered that the carriage continued to enlarge, and actually reached a length of one thousand meters.

A thousand meters is not a big thing, but compared with ordinary carriages, this is simply a huge monster.

When the carriage got closer, everyone made another discovery. The carriage was actually being pulled by demons. No, it wasn't pulling, it was pushing.

Because the demon clan was actually behind the carriage.

So when the carriage came just now, no one saw this demon clan from the front.

I saw that the demon clan was about a kilometer long and looked like a fierce horse, but it had no hair, only bare black skin, and strong muscles on its body that seemed to burst the skin.

His four hooves are strong, his legs are condensed with demonic energy, and they are terrifyingly powerful.

His head is similar to that of a horse, but it has a pair of straight horns that open to the left and right, with thunder flashing and making a crackling sound.


The demon clan pushed the carriage and reached the sky above the Five Colors Battlefield in an instant. He made a deep voice and opened his mouth. The sharp teeth were folded out from the mouth, which was a hundred meters long and looked like ivory.

But after he sneezed, his mouth closed and his teeth came into his mouth.

The monster clan's huge eyes looked around, except for the five sect masters whose eyes stayed for a moment, no one else was paid attention to by him.

A puff of air came out of his nostrils, like a cold snort, and a look of disdain flashed in his eyes, as if he looked down on the people present.

His form and momentum are truly terrifying.

What makes everyone even more horrified is that the realm of this demon clan has actually reached the third level of three stars, which is equivalent to the master of the five sects.

Such a powerful monster was actually driven to push the carriage.

Then the person sitting in the carriage is so powerful.

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