Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5022: Parchment again

Soon, Lu Chan came out of the inner room and said with gratitude to Chen Yang: "Senior Brother Chen, thank you. If it weren't for you, my sister would be ruined."

"a piece of cake."

Chen Yang smiled and asked, "By the way, have you asked your sister what's going on with her?"

"Sister said she wanted to thank you in person. If you have any questions, why not ask her in person." Lu Chan said.

Chen Yang was about to refuse, when footsteps came from inside, and Lu Se walked out with the support of Lu Xian.

"elder sister."

Lu Chan went up to him and wanted to help Lu Se.

At this time, Lu Se bent his knees and was about to kneel down to Chen Yang, his face full of gratitude: "My dear friend, thank you for saving me."

"There's no need to kneel down."

Chen Yang gently raised his hands, and the air flow held up Lu Se's knees, preventing him from kneeling down.

Chen Yang winked at Lu Chan, and Lu Chan quickly stepped forward to help his sister up and whispered: "Sister, there is no need to kneel down to Senior Brother Chen."

Lu Se didn't force it, but just kept thanking Chen Yang.

"Sit down first. I have some questions I want to ask you."

Chen Yang motioned Lu Se to sit down and asked, "I want to know what happened to you, and why did a fish monster appear in the sea of ​​consciousness?"

Lu Se's body trembled, with a look of fear on his face, as if he remembered something extremely terrifying.

Seeing this, Chen Yang said: "If you don't want to, you don't have to answer."

Luther rubbed his head, was silent for a moment, and then said: "This happened five years ago. I was exploring an ancient ruins alone, and unexpectedly found a strange parchment."

"Parchment again."

Chen Yang frowned and couldn't help but think of the two pieces of parchment in his hand. The contents on them were intermittent, and he didn't know what they were recorded on.

Lu Se was interrupted, and she looked up at Chen Yang doubtfully: "Do you know about parchment?"

"Continue talking first," Chen Yang said.

Lu Se glanced at Chen Yang suspiciously, but he didn't suspect anything, and then said: "That piece of parchment is the beginning of the nightmare.

I took the parchment, and when I returned, everything was fine.

Unexpectedly, on the next day, someone came to the door.

That man was very powerful, and with just one look, I was seriously injured and lay on the ground unable to move.

He took the parchment away and said that for the sake of secrecy, he could not let me continue to live.

At that time I thought I was going to die.

But he took out a fish, crushed it and said don't waste my body, leave the fish for him.

After that, he never appeared again.

I thought I was safe, but from that day on, I was confused and confused, and my memory continued to disappear.

Later, I fell asleep completely. "

It was the first time for Lu Chan and Lu Xian to hear these things. After hearing this, they both looked at Lu Se dumbfounded and felt incredible.

"It seems that the problem lies in the parchment."

Chen Yang frowned and asked Lu Se, "Do you still remember the content on the parchment?"

"I don't remember." Luther's face showed a look of recollection, as if he was in great pain. After a long time, he continued: "I only remember that the parchment was very worn and full of holes, and the content was intermittent and unclear. It’s almost impossible to know what was recorded.”

Upon hearing this, Chen Yang immediately took out the parchment from his ring and asked, "Is this it?"


Lu Se seemed to have suffered great psychological trauma. After seeing the parchment, she stood up and looked at Chen Yang in horror: "You...how could you, you and them..."

"Don't be nervous, I got this by accident."

Chen Yang spread out the two pieces of parchment and said to Lu Se in as calm a tone as possible: "See if this parchment is the same as the one you have seen before."

"Just...that's them."

Lu Se just glanced at it, then quickly looked away, and said in a panic: "Throw it away quickly, this thing will attract the devil, and he will make you become like me."

"Brother...Brother, can you stop irritating my sister?"

Lu Xian, who seemed timid, frowned and said to Chen Yang.

"Feel sorry."

Chen Yang put away the two pieces of parchment and said, "I still have a few questions. Can I continue to ask?"

Lu Xian looked embarrassed, but in the end he was too embarrassed to refuse the benefactor who saved Lu Se, so he could only nodded.

Lu Se seemed to calm down and said to Chen Yang, "Ask."

"There is a fish monster spirit in your sea of ​​consciousness. It is precisely because he disturbed your sea of ​​consciousness and wants to seize your body that you are always in a state of confusion. I want to know, that fish monster clan , is it the one you saw?"

Chen Yang moved his right hand across the void, and the effect condensed into a strange fish, which was exactly the same as the strange fish in Lu Se's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Yes, that's it."

Lu Se dodged his eyes and said timidly: "The strong man at that time squeezed the fish to death. I don't know what he was talking about. Now it seems that he... he was the one who made the strange fish The spirit entered my mind."

"The strange fish is not powerful, otherwise you would have been taken away."

Chen Yang comforted Lu Se, and then said: "I saw a strange fish in your sea of ​​consciousness. He said that his master was the king of the realm. I don't believe it. Can you draw that person's appearance?"

"Let me think."

With a look of pain on his face, Lu Se shook his head and said, "No, I can only remember the outline. What he looks like, I don't remember anymore."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Okay, then draw his outline."

Lu Se had just recovered and was still unable to operate the star energy, so he had to use a pen and paper to draw an outline.

Judging from the outline, the man was wearing a cloak, tall and majestic, but his face could not be seen clearly.

This outline doesn't have much features.

"By the way, he has a knife."

Lu Se grabbed the pen, with a thoughtful expression on his face, and started writing with difficulty. After a long time, he drew a hilt on the right shoulder of the outline.

The handle of the knife looked like some kind of ferocious beast, but the outline was vague and it was impossible to determine what it looked like.

However, having this outline at least narrows the target.

Chen Yang memorized the graphics and immediately burned the paper.

He looked at Luther and said: "Finally, let me ask you another question. You just said that the content recorded on the parchment you saw was almost impossible to read clearly. In other words, you also saw part of the content. Don't you Can you tell me what is written on it?"

"Let me think about it..."

Lu Se's brows wrinkled, her body was shaking, and her fists were clenched tightly. It seemed that it took a lot of effort to think about this information.

After a quarter of an hour, Luther stood up with a look of fear on his face and shouted: "The end of the world is recorded on the parchment."

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