Urban magic doctor

Chapter 502 Thunder Hand Du Geng

"Get out, get out!"

Du Hao roared, fearing that if these gangsters stayed here, Chen Yang would break all his limbs.

The gangsters looked embarrassed, but they didn't dare to take any more risks.

If Chen Yang really kills Du Hao and Du Geng pursues the case, not only them, but also their boss will suffer.

After all, Du Geng is very friendly with many important people in the county.

The gangsters showed unwillingness on their faces and retreated towards the outside of the village.

Several children from the village picked up stones and threw them at the gangsters. Stones as big as fists could break human bones when thrown with such force.

A gangster was hit in the back of the head by a stone and his head was badly beaten.

"Fuck you!"

The gangster cursed angrily, raised the steel pipe and rushed towards the child.

"Stop him."

Village chief Zhao Binglin shouted and organized several young and strong villagers to go up and protect the child.

Seeing this, the gangsters became restless again, and many people came to help.

"Fuck you, get out of here."

Du Hao's roar came, and everyone looked and saw that Du Hao was stepped on by Chen Yang again, causing him to twitch all over in pain.

At this time, Du Hao was very depressed. Those gangsters were trying to be cruel, but Chen Yang beat him. This was so unfair.

Seeing this, the gangsters could only hold back, glared at the villagers fiercely, and quickly walked out of the village.

"Get lost, you bastards."

"Get out of our Zhaojia Village."

The villagers were filled with indignation, picked up stones on the ground and threw them at the gangsters.

The rocks were dense, like rain, smashing the gangsters' heads and blood.

The gangsters felt aggrieved, but they didn't dare to do anything anymore. They could only hold their heads and run down the mountain quickly.

After these gangsters left, Du Hao begged Chen Yang: "Brother, they are gone now, can you let me go?"

"Zhaojia Village has never had any trouble with the world, but it encountered such a disaster today. If my junior sister and I hadn't arrived in time, I don't know what the consequences would have been. As the culprit, do you think I would let you go so easily?"

Chen Yang looked down at Du Hao and said coldly.

After saying that, he ignored the livid Du Hao, turned to the village chief Zhao Binglin and said: "Uncle Binglin, bandage all the injured villagers. If the condition is serious, send them to your home. I will treat them later. In addition, Everyone is fine and can go home. This time, I will let the Du family give Zhaojiacun an explanation."

Zhao Binglin nodded heavily and followed Chen Yang's instructions.

Other villagers who were fine also went home.

The entire Zhaojia Village was shrouded in a gloomy atmosphere, losing the leisurely laughter of the past.

Chen Yang dragged Du Hao to Zhao Binglin's house. He threw Du Hao into the pig pen and said, "Call your brother and ask him to rescue you."

"Yes Yes."

Du Hao responded quickly. Regardless of the pig manure on his body, he took out the phone from his bag with difficulty and dialed.

Chen Yang ignored Du Hao and turned around and entered the house.

Du Hao's legs were broken and his body was covered with scars caused by friction with the ground. He couldn't get out of the pig pen. Chen Yang was not worried that he would escape.

And even if he escapes, he can't get out of Zhaojiacun.

Back at Zhao Binglin's house, there were several seriously injured villagers waiting here. After Chen Yang diagnosed and treated them one by one, they all went home.

Zhao Binglin sat on a small stool in the yard and smoked a cigarette, frowning, his face filled with worry.

After what happened today, he realized how vicious the Du family was.

If Chen Yang and Tao Xiaotong hadn't appeared in time, he couldn't imagine how the villagers would have been harmed.

And even if you file a complaint with the county, no one will accept it.

"Uncle Binglin, please go inside and take a rest."

Chen Yang said to Zhao Binglin.

Zhao Binglin sighed, shook his head, and said with a wry smile: "Forget it, just sit here for a while."

Chen Yang didn't say much, and gave Tao Xiaotong a wink, and the two of them left the yard.

He said to Tao Xiaotong: "Junior sister, when Du Hao's brother comes, I will negotiate with him. If they dare to be arrogant, we will take them down directly."

Tao Xiaotong nodded and said, "Yes, senior brother."

Chen Yang has already prepared for the worst. If the other party doesn't follow his instructions, he doesn't mind killing a few people.

At the same time, Du Geng, the leader of the Du family, was watching the video on TV.

In the video, there is a battle between two masters. One is from Li Zaidong, and the other is Du Geng's idol Chen Yang.

He had gone to watch the battle in person before and was shocked by Chen Yang's strength.

Back in Shenfang County, he studied with the video every day and benefited a lot.

Now in his eyes, Chen Yang is his teacher.

"It would be great if I could be placed under Teacher Chen's door."

Du Geng had a fantasy in his mind.

But not only am I older, but my talent is also average. I will definitely never have the opportunity to become a disciple in this life, let alone a top master like Chen Yang.

At this moment, the phone rang, it was his brother Du Hao calling.

After listening to the call, Du Geng was furious and slammed the phone on the ground.

"This bunch of peasants dared to detain my brother. They simply didn't want to live or die."

Du Geng narrowed his eyes, filled with anger.

The Du family is deeply rooted in Shenfang County, and anyone else has to give in to anything he wants to do.

Nowadays, a small Zhaojia Village has been repeatedly ruined by him. He really wants to destroy this small village.

Du Geng did not hesitate and immediately called the elite disciples above and below him to go straight to Zhaojiacun.

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