Urban magic doctor

Chapter 4847 Twists and turns


Yun Xian took a breath and frowned: "Third sister, you are too cruel. You actually want to kill several sisters for your own selfish desires."

Yun Xue said solemnly: "If the matter is revealed, I will be the one who dies. In this case, I would rather you all die."

Yun Xian looked ugly and was silent for a moment. She shook her head and sighed, then turned back to Qiu Xin and Dong Xin and said, "Let's find a way to get out of here now."

Chen Yang glanced at Yun Xue playfully and said to Yun Xian: "Princess, why don't we kill Yun Xue and Tian Binghan first? Anyway, the person who knows the most inside information must be Yun Dian, as long as he is still alive. Otherwise. If so, it would be a burden for us to take them both with us."

Upon hearing this, Yun Xue was startled and said hurriedly: "You can't kill me. If you kill me..."

"So what if I kill you?" Chen Yang interrupted.

Yun Xue was speechless for a moment, and she really couldn't think of any way in which she could threaten Yun Xian and the other four.

However, at this moment, footsteps suddenly came from outside.

Hearing the sound, everyone had different expressions.

Yun Xue and Tian Binghan had a bit of expectation and hope in their eyes.

Yun Xian, Qiu Xin and others frowned.

Chen Yang looked towards the entrance of the passage, curious in his heart who would appear here at this moment.

A person appeared in his mind, Xiao Xu.

Sure enough, the person who walked in from the passage was Xiao Xu.

She is wearing armor and a bright red cloak behind her. She has a heroic appearance and has the majesty of a female general, which is admirable.

However, thinking of her betrayal of the Yunguang Clan, Chen Yang suddenly felt that this person was cunning and cunning, both inside and outside.

"not good."

Chen Yang was still calm, but the faces of Yun Xue, Qiu Xin, and Dong Xin changed when they saw Xiao Xu.

They never expected that Xiao Xu would appear at this time.

The cannon is indeed very powerful, but as Yun Xue said, a two-star and one-level cannon cannot defeat Xiao Xu, who is two-star and three-level.

The gap between the two realms was enough for Xiao Xu to crush the cannon.

Originally, Yunxian and others left the cave and had a chance to escape.

But now, being blocked by Xiao Xu in this cave, they all felt desperate and thought that there was no possibility of survival.

On the other hand, Yun Xue and Tian Binghan both looked happy at this moment.

They originally thought they had reached a dead end, but unexpectedly they turned around.

"I'll make you arrogant, and I'll make you kneel down and kowtow later."

Yun Xuexin was furious and looked at Chen Yang, Yun Xian and others with cold eyes, full of murderous intent.

The two groups of people in the cave had different thoughts at the moment.

Xiao Xu, who had just entered the cave, found that the scene in front of her was completely different from what she expected. She was stunned. Her sharp eyes swept across the entire cave and finally stopped on the cannon.

As a two-star and third-level cultivator, she immediately discovered that the strongest one in the entire cave was this demon clan of unknown origin.

"A two-star and one-level demon clan."

Xiao Xu pondered, but did not take the cannon seriously. He turned to look at Yun Xian and said, "Is this the guard your father left with you?"

Yunxian did not answer, but asked: "Commander Xiao, you are a hero among the women of the Yunguang Clan and a senior we admire. However, you have also betrayed the Yunguang Clan. You must also serve as a scapegoat for the Tianxing Clan and outsiders." Are you going to destroy our Yunguang clan?"

Xiao Xu narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "It's not about destroying the Yunguang Clan, it's just about subverting your father's regime and making my husband, Yun Dian, the new leader of the Yunguang Clan."

Hearing this, Chen Yang smiled and shook his head, with a look of disdain on his face.

Xiao Xu noticed his expression and said coldly: "You have no cultivation outsiders, you don't think that if I join forces with outsiders now, I won't kill you, right? For an ant like you, even if I break you to pieces There are thousands of corpses, and those outsiders won’t stand up for you.”

"You seem to have made a mistake." Chen Yang looked directly at Xiao Xu and said, "Yundian relied on the power of outsiders and the Tianxing clan. Even if he became the clan leader, he was just a puppet. Do you think he really Can he become the actual controller of the Yunguang Clan?"

"How could we not think of such a thing?"

A smile flashed in Xiao Xu's eyes, and he said coldly: "I might as well tell you that on the surface, the Tianxing clan has formed an alliance with the outsiders, but in fact, Yun Dian has reached a consensus with the leader of the outsiders. After he wins the position of clan leader, Just take advantage of the huge consumption of the Tianxing clan and join forces with outsiders to destroy the Tianxing clan."

Hearing this, Yun Xue and Tian Binghan looked surprised. Obviously, they didn't know this secret.

In their opinion, if this is the case, then Yun Dian will definitely become the strongest person in power in Tianyun Wasteland and will own everything here.

However, Chen Yang disagreed, chuckled, shook his head at Xiao Xu and said, "After the Tianxing clan is destroyed, will Yun Dian still be able to block outsiders? Have you ever thought about the real purpose of those outsiders coming here? ? Is it to help Yun Dian?"

Xiao Xu looked at Chen Yang and said in a deep voice: "Although you are humble in strength, you still have some insights. However, you know too little about things, so your views have many errors and omissions."

"These are actually not important." Chen Yang shrugged and said: "Anyway, now I am on the side of the Seventh Princess, and she is on the side of the Yunguang Clan, so I will never put the Yunguang Clan in danger. I won’t let traitors like you succeed.”

"Hahaha, who do you think you are? Do you think you have a dog and can control the changes in Tianyun Wasteland?"

Yun Xue laughed. Although she couldn't move, it didn't stop her from mocking Chen Yang.

Chen Yang looked calm, just smiled faintly, and ignored Yun Xue.

However, Xiao Xu found strong confidence in Chen Yang's words.

Moreover, Yun Xue's words also made her understand that the two-star and one-level demon clan did not belong to Yun Xian, but belonged to Chen Yang.

The combination of these two points gave her an ominous premonition.

She pondered for a moment, a strange color flashed in her eyes, and said: "You have no cultivation, but you entered the Tianyun Wasteland, and you are protected by a demon clan in the two-star realm. It seems that you must have come from a powerful person in the White Realm. family.

However, if you want to use the power of your family to help the Yunguang Clan, you are totally wrong. Ren Ke, the leader of the outsiders, will never allow anyone to disrupt his plan. "

"Sorry, I don't know Ren Ke." Chen Yang shook his head.

Xiao Xu frowned and said thoughtfully: "Since you are an outsider, you should be traveling with Ren Ke. How come you don't know him?"

Chen Yang said: "It is true that I am not from Tianyun Wasteland, but I am not from White Realm either. I come from other places."

Hearing this, everyone in the cave looked surprised.

Xiao Xu had a look of fear on his face and said in a deep voice: "You are not from the third realm, Changdream Realm, are you?"

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