Urban magic doctor

Chapter 484 Bo Liang

Chen Yang looked into Li Lan's room and saw Li Lan lying on the bed, wearing only a T-shirt without any other covering.

And her T-shirt was tattered and no longer complete.

Her body was covered with bruises and scars, her wrist was cut open, the blood solidified, and the sheets were stained red.

No, it should be black, because it has been too long and the blood has turned black.

Li Lan died, and a knife fell beside the bed. She committed suicide.

Judging from the condition of her body, it was obvious that she had been violated during her lifetime, could not bear the insult, and finally took her own life.

Life ended like this.

Chen Yang walked over and covered Li Lan with the quilt. The anger in his chest was burning, and a strong murderous intention was radiating out.

He thought he had saved the little girl, but in the end, the little girl was still killed.

No matter who violated Li Lan, they must pay the price!

Shenglong Martial Arts School must disappear from Cloud Island!

"rest in peace."

Chen Yang restrained his strong murderous aura, whispered something to the deceased Li Lan, nodded slightly in silence, then turned and walked out of the room.

The sound of thump, thump, thump footsteps echoed in the huge living room.

Chen Yang walked down the stairs with gentle steps. Everyone looked at him and felt that his aura had changed. He was sharp and cold, giving people a chilling feeling.

Chen Yang looked at Huang Tianhao and said calmly: "Who killed her?"

Everyone understands that she is talking about Li Lan.

Hearing this, Lin Rou covered her mouth and exclaimed: "Li Lan passed away?"

Chen Yang nodded, and Lin Rou was suddenly in a trance, feeling regretful and sad. If she had taken Li Lan out with her today, Li Lan would not have been killed.

She looked at Huang Tianhao and Cheng Xingdong, feeling that these two people were so hateful and completely unconscionable.

Liu Husheng and the rest of the crew also frowned, not expecting that someone would die.

"do you died?"

Huang Tianhao frowned slightly, looked at Cheng Xingdong and asked, "Xingdong, what did you play with that girl in the room just now? Why did you kill someone else?"

There was a bit of blame in his tone, but it was more of a question. He didn't feel any remorse or regret for persecuting a girl.

"You killed her!"

Chen Yang looked at Cheng Xingdong, murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

Cheng Xingdong looked disdainful and stared, "Yes, so what?"

"It's very simple. Then you have to pay with your life. Today, you must die!"

Chen Yang's tone was calm, as if he was pronouncing Cheng Xingdong's death sentence, as if he had already taken control of everything.

There was silence in the audience, and then the members of Shenglong burst out laughing.

In their opinion, Chen Yang's words were so ridiculous.

If you want to kill Cheng Xingdong, you must first kill more than a hundred people present. But Chen Yang is alone, and no one thinks he has this ability.

"If you ignore other people's lives, you will eventually be ignored by others."

Chen Yang ignored the laughter around him and said lightly, then walked towards Cheng Xingdong.

One step, two steps...

Getting closer.

Cheng Xingdong was very dissatisfied with Chen Yang's calmness. He roared: "Fake, boy, who do you think you are?!"

"I am the one who wants to take your life!"

Chen Yang said calmly.

Cheng Xingdong fought with Chen Yang yesterday and knew that he could not fight Chen Yang with his own strength. He called to the members of Shenglong: "Come on, first cut off this kid's hand tendons and hamstrings."


The members of Shenglong responded in unison, with great momentum.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of clanking metal was heard, but it was the member of Shenglong who took out the machete hidden on his body.

For a time, hundreds of people surrounded Chen Yang, glaring angrily and flashing swords.

The war is about to break out.

Brothers, come to the group: 188631860

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