Urban magic doctor

Chapter 4836 What to hunt

Chen Yang looked at the person who appeared at the door. He was a woman with good looks but a cold temperament, striding into the courtyard.

Behind the woman were two maids, Fei Chun and Fei Ni, who were high-spirited and somewhat proud of themselves.

No need to ask, that cold woman must be the third princess.

"Meet the third princess."

Chen Yang and Dong Xin also saluted immediately.

The third princess Yun Xue didn't even look at them and walked straight towards Yun Xian's main hall. Seeing this, Qiu Xin wanted to step forward to stop her, but she stopped after taking half a step.


Yun Xue opened the door of the palace, and Yun Xian's voice came from inside: "Third Sister, it's so late and you're here in person. I don't know why?"

"You didn't read the clan scroll that I sent to you in time. I was worried that you might miss something, so I came here to remind you."

Yun Xuepi smiled but said to Yun Xian who walked to the entrance of the palace: "My mother has organized a hunt. We will set off at 10:00 tomorrow and invite all the princesses to participate. This is what is recorded in the family scrolls.

I came here specifically in the hope that Qimei could participate in the hunt tomorrow. After all, we two sisters have not communicated with each other for a long time. Sister, I miss you very much. "

Yunxian refused: "Third sister, you know I never like hunting..."

Yun Xue interrupted: "In that case, I will tell my mother that you rejected her invitation. However, this time my mother invited Tian Binghan, the son of General Tian. If you don't come, I'm afraid that Mr. Tian Binghan will disappointment."

Upon hearing this, Yun Xian's expression changed slightly, and she said thoughtfully: "In that case, please allow me, Third Sister, to think about it for one night, and calmly restore your clan certificate before setting off tomorrow morning."

"It's late at night, you should rest."

Yun Xue expressed concern and turned to leave.

When leaving, she glanced at Chen Yang, suddenly stopped, and asked Yunxian: "By the way, Qimei, who is this servant? How come I have never seen him before? And his appearance seems to be similar to ours. People from the Light Clan and Tianxing Clan are different.”

Yun Xian said: "He is a servant brought by an outsider. I saw that he was pitiful, so I took him in."

"I see."

Yun Xue nodded, looked deeply at Chen Yang, and walked away.

This glance made Chen Yang's heart tingle.

Because from Yun Xue's eyes, Chen Yang saw the greed and desire of women.

Chen Yang cursed, looked at Yun Xian who had closed the door, and planned to go back to his place.

At this time, Qiu Xin and Dong Xin stopped him and said: "Tomorrow the seventh princess will definitely go to participate in the hunting. We have to be careful. I always feel that the third princess has bad intentions. Otherwise, how could she be like this?" Tonight, come and invite the Seventh Princess in person."

Chen Yang said: "There were many princesses during the hunt, so the third princess would not mess around. Even if she really had a grudge against the seventh princess, could she still kill the seventh princess?"

"That's right." Dong Xin nodded.

Qiu Xin said dissatisfied: "Who says it's impossible? The third princess is so vicious that she even killed her own husband. What else can't be done?"

Dong Xin's complexion suddenly changed, and she quickly pulled Qiu Xin and Chen Yang into the house, closed the door, and said, "Sister Qiu Xin, please stop talking nonsense."

Qiu Xin frowned and stopped mentioning the matter.

Dong Xin said to Chen Yang: "We just talked about the passing of the clan leader's throne. To put it simply, the old clan leader passed the position to the seventh princess's father Yun Lang, so he was hated by the third princess's father Yun Dian. In this way , the third princess is also dissatisfied with the seventh princess and often makes things difficult for the seventh princess."

Chen Yang asked doubtfully: "The seventh princess's father is the clan leader, isn't the third princess not afraid at all?"

Dong Xin said: "The royal family of the Yunguang Clan is very fair. Although Lord Yunlang is the clan leader, there are several elders in the clan who discuss matters with the clan leader. Therefore, although the position of the clan leader is noble, matters within the clan are not He made the decision with one word. As for the royal family, all heirs are treated equally, so the third princess will not be afraid of the seventh princess."

Qiu Xin said dissatisfied: "That's what you say, but the position of the clan leader is higher after all. It is understandable that the third princess is not afraid of the seventh princess, but it is her fault that she makes things difficult for the seventh princess."

Then, Qiuxin and Dongxin began to criticize the third princess.

Chen Yang heard the conversation between the two girls and learned about the various deeds of the third princess, and found that the third princess was really vicious.

But the seventh princess always gives in when faced with difficulties and is unwilling to start a dispute.

But this time, why did the seventh princess consider going hunting?

Chen Yangzheng was confused, and Qiu Xin and Dong Xin talked about it.

Only then did he know that Tian Binghan, the son of General Tian, ​​was the fiancé of the patriarch Yun Lang to the seventh princess.

Although the engagement has not yet been concluded, the seventh princess is still somewhat curious about this person.

Her previous understanding of Tian Binghan came from other people's oral accounts, so she joined the hunt. If she could see the man who could become her husband with her own eyes, the Seventh Princess would of course consider whether to join the hunt.

Qiu Xin and Dong Xin, the two worried maids, discussed many countermeasures, and before they knew it, it was already getting light.

Seeing that the sky was slightly brighter, Dong Xin suddenly looked at Chen Yang and said in surprise: "It's strange that you have no cultivation and haven't slept all night, but you are still full of energy."

Qiu Xin's expression changed, and she said in a deep voice: "Xiao Chen, could it be that you want to lurk next to the seventh princess and do her harm?"

Chen Yang was speechless for a while, and then cried out: "I stayed well in the cell. It was the Seventh Princess who asked me to be her servant. Is it my fault?"

Qiu Xin was speechless, but Dong Xin smoothed things over and said, "Okay, it will be Chenshi soon, I wonder if the Seventh Princess..."

"Qiu Xin, Dong Xin, and Xiao Chen, prepare your horses immediately and follow me to hunt."

At this time, Yun Xian's voice came from outside.

Chen Yang and the others came out of the side hall and saw Yun Xian dressed in light and powerful clothing, already ready for hunting.

This outfit of hers perfectly outlines her figure.

Coupled with her wheatish complexion and pretty face, she has a certain charm.

Soon, Qiuxin and Dongxin prepared three horses.

What Chen Yang didn't expect was that it was the Fire Feather Horse.

However, these three fire-feathered horses are obviously different from the ones that clash with the Martial Star. They are all more powerful, tall, mighty and strong.

Qiu Xin looked cunning and said to Chen Yang, "There are only three horses. Xiao Chen, just walk."

Yun Xian immediately said: "Xiao Chen has no cultivation. If he walks, he will not be exhausted to death. Qiu Xin, Dong Xin, you two share a horse, and give Xiao Chen a horse."

Although Qiu Xin was not happy, she could only do it, but she was waiting to see Chen Yang make a fool of himself.

Because in his opinion, Chen Yang had no cultivation and could not subdue the Fire Feather Horse.

However, she was disappointed when she saw Chen Yangping riding steadily on the horse.

Chen Yang drove the fire feather horse to Qiu Xin and Dong Xin and asked: "Two sisters, I wonder what kind of hunting is this?"

With the cultivation level of Yun Xian, Yun Xue and others at the one-star level, of course they would not be able to hunt wild beasts.

And monster beasts, at this level, are also intelligent.

Therefore, Chen Yang was very curious about what the Yunguang tribe used as prey in their hunting activities.

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