Urban magic doctor

Chapter 471 I have the final say

I saw that the beans did not appear on the monitor, but a blue ghost appeared.

"Ah! Is this a hacker?"

Everyone was shocked and asked Chen Yang quickly.

Chen Yang nodded and said with a smile: "The hacker wants to attack me. This is an offensive code. Once it enters the institute's system and appears in my main control code game, it will turn into a ghost."

In the Pac-Man game, the yellow elf can get points by eating beans, but he cannot be touched by the ghost, otherwise he will lose a life.

Now that the hacker has become a ghost, wouldn’t Chen Yang’s yellow elf become the prey?

Seeing this, Qing Li's face was full of concern and he said to Chen Yang: "Now that the hacker has become a ghost, don't you have no way to deal with him?"

"I just need to clear the level. Have you ever played Pac-Man?"

Chen Yang looked at Qing Li with disdain and quickly entered a code on the keyboard. Colorful beans instantly appeared on the five monitors, almost filling the entire map.

The blue ghost is on the leftmost monitor, and the yellow elf is on the rightmost monitor. The hacker is obviously controlling the blue ghost, chasing the yellow elf from the nearest line.

Chen Yang slowly lit up a cigarette, Qing Li glared and said, "Smoking is prohibited here..."

Before he finished speaking, he took the initiative to shut his mouth, because everyone, including his subordinates, looked at him with contempt, and how could he dare to say more.

Chen Yang held a cigarette in his left hand and controlled the elf with his right hand, and started playing the game.

The elf ate the beans crazily, and the score in the lower left corner kept rising from 001, and soon reached 112.

The hacker's blue ghost is chasing behind, and the situation looks tense. However, due to the control of the game code, the speed of the blue ghost is not fast. It is the same speed as the elf, and there is no way to catch up with the elf.

Seeing how easy the game was, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, a pot exploded outside the main control room.

"What's going on? Didn't you go in to help deal with the hackers? Why did Chen Yang start playing the game?"

"Nima, isn't this Pac-Man? He is really carefree, and the researchers are watching from behind. Are they crazy?"

"Can anyone tell me what happened?"

The students were all confused and couldn't figure out why Chen Yang suddenly started playing the game. The plot seemed a bit illogical.

But think about it, ever since Chen Yang entered the school and joined the class, there seems to be no logic in front of him. He is always unexpected.

In the main control room, the yellow elf has almost eaten the beans in the two monitors on the right, and the score has reached 356.

The blue ghost chased after him, but to no avail.

Ren Keming asked: "Chen Yang, how do you pass this game?"

Chen Yang said while controlling the elf: "I set the score to 999, which will crush all the code segments coming in from the external network, and the hackers will also be defeated by then."

"I see, it seems very simple."

Ren Keming smiled and thought that Chen Yang was already sure of victory.

And everyone felt helpless when they heard this.

Since you have the ability to smash all external code segments, why not just get rid of the hackers? Why go to such trouble and even play games? This is too willful.

Just when everyone thought Chen Yang was pretending to be willful, suddenly the images on the five monitors flickered, startling everyone.

Qing Li asked hurriedly: "What's going on?"

"The real master is here, let's have some fun."

Chen Yang smiled. Although the display was a bit blurry, he could still see clearly and calmly operated the yellow elf to eat the beans.

The screen flickered for about three seconds and then returned to normal.

At this time, two more ghosts appeared on the leftmost monitor, one red and one green.

Including the blue ghost just now, there are three in total.

In other words, Chen Yang was at a disadvantage, and the three elves could surround him.

Ren Keming asked: "What's going on? Why are there three ghosts?"

Chen Yang explained: "There was only one ghost just now because the hacker did not build a direct channel to the institute. He just implanted a piece of code through the cloud network. All the power came from the cloud network, so there was only one ghost. . Now that the hacker has established a direct connection channel, he has officially participated in the game and can control a total of three ghosts."

When everyone understood, Ren Keming's eyes lit up and he said, "So, if we pursue the hacker now, we can find out where he is through the direct connection channel established by the hacker?"

Chen Yang did not answer, but said with a smile: "The game is getting more and more interesting."

The Pac-Man game continued, and the three ghosts joined forces. The elf Pac-Man was not as smooth as before, and was forced to change his action path many times.

In addition, the three ghosts are artificially controlled and can effectively use the terrain to force the elf and trap him in a blind corner, leaving the elf with nowhere to hide.

And although Chen Yang is a computer expert, he is actually not good at playing games.

Finally, the elf was touched by the ghost and lost his life.

The life in the lower left corner reads: 2.

The researchers watching the Pac-Man game all felt their hearts skip a beat and sweated for Chen Yang.

The game continued. After the elf was reborn, Chen Yang still controlled Pacman calmly.

But less than a minute later, the elf died again.

Now, Chen Yang only has his last life left, and everyone is a little nervous.

Ren Keming asked: "Chen Yang, what will happen if the last person dies?"

"Hey, you'll know when the time comes."

Chen Yang smiled mysteriously, controlled the elf, and continued to play the game with a cigarette in his mouth, as if he was the one with the advantage at the moment.

But this time, within thirty seconds, the elf died again.

"Life: 0" is displayed in the lower left corner. In the display, there are only three ghosts parked there, and colorful beans.

It seemed that Chen Yang had lost.

Everyone's hearts contracted violently and they looked at the monitor nervously, wondering what would happen.

At this moment, Chen Yang calmly pressed the "R" key.

On the monitor, the elf came to life.

At the same time, the number "0" showing life in the lower left corner changed to 9, followed by a series of numbers, all "9", directly from the leftmost monitor to the rightmost monitor. Then it stopped.

There are so many 9s, maybe hundreds of them, so how many lives will it cost.

Everyone was stunned, even the hacker seemed stunned.

Ten seconds later, a piece of English was displayed on the top of the monitor: "Shameless, you are cheating!"

Chen Yang smiled disdainfully and replied: "This is my game, I have the final say."

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