Urban magic doctor

Chapter 4679 The last glory of Confucianism and Legalism

Zhang Yanting has been completely defeated. What he said at this moment is undoubtedly nonsense.

Chen Yang increased the power of the Poxu Palm, and Zhang Yanting's body was squeezed out of shape. Blood continued to gush out, and he was dying.

"Master Xiu, how should we deal with this traitor?"

Chen Yang looked back at Xiu Moyuan and asked.

A cold light flashed in Xiu Moyuan's eyes, and he said solemnly: "He betrayed Jiange, stole and seized the treasures of Jiange. Such a traitor will not regret death."

The moment Xiu Moyuan finished speaking, Chen Yang didn't answer, and directly closed his two Void-Breaking Palms completely, killing Zhang Yanting.

The leader of the Confucian and Legalist sect, the most powerful person in the entire Jimo world, was crushed into a meat pie by Chen Yang, who was two realms below him, and he died so hard that he could not die anymore.

This scene was shocking to the practitioners of Confucianism and Legalism.

And everyone in the Haoqi Sword Pavilion felt very happy.

This traitor was finally put to death.

When Poxu's palm was released, Zhang Yanting's body and the Blood Origin Sword fell down, and the men and horses on both sides came to their senses.

Zhao Chang, the deputy head of the Confucian and Legalist Sect, had a fierce look in his eyes. He glared at Xiu Moyuan and others in the air. He raised his sword to attack and shouted: "Disciples of the Confucian and Legalist Sect, listen to the order and use all your strength." I will go there and swear to kill everyone in Haoqi Sword Pavilion."

Back then, Zhao Chang was a member of Jiange.

However, he followed Zhang Yanting, betrayed Haoqi Jiange, and became the elder of the Confucian and Legalist Sect.

He received a lot of resources and enjoyed countless wealth.

But now, Haoqi Jiange has come to collect debts.

He knew that he had only two paths, either win or die.

Therefore, he had no choice but to attack.

Although the disciples of the Confucian and Legalist sect knew a little about Zhang Yanting, they did not despise Zhang Yanting, they respected him very much, and they also had a sense of belonging to the Confucian and Legalist sect.

At this moment, as soon as Zhao Chang took action, they all suppressed their awe and fear of Chen Yang, forced themselves to be calm, raised the swords in their hands, and fiercely attacked into the air.


Xiu Moyuan did not hesitate, and with a focused gaze, he led the people in the Haoqi Sword Pavilion in the air to attack downwards.

There are about 100,000 people on both sides, both of whom are powerful.

This battle is bound to be a river of blood.

However, at the moment when Xiu Moyuan and Zhao Chang were about to face off.

Suddenly, the void in front of Zhao Chang opened, and the Po-Xu Palm appeared and grabbed him.

His strength is not as good as Zhang Yanting.

Even Zhang Yanting couldn't avoid Poxu Palm, so how could he do it.


Chen Yang showed no mercy and directly clenched Poxu's palm, instantly killing Zhao Chang on the spot.

Originally, after Zhang Yanting's death, Zhao Chang became the spiritual leader of Confucianism and Legalism.

But before Zhao Chang could make a move, he was instantly killed by Chen Yang. This time, the momentum of the disciples of the Confucianism and Legalism Sect was severely damaged.

Their fear of Chen Yang became even stronger.

Chen Yang didn't hesitate at all. He moved his hands one after another, and in the blink of an eye, he killed five more high-level practitioners from the Confucianism and Legalism Sect.

He got the list and portraits of these five people from Xiu Moyuan, and knew that they were the betrayers of Haoqi Jiange and should be killed.

And once these people died, the strength of the entire Confucianism and Legalism Sect was greatly weakened.

The top combat power has become blank.

After Chen Yang killed six people one after another, the two sides finally fought on a large scale.

For a moment, magical powers shot out randomly in the sky, stars flowed across the sky, blood flew everywhere, and the scene was extremely tragic and spectacular.

The Haoqi Sword Pavilion had an absolute advantage and was almost overwhelming the Confucian and Legalist Sect.

However, in such a large-scale battle, even if it had an advantage, Haoqi Jiange still suffered heavy casualties.

The Confucian and Legalist buildings below were razed to the ground the moment the war started.

If this battle continues, not to mention how many people will die, I am afraid that this star will be directly destroyed.

Chen Yang stood in the center of the battlefield, with the energy of stars condensing on his body, no one could hurt him.

He shouted loudly:

"Confucianism and Fa Zong, aren't you going to surrender?

If the fight continues, you will only be killed!

After all, you are from Haoqi Jiange. As long as you surrender, Jiange will never hurt you.

Moreover, I will let you stay in the Jiange and let everyone coexist peacefully.

This is your only way to survive.

Now, even Zhang Yanting, the sect leader, has chosen to give up on you. Is there anything else worth fighting for for the Confucian and Legalist Sect? "

With these words, Chen Yang gathered his energy and his voice spread throughout the battlefield.

Haoqi Jiange had long been prepared to persuade them to surrender. For a while, they issued warnings to their opponents to surrender and weakened their offensive to express their sincerity in surrendering.

The disciples of the Confucianism and Fa Sect were retreating steadily and suffered heavy casualties. Their confidence had long been shattered and they were determined to retreat, unwilling to die in vain on the battlefield.

But the other party pressed forward step by step, and they had no chance to escape.

Surrender is now the only option.

But the problem is, no one stands up and is the first person to surrender.

First, they fear being deceived;

Second, they did not want to bear the infamy of being the first to surrender.

The disciples of Confucianism and Legalism all had their own thoughts, thinking that if someone surrendered quickly, they could test the situation and then they could do the same.

"Surrender, I surrender."

I thought they would hesitate for a while, but after Chen Yang persuaded them to surrender, some people surrendered quickly.

Moreover, the person who surrendered was of great importance. He was actually Xiao Fei, the disciple of Confucianism and Fa Sect second only to Gai Yuanruo.

As soon as he surrendered, Ling Xia, who was fighting with him, immediately stopped and turned to attack others.

This undoubtedly proved that Haoqi Jiange really accepted the surrender.

Xiao Fei glanced at the battlefield, looking at the Confucian and Legalist disciples who were struggling to support themselves, as well as the corpses and blood scattered on the ground. He sighed secretly and said loudly: "Surrender, the situation is over, even the sect leader has given up on us, why should we suffer anymore?" He supported himself hard and cost himself his life."

Xiao Fei's persuasion to surrender was more effective than Chen Yang's.

As soon as he finished speaking, voices of surrender arose one after another. Almost 90% of the Confucian and Legalist disciples chose to surrender at this moment.

Others, seeing that the situation was over and there was no point in holding on, chose to surrender.

In the end, only a few people were left, still resisting.

Under Xiu Moyuan's order, the last few hundred people who resisted were all arrested.

At this point, this battle is finally over.

However, before the disciples of Haoqi Sword Pavilion could cheer anxiously, a loud noise suddenly came from the crowd.

Everyone looked and saw that it was the last captured disciple of the Confucianism and Fa Sect who chose to self-destruct.

Several Jiange disciples who were in charge of custody died on the spot.

Seeing this, Xiu Moyuan was shocked and shouted quickly: "Quick, block their meridians, be careful they explode."

It was too late to say this.

For a time, the last few hundred people in the Confucian and Fa Sect who resisted all chose to self-destruct, and their own deaths cost thousands of lives in Jiange.

This is the final glory of Confucianism and Legalism.

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