Urban magic doctor

Chapter 4629 Top Ten

Chen Yang heard everyone talking and vaguely understood what was going on. He planned to go back to the Sword Forging Palace to clean up, and then went to see the Pavilion Chief Cultivator Mo Yuan.

But just as he thought this, Mi Li, who had returned to Haoqi Sword Pavilion earlier, found him and asked him to quickly go to Dingjian Pavilion, where the master of the pavilion was holding a meeting for the disciples of Confucianism and Fa Sect.

Chen Yang didn't have anything urgent to deal with back to the Sword Making Palace, so he immediately went to the Dingjian Pavilion.

When they arrived at Dingjiang Pavilion, they saw Ling Xia walking in. Hearing Chen Yang's footsteps, he looked back and said happily: "Junior Brother Chen, you are finally back. I just sent the other brothers and sisters away, and the master is still in the study. He's waiting for you, go up and see him."

"Thank you for telling me, senior brother."

Chen Yang thanked him with his hands and walked up to the third floor. He walked into Xiu Moyuan's study and saw Xiu Moyuan looking at a landscape painting on the desk.

Chen Yang had seen this landscape painting when he came here last time, and it was also spread out on the table.

On the surface, there is nothing special about this landscape painting, but Xiu Moyuan often observes it, and it is obvious that this landscape painting is not ordinary.

"Chen Yang, you are here."

Seeing Chen Yang walking to the door, Xiu Moyuan raised his head, called Chen Yang to come in and sit down, and said: "You should already know about the Confucianism and Fa Sect's invitation to Jiange disciples to come and communicate, right?"

Chen Yang said: "I know a little bit."

Xiu Moyuan said: "The Confucianism and Fa Sect asked you to go by name. I'm worried that they might be unfavorable to you, so I want to ask for your opinion."

Chen Yang smiled and said: "Even if it is not good for me, they should not assassinate me in the Confucian and Fa Sect. Otherwise, the reputation of the Confucian and Fa Sect will be completely ruined. Since they invited me, of course I will go. Just take a look at Jiange. What’s so unique about a sect that has its founder and disciples?”

Seeing that Chen Yang was not worried, Xiu Moyuan showed admiration in his eyes and said, "That's exactly what I think. The Confucian and Legalist Sect will not secretly deal with you. However, you have become famous in Jiange. Since they named you, then If you go, they will definitely test you, so remember to be careful."

"Pavilion Master, don't worry, I'll be fine." Chen Yang said with cupped hands.

"In that case, then go down and clean up. Tomorrow, Ling Xia will lead the team. A total of twenty of you will go to the Confucianism and Fa Sect."

Xiu Moyuan warned him, and when Chen Yang said goodbye and left, he suddenly discovered that Chen Yang's realm was actually one star and three levels.

When did this kid advance?

This speed is too fast.

Xiu Moyuan came to his senses and was about to ask Chen Yang, but saw that Chen Yang had already gone downstairs.

He thought for a moment, walked out of the study room quickly, and sent a message to Chen Yang on the stairs: "Chen Yang, the talent you showed before is already shocking enough. This time the Confucianism and Legalism Sect will ask you to go by name. Ninth, I want to test your background. You are advancing too quickly now, so I suggest you hide your realm and become a level one, otherwise, the Confucianism and Legalism Sect will be jealous and may have murderous intentions towards you."

Hearing the voice, Chen Yang looked back and saw Xiu Moyuan staring at him with a serious look on his face.

He didn't respond, nodded and walked downstairs.

A thirty-meter-long flying ship departed from Haoqi Jiange and traveled directly through the starry sky to the Confucianism and Fa Sect.

The Confucianism and Fa Sect is not too far from the Haoqi Sword Pavilion. Going from the teleportation array requires several turns, so it is not as convenient as traveling through the starry sky.

On the ship, twenty Haoqi Sword Pavilion disciples were sitting in the cabin, chatting, seemingly casually, but the atmosphere was filled with a sense of solemnity.

These twenty people are the most elite disciples of Haoqi Sword Pavilion, but they are not sure about their trip to the Confucianism and Legalism Sect to discuss Taoism.

"This time the Confucian and Legalist Sect invited us with no good intentions. Once we arrive, we must be careful."

"Nine times out of ten, they will threaten us, so please don't show any cowardice."

"When the time comes, I'm afraid there will be a duel. I wonder who the Confucianism and Fa Sect will send. Will their eldest disciple Gai Yuanruo take action?"

At this point, everyone's eyes turned to Ling Xia and Cui An.

Gai Yuanruo is the chief disciple of Confucianism and Fa Sect, and his status is similar to that of Ling Xia and Cui An in Hao Qi Jiange.

But in terms of fame, Gai Yuanruo is much greater than Lingxia and Cui An, and he is known to everyone in the world.

As for strength, everyone believed in their hearts that Gai Yuanruo should be slightly stronger than Ling Xia and Cui An.

Otherwise, he would not have been so famous, ranking alongside Kuang Lan, Wei Guai, Nangong Huntian and others.

These people are known as the top ten among the younger generation in the motorcycle industry. They are the admirers of countless younger generations and are also the people most likely to reach the top of the motorcycle industry in the future.

It sounds like there are nine major sects, but why are there ten outstanding sects?

It's not that someone in Kuixing Pavilion occupies one of the seats. Kuixing Pavilion is higher than all the forces in the Jimo Realm. Kaiwang Yao even controls the Jimo Realm. He is an existence that surpasses all, so it cannot be compared with the nine major sects.

The reason why they are among the top ten is that there is a young couple with unfathomable strength in the Changge sect, occupying two seats.

Moreover, when this couple joins forces, their strength is invincible at the same level, which is amazing.

The current strength of the Changge Sect is not very conspicuous among the nine major sects, but because of these two people, many people are optimistic about the future of the Changge Sect and believe that the Changge Sect has the hope of suppressing the other nine major sects.

All in all, there are ten heroes in total, all of whom are talented and powerful.

Now, the disciples of Haoqi Jiange are about to face Gai Yuanruo from the Confucianism and Fa Sect, and they will inevitably feel a little nervous.

Seeing everyone looking over, Ling Xia smiled lightly and said to everyone: "It depends on people, everyone just try their best."

Cui An disagreed with this.

Cui An lives in the Sword Making Palace and is the chief disciple.

But in fact, Ling Xia, the apprentice of Pavilion Master Mo Yuan, is the first disciple in everyone's mind, which makes Cui An, the chief disciple, feel very uncomfortable.

He glanced at Ling Xia, with a look of confidence on his face, and said to the other junior brothers and sisters: "Don't worry, everyone, if Gai Yuanruo dares to provoke, I will definitely let him know the power of my Hao Qi Sword Pavilion."

Hearing this, everyone looked surprised and said, "Senior Brother Cui, are you sure you can defeat Gai Yuanruo?"

"It has improved recently, and it just needs a trial."

The corner of Cui An's mouth curled up. It was obvious that he had practiced several powerful techniques to gain such confidence.

He also thought that if Gai Yuanruo could be suppressed through this exchange, then his position as chief disciple would be confirmed.

Among the ten heroes, he will also have his place.

Everyone was overjoyed, and Ling Xia also said happily: "Haha, if Junior Brother Cui can defeat Gai Yuanruo, it will make our Jiange proud and proud."

Cui An thought that when he returned from Confucianism and Legalism, Lingxia would have to change his name to senior brother.

"Can the boat in front stop for a moment?"

At this moment, suddenly, a shout came from outside.

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