Urban magic doctor

Chapter 4590 Four petals

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Everyone in Yunzhi Pavilion burst out laughing, thinking that Chen Yang's question was too idiotic.

Cao Fanyang was silent for a moment, wondering if there was any mystery behind it?

However, he thought about it over and over, but he couldn't figure out what the mystery behind the Jade Spring Dragon Drinking Flowers was. Even he didn't know.

He guessed that Chen Yang was most likely bluffing him. This kid might really be a master of deception.

After calming down, Cao Fanyang showed a calm smile on his face and said to Chen Yang: "The Yuquan Dragon Drinking Flower is born with three petals. This is a decision of heaven and earth. What is the reason?"

"Is that your answer?"

Chen Yang curled his lips and smiled.

Naturally, Cao Fanyang couldn't show his timidity. He nodded and said confidently: "Yes, this is my answer."

"It seems that you are really nothing more than that."

Chen Yang shook his head in disdain and took out a Yuquan Dragon Drinking Flower from the ring.

It just so happened that he had obtained several plants from the Stone Clan, and they were now put to good use.

He sent the Yuquan Dragon Drinking Flower to Cao Fanyang through the air, and said, "See for yourself, what's special about the connection between the three petals of this Yuquan Dragon Drinking Flower."

Cao Fanyang felt suspicious, but remained calm. He took the flying Yuquan Dragon Drinking Flower and took a closer look. He saw a small bulge at the junction of the three petals.

This bulge is very subtle. If you don't look carefully, you can't even notice it.

Judging from the color, the bumps are the same color as the petals.

Is there really a fourth petal?

Just when Cao Fanyang was feeling suspicious, Chen Yang said, "Master Cao Alchemy, have you seen the three petals at the end and a little bit of the stem left?"

Cao Fanyang's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately replied: "Haha, there is indeed a small bump here, but how can you explain that it is a flower stem?"

"Can't you see?"

Chen Yang showed a look of amusement on his face, shook his head and said: "It turns out that you can't even tell that it is a flower stem, but for your level, you are called an alchemist. Isn't this a joke?

It seems that the question I just asked was in vain. I should ask you, do you know that the Yuquan Dragon Drinking Flower originally had four petals? "


"What's your attitude?"

Seeing Chen Yang teasing Cao Fanyang, Wang Lunsuo and others scolded him angrily.

Cao Fanyang murmured in his heart, and secretly inspected the small bump, and surprisingly discovered that it was really a flower stem with petals.

In other words, this Yuquan Dragon Drinking Flower originally had four petals.

But isn't this right?

Cao Fanyang was thinking in his mind when Wang Lunsuo stood up and shouted coldly to Chen Yang: "We have planted the Yuquan Dragon Drinking Flower in Yunzhi Pavilion. From the beginning of its growth, it has always had three petals. There is no doubt about it. Yes. You actually said that the Yuquan Dragon Drinking Flower has four petals. This is simply nonsense."

"Whether I'm talking nonsense or not, Alchemist Cao must know very well."

Chen Yang smiled calmly, looked at Cao Fanyang, and said, "Isn't it Master Cao?"

Cao Fanyang came back to his senses and stared at Chen Yang with a gloomy expression, not knowing how to answer.

Because he was sure that the Yuquan Longyin Flower should have had four petals, but now there were only three petals left, but he didn't know the reason.

In other words, he couldn't answer Chen Yang's question.

He had already failed the first question.

However, it was too difficult for him to admit.

But if you don’t admit it, the facts are right in front of you.

He was immediately caught in a dilemma and remained silent. The situation was very embarrassing.

Everyone also saw that Chen Yang's words were true.

Otherwise, why didn't Cao Fanyang refute?

The disciples of Yunzhi Hall, who were still arrogant just now, all fell silent at this moment, with ugly expressions.

Especially Wang Lunsuo and Zhao Yue, who were the loudest ones, had looks of horror and embarrassment on their faces.

Chen Yang took out another Yuquan Dragon Drinking Flower from the ring and said with a smile: "Master Cao, do you want to know why the fourth petal of this Yuquan Dragon Drinking Flower has disappeared?"

Cao Fanyang is an alchemist. Although he is domineering and domineering, his pursuit of alchemy is no lower than Wang Fuze's.

At this moment, he encountered the knowledge of alchemy that he had never heard before, and he naturally wanted to know the truth.

However, let him ask Chen Yang where he could speak.

"Ha ha."

Chen Yang laughed, playing with the Yuquan Dragon Drinking Flower in his hand, and said: "Actually, this Yuquan Dragon Drinking Flower has four petals in its early growth stage.

However, the weakest petal among them will be swallowed up by the other three petals, and eventually only a small flower stem will grow, so it becomes a three-petal flower.

If cultivated using a special method, Yuquan Longyin Flower can grow four petals, but this method must not be mastered by Yunzhitang.

No, no, no, you haven’t even figured out the botany of the Yuquan Longyin flower, so how can you cultivate it? "

As soon as this last joke came out, everyone in Yunzhitang turned red with embarrassment.

Wang Lunsuo looked unwilling and said to Cao Fanyang: "Master, what he said is just nonsense..."

"Shut up."

Cao Fanyang interrupted Wang Lunsuo's words, his eyes were full of gloom, and he looked at Chen Yang with a complicated look.

There is no doubt that from his performance, everyone is sure that he failed the first question.

Both Miaochunzhai and the people in Yunzhi Pavilion were very shocked at this moment. They did not expect that Chen Yang's first question could stump Cao Fanyang. It was simply unexpected.

"This master seems to be much smarter than imagined."

Liu Ang mused, looking at Chen Yang with more respect.

Song Yuan's big eyes rolled around and she said: "Master's alchemy attainments are definitely not something we can guess. He will surprise you."


There was a cold snort, and a cold look flashed in Cao Fanyang's eyes, and he said to Chen Yang: "The Yuquan Dragon Drinking Flower is just an ordinary spiritual grass, who would be bored enough to study its several petals.

If what you mean by your alchemy attainments is studying these boring and useless things, then you are really a master of alchemy.

I really can't answer the first question. However, I don't admit that I am inferior to you, I am just not as boring as you. "

Chen Yang looked at Cao Fanyang playfully, raised his eyebrows and said: "Master Cao, it seems that you don't know the special effects of cultivating the four-leaf Yuquan Dragon Drinking Flower. This spiritual grass has four petals and three petals. A petal is a completely different thing. However, it’s not your fault. You only have such a level, so you can’t force it.”

Everyone was shocked, and then they realized that the four-leaf Yuquan Dragon Drinking Flower actually had a magical effect.

Cao Fanyang originally wanted to find a place for him to get off the stairs, but he didn't expect the situation to become even more embarrassing. He stared at Chen Yang fiercely, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, now I'll give you the first question."

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