Urban magic doctor

Chapter 4564 Mr. Zhang

Chen Yang abolished Tian Lianting's cultivation and locked him up in Najie. Then he said to Tian Gengsheng: "Brother Tian, ​​it seems that Zhao Yue's grandson has nothing to do about Senior Tian Bulei's illness. Please arrange for me to diagnose and treat Senior Tian Bulei as soon as possible." .”

Tian Gengsheng frowned and said, "Now that Tian Lianting is missing, Tian Hou will definitely doubt me. I want to see grandpa, but I'm afraid it won't be easy."

Chen Yang said: "Then go see him secretly, or find a way to get your grandfather away. If you want treatment, it will definitely take a certain amount of time."

"Get it away!"

Tian Gengsheng's eyes lit up and he thought it was feasible.

But then he shook his head and said: "The Tian family is heavily guarded, and Grandpa is accompanied by his trusted guard Mr. Zhang. It is absolutely impossible for us to take Grandpa away."

Chen Yang thought for a while and said: "Anyway, you take me to see Senior Tian Bulei. I have my own way to buy enough time to diagnose and treat him."


Tian Gengsheng nodded solemnly, and immediately took Chen Yang and Mi Li out of the restaurant and returned to Tian's house.

On the way, Tian Gengsheng couldn't help his curiosity and asked Chen Yang: "Master Chen, is there someone secretly protecting you? The palm shadow that appeared from the void just now is so powerful."


Hearing this, Mi Li laughed. Seeing that Chen Yang did not dissuade her, she said, "Brother Tian, ​​it was actually Chen Yang who took action just now."

"What?" Tian Gengsheng was shocked, stared at Chen Yang, and exclaimed: "Alchemist Chen... can actually kill a one-star fourth-level cultivator in an instant!"

Mi Li held Chen Yang's arm, smiled proudly, and said, "Brother Tian, ​​as you get to know Chen Yang, there are many things that will surprise you."

Tian Gengsheng looked happy, thinking that if Chen Yang was so powerful, the hope of saving his grandfather would be greater.

After a while, the three of them arrived at Tian's house, but instead of entering through the front door, they flew in through the tall fence at the back.

Tian Gengsheng knew the Tian family very well, and all the way to Tian Bulei's residence, he took the forest trails and bypassed crowded places.

Approaching Tian Bulei's residence, the place was indeed heavily guarded as Tian Gengsheng said.

Because Zhao Yue said today that Tian Bulei was hopeless, everyone in the Tian family gathered at Tian Bulei's bedside with their own thoughts.

Although they were not surrounded in the ward at this moment, dozens of core members of the Tian family were discussing something in low voices outside the door.

Sometimes loud quarrels were heard, then quieter and chattering.

Listening to their words, they seemed to be talking about how all the Tian family's property would be distributed if Tian Bu'ai died.

"Master Gengsheng."

Just when Chen Yang and the others were eavesdropping on the Tian family's conversation, a deep voice suddenly came from behind the three of them.

Chen Yang had already exerted his spiritual power to the extreme, and he didn't even sense the existence of this person.

His heart skipped a beat, and when he was about to attack, Tian Gengsheng turned around and saluted, "Mr. Zhang."

It turned out that the person who appeared from behind was Mr. Zhang, Tian Bukai's trusted guard.

Chen Yang had already heard from Tian Gengsheng that Mr. Zhang was at the eighth level of a star. Although his frontal combat power was not as good as that of Tian Bulei, he was good at concealment and assassination.

Chen Yang didn't notice Mr. Zhang just now. If Mr. Zhang wanted to kill him, he would already be dead.

Mr. Zhang did not take action, which at least proved that Mr. Zhang had no malicious intent.

And I heard from Tian Gengsheng that Mr. Zhang was pretty good to him.

"Master Geng Sheng, why are you hiding away when you want to visit me?"

Mr. Zhang was wearing a gray gown and had a thin cheek, giving him a very gloomy look, but his tone was very amiable.

Tian Gengsheng said: "Mr. Zhang, this is Alchemist Chen next to me. He once cured a dying person who even the King of Medicine could not do anything about. This is Miss Mi Li next to him.

Master Chen is very accomplished in alchemy. He came all the way from thousands of miles away in the hope of helping to cure grandpa.

But now the situation in the Tian family is complicated. I was kicked out by my uncle during the day. If I show up with Alchemist Chen now, I'm afraid I won't even be able to see my grandfather. "

Hearing this, the elder raised his head, looked through the woods, and landed on the Tian family. He said coldly: "These bastards think that the master can't hear them, and they are actually talking about dividing the family and fighting for the family property. Humph, the master is now That’s it before you die, but after you die, it’ll be okay.”

After complaining, he glanced at Chen Yang, frowned slightly, and said to Tian Gengsheng: "Master Gengsheng, are you sure that Master Chen can cure this master? After all, even the disciple of Medicine King said that this master is hopeless."

Chen Yang stepped forward, saluted, and said: "Mr. Zhang, maybe you don't believe it, but in fact, I am indeed Wang Fuze's master. If you want to confirm this news, send someone to Miaochunzhai now. Know."

Mr. Zhang was full of doubts, but Chen Yang's look of determination was full of confidence.

What's more, now that Tian Bulei can't do anything without medical treatment, he can only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor, so he said to Chen Yang: "In that case, I'll trouble Alchemist Chen."

"I'm not sure whether it will succeed, but I can guarantee that if even I can't do anything, then no one in the entire Jimo world can really cure Senior Tian Bu'ai."

Chen Yang was quite confident in his words, but Mr. Zhang didn't trust him even more.

However, Mr. Zhang did not show it. He made an invitation gesture to Chen Yang and said, "Master Chen, Master Geng Sheng, come with me."

Chen Yang and the others followed Mr. Zhang and walked directly to the front door of Tian Bulei's room.

Immediately, the eyes of the Tian family members who were quarreling came to focus.

Tian Hou is not here, but Tian Zhong, who is closest to Tian Hou, is among the crowd at the moment.

When he saw Chen Yang, he didn't know why this person was still alive, but he didn't have time to think about it. He immediately stepped forward, saluted Mr. Zhang first, and then asked: "Mr. Zhang, what's going on with these people? "

Mr. Zhang glanced at Tian Zhong, the disgust in his eyes flashed away, and then said: "Young Master Geng Sheng has invited an alchemist to treat you."

Tian Zhong's expression darkened, he pointed at Chen Yang and said, "Mr. Zhang, I have seen this man during the day. He is a liar. You..."

"You mean, my old eyesight is dim and I can't tell right from wrong?"

Mr. Zhang interrupted Tian Zhong and said coldly.

Obviously, although Mr. Zhang is only a bodyguard of Tian Bulei, in fact, he has a transcendent status in the Tian family.

Seeing that he was angry, Tian Zhong quickly bowed and saluted: "Junior, I don't dare."


Mr. Zhang snorted coldly, glanced at Tian Zhong and the others, and said, "You should slowly discuss the division of family property here. As for the master's situation, you should not interfere."

After saying that, he took Chen Yang and the other three people straight into the room and slammed the door shut.

"Wouldn't Tian Gengsheng ask his father to make a will and hand over the Tian family to him? If we add the help of the elders, we really can't do anything to him."

When Tian Zhong thought about it, his expression suddenly changed and he immediately went to Tian Hou to discuss it.

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