Urban magic doctor

Chapter 4557 Brilliant deception

Half a month after Chen Yang left Miaochunzhai, Zhao Yue also knelt for a month and copied the "Dan Yuan Zhang" ten thousand times.

On this day, after Zhao Yue came out, his fellow apprentices came to comfort him.

Although no one accused Chen Yang of wrongdoing, there was inevitably a bit of dissatisfaction in his words, thinking that Chen Yang was not hurt at all and should forgive the misunderstanding.

This is human nature, and you will only think from the perspective of those close to you.

But they never thought that if Chen Yang's combat power hadn't been incredible, otherwise he would have been killed by Zhao Yue at the level of one star and one level.

Zhao Yue thanked his fellow apprentices, but found that Song Yuan was not among them.

His heart sank, and he wondered to himself whether Song Yuan was alienated from him because of this incident?

After he asked to see Wang Fuze, he went to find Song Yuan and found that Song Yuan was refining alchemy in seclusion in the alchemy recipe. He waited for half a day before seeing Song Yuan.

"Twelve sisters."

Because Song Yuan is the twelfth among the disciples, her brothers and sisters usually call her the twelfth sister.

"Ninth Senior Brother."

When Song Yuan saw Zhao Yue, her face showed joy and she hurriedly came forward to greet him.

Zhao Yue saw the peach blossom-like smile on Song Yuan's face. Although Song Yuan was still young, Zhao Yue's heart trembled.

Of course, on the surface, he didn't show anything. He still looked like he loved his junior sister. He took out a fancy gadget and said, "Twelve sisters, I was delayed because of something, but I didn't have time to give you this gift."

Song Yuan took the gift and played with it. After all, she was a child at heart and couldn't put it down.

"How's it going? Are Twelve Sisters satisfied?" Zhao Yue asked with a smile.

Song Yuan nodded, staring at the gadget in her hand, and said, "Satisfied."

A playful smile appeared at the corner of Zhao Yue's mouth. He didn't even bother to look at such a small thing. Every time he went out, he would ask someone to prepare it and then come back to give it to Song Yuan.

Even later, he had collected toys from all over the country and stored them in the ring. When he came back, he would pick one from them and make Song Yuan smile.

Seeing that Song Yuan was in a good mood, Zhao Yue changed his mind and asked, "By the way, Twelve Sisters, what's going on with that master?"

Speaking of Chen Yang, Song Yuan was stunned for a moment. She couldn't help but think that she hadn't seen Chen Yang for a month, and she couldn't help but miss Chen Yang in her heart.

Her relationship with Chen Yang was not particularly deep, but Chen Yang's alchemy attainments, various mysterious stories, and magical insights opened up a new world for her.

Now she thought of Chen Yang's smiling face and realized that the master was actually quite good.

Seeing that Song Yuan remained silent, Zhao Yue said, "Twelve sisters, what are you thinking about?"


Song Yuan came back to her senses and said to Zhao Yue: "Brother Ninth, my master is actually very powerful. He is well-informed and has extraordinary combat power. The strongest thing is his alchemy attainments. He taught me for several days, and I benefited a lot. Qian, I just feel that there are many mysteries in this alchemy. However, my talent is not enough, so I can only understand one-tenth of what he said."

Zhao Yue was very surprised to see that Song Yuan admired Chen Yang's alchemy so much.

He knew that his junior sister's talent in alchemy, according to Wang Fuze, was definitely one of the best in the Jimo world.

As Chen Yang said, the younger junior sister can only understand one-tenth of one-tenth. Such knowledge of alchemy is so mysterious.

If this is the case, it is not surprising that the master worshiped Chen Yang as his master.

However, Zhao Yue didn't believe it.

He asked Song Yuan: "Twelve sisters, you said that Master's alchemy attainments are extraordinary. Can you tell me what is so special about him?"

"for example……"

Song Yuan just gave an example, but stopped talking because she remembered her master's instruction not to tell Zhao Yue the alchemy knowledge taught by Chen Yang.

Even though Song Yuan may be naughty and mischievous, she knows that she cannot disobey her teacher's orders.

She smiled sarcastically and said to Zhao Yue: "Brother Ninth, I'm really sorry. Master has a destiny, and I can't tell you the alchemy knowledge he taught me."


Zhao Yue was stunned for a moment, with a puzzled look on his face.

Song Yuan felt that Chen Yang hated Zhao Yue, but she didn't want to admit it, so she shook her head and said, "I don't know either."

Zhao Yue fell into deep thought, secretly thinking that Chen Yang must have no real ability and used some method to deceive the master and Song Yuan. In order to prevent many people from seeing through the truth, Wang Fuze and Song Yuan were not allowed to spread the so-called mysterious elixir. .

However, Wang Fuze is known as the King of Medicine and has very in-depth research on alchemy and pharmacology. Why was he deceived by Chen Yang?

Is that man's deception so good?

Zhao Yue was curious about Chen Yang's deception, but he didn't think that Chen Yang had real talent or knowledge.

"Twelve sisters, this master, you must be careful."

Zhao Yue thought he had seen through the truth and reminded Song Yuan.

Although Song Yuan claimed to be an adult, she was very simple at heart. She stared at Zhao Yue blankly and said, "Why should I be careful, Master?"

Zhao Yue wanted to point out that Chen Yang was a liar, but he thought that Chen Yang had already left. If he had a chance next time, he would expose Chen Yang to his face, make Chen Yang embarrassed in front of Wang Fuze and Song Yuan, and then tell Chen Yang to be killed. How could he do it? Not good.

"Nothing, just talking casually."

Zhao Yue chuckled, chatted with Song Yuan for a while, and then left.

Wang Fuze, the master of Miaochunzhai, and his eleven disciples all studied alchemy and rarely left Miaochunzhai.

But Zhao Yue is a special case.

He not only has the ambition to inherit Miaochunzhai, but also has the ambition to strengthen Miaochunzhai.

Therefore, he often travels outside and makes friends with powerful people from many forces in order to get help when developing Miaochunzhai in the future.

But he didn't want to think about it. Miaochunzhai was famous for his medical skills. Although he was no match for the nine major forces, he was transcendent.

No matter how many strong people he befriends, they are just chasing the weak at the expense of others.

On this day, just after he separated from Song Yuan, he received news that someone from the Yunqian Xingtian family came to seek medical treatment.

Although the Tian family is not a particularly powerful force, the head of the family, Tian Bu'ai, is a one-star eighth-level cultivator with quite tyrannical fighting power and a good reputation in the Jimo world.

This time, it was Tian Bulei who became seriously ill in the Tian family. In Zhao Yue's view, this was undoubtedly an opportunity to make friends with Tian Bulei.

He immediately set off and rushed to Yun Qianxing.

After Chen Yang returned to Haoqi Sword Pavilion, he caused quite a stir.

The speed of his advancement is so fast that it is not easy for him not to attract everyone's attention.

Moreover, the previous attacks by people from the Baishan Sect, Lingyu Sect, and Tianjian Sect have spread throughout the Haoqi Sword Pavilion. Everyone is very curious about how Chen Yang killed Yuan Kedi, Wu Xiong, and Ding Kun on his own. dead.

"Junior Brother Chen."

As soon as Chen Yang stepped into his Yaoyang Palace, Yu Ding's voice came from behind him.

He looked back and saw Yu Ding walking over quickly and said seriously: "The grandfather of one of my close friends was seriously ill. I happened to hear Junior Sister Mi say that you saved her life, and I thought of your profound medical skills. So I said to him He has to let me introduce him to you, I wonder if Junior Brother Chen is free?"

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