Urban magic doctor

Chapter 4397 Seventh Level

Qi Nuohuan trembled when he heard Da Pao ask who injured Chen Yang.

Although everyone had taken action just now, he was the only one who really hit Chen Yang.

If Cannon is pursued, the consequences will be disastrous.

He made a decisive decision, and with a movement of his body, he flew into the air, trying to escape from this place.

Seeing this, Dapao looked over and asked Chen Yang, "Boss, is he the one?"

Chen Yang nodded.

"Go to any random person and kill him."

Cannon looked back, raised his finger and pointed at one of the monsters.

The monster clan member showed excitement on his face and rushed towards Qi Nuohuan. He caught up with Qi Nuohuan in an instant. Before Qi Nuohuan could recover, Qianzhang, who had condensed his demonic aura, took a photo. Nuohuan's whole body exploded and he died on the spot.

There was a third-level powerhouse in the Zunyu Realm, the top powerhouse by the Star Bridge, who was directly beaten to death.

This scene was even more shocking than the killing of Li Tongtian just now.

Because this made everyone realize that any of the monsters on the Kuangchihao had the power to kill the third level of the Sovereign Realm.

After taking care of Qi Nuohuan, the demon flew back to the original place, without saying a word and with good training.

"Your subordinates are very powerful." Chen Yang's eyes lit up and he said to Cannon: "What state are they in?"

Cannon smiled and said: "The lowest level is the first level of the Sovereign Realm, and the highest level is the sixth level."

Hearing this, everyone took a deep breath.

This is too scary. There may not be so many Sovereign Realms in the entire Star Bridge Realm united.

Not to mention the monster beasts above the fourth level of the Sovereign Realm, there is not a single one in the Star Bridge Realm.

Chen Yang was also quite shocked. He looked at the cannon, sized it up, and said, "Damn fat dog, what about you, what state are you in now?"

Da Pao shook his head and curled his lips and said: "It's not that bad. The seventh level of the Sovereign Realm is not much higher than your fourth level of the Supreme Realm."

"Seventh level of the Sovereign Realm!"

Chen Yang looked surprised, then smiled and said: "Haha, it's really unexpected that you can reach the seventh level of the Sovereign Realm. You must be a lackey. Shit. Lucky."

"Are you feeling unbalanced?"

Cannon glanced at Chen Yang with pride, and then asked, "By the way, who are the enemies here and who are the friends?"

Speaking of business, Chen Yang's face darkened, he pointed at Yu Xie and Liang Ruohan who were already stunned not far away, then pointed at He Xian, and said: "Except for these three, everyone here wants me. life!"

"Have you offended the entire Star Bridge world?"

Cannon nodded, with a strong murderous intent on his face. Bullying Chen Yang was something he would never allow.

Chen Yang smiled and said: "It's not that I offended them, but that they were greedy for what I had in my hands."

"No matter what the reason is, if they want to kill you, I will kill them."

Canao snorted coldly, without even raising his eyelids, and ordered the demon clan behind him: "Except for the three people the boss just named, kill all the others!"


Chen Yang interrupted Cannon's words and said in a deep voice: "Kill all the cultivators of the Zunyu Realm. For the rest, trap them first and then make a decision."


This time, there was no need for the cannon to speak again. The canine demons immediately responded and spread out, attacking the Sovereign Realm cultivators in different directions.

There were only dozens of Sovereign Realm cultivators and hundreds of demon clans present, which was simply not enough.

At this moment, as soon as they took action, almost in the blink of an eye, all the cultivators of the Sovereign Realm were killed.

Including Yu Moye and Xia Xuan, they also died in shock and regret.

The cultivators of the Attacking Beast Alliance in the air were too frightened to move when they saw this scene.

There were almost all the Sovereign Realm cultivators in the Star Bridge Realm here, but Chen Yang ordered them all to be killed. This was simply too shocking.

This is already the power that completely dominates the Star Bridge world.

After the monsters killed the cultivators of the Sovereign Realm, they moved very quickly through the gaps in the crowd and dispersed into the crowd.

Then, Lei Shuo's deep and cold voice was heard: "If you are blind, if you want to try to escape, just try."

Everyone shivered, and no one dared to move.

Those cultivators who were very close to the demon clan were so frightened that their faces turned pale, and they did not even dare to look next to them, with cold sweat breaking out on their foreheads.

The situation returned to silence, and among the ruins of the Spirit Dragon Palace were the corpses of cultivators in the realm of respect.

At this time, everyone discovered that He Yanqiu Ting was still alive.

Because He Yanqiu Ting had just been monitoring Chen Yang and was not far from Chen Yang, the other demon clan did not take action, but left the cannon to it.

He Yanqiu Ting looked ashen as all the cultivators in the realm of respect were killed, and he felt like he was in a dream.

Among those cultivators in the Zunyu Realm, none of them exist in the Star Bridge Realm.

But just like that, in one breath, they were all wiped out, even worse than ants.

This was a huge shock and blow to him.

He also knew that he had no chance of surviving today.

At this time, Dapao looked at He Yanqiu Ting, his indifferent eyes frightened He Yanqiu Ting into a cold sweat.

"Brother Chen!"

Seeing that the cannon was about to take action, He Xian rushed over and said to Chen Yang: "Brother Chen, although I know it is too much, but please let my father go."

Chen Yang looked at He Xian and hesitated for a moment, thinking that He Yanqiu Ting had just thought about saving his own life, and decided to give He Xian some face.

He did not respond to He Xian and said directly to DaPao: "DaPao, there is no need to kill him."

Dapao didn't ask Chen Yang why. He looked away and curled his lips and said, "You're lucky."

He Yanqiu Ting trembled and looked at his son He Xian. He didn't expect that he was alive in the end because of his son's soft heart.

Suddenly, he felt that his theory of the jungle was not correct.

But now I am in crisis, isn't it just because the other party is stronger than me?

"What to do with the rest of these people?"

Cannon looked into the sky and asked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said: "These people should be the most powerful group of people in the entire Xingqiao world except for the cultivators of the Zunyu realm. Let your subordinates take them all as slaves and cast a blood curse. They will always be useful in the future. place."

Hearing this, everyone in the Beast Attack Alliance breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as you can survive, anything is easy to say.

Moreover, in the entire Xingqiao world, most cultivators in the realm of respect are dead now, and there may be a chance to make a difference in the future.

As for the monster race that is eating up numbers, it doesn’t look like they will stay in the Star Bridge world for a long time.

"They want to kill you, so letting them live is really an advantage for them."

Cannon muttered something, and then asked Chen Yang: "Where are the others, where are they now?"

"Zi Ning, Xuewei and the others are in the ark."

Chen Yang pointed at Ark, thinking of his junior sister, he frowned and said, "Dapao, you came a step too late, otherwise, maybe my junior sister wouldn't have been taken away."

"What happened? Xiaotong was kidnapped?"

Cannon exclaimed.

For him, Chen Yang, Lao Li and Tao Xiaotong are his relatives.

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