Urban magic doctor

Chapter 4394: Crazy Eater

The black shadow was extremely fast, passing through the circle of sky in an instant, reaching the sky above the Spirit Dragon Palace and stopping.

Everyone's attention was attracted by the black shadow.

The black shadow was a flying ship. On the side of the ship, a strange name was inlaid with bones, called "Kuai Eater".

Crazy eating number?

Present were the top experts in the entire Xingqiao world. Although this Kuangqi account was powerful and could directly break through the encirclement, they had never heard of it, so they did not take it seriously.

However, Chen Yang forced himself to do it, looked up at the words "Kuaihao" made of bones, his eyes lit up, and he pondered: "Could it be... that the fat dog is back? "

Just as he was thinking this, he discovered that the form of the Kuangchi was the star shuttle ship originally discovered in the Sword Tomb.

"Don't you know that the Three Holy Palaces are doing something? Barging in directly is simply asking for death!"

Qi Nuohuan showed a ruthless look on his face, soared into the air, level with Kuangchihao, and shouted coldly.

Li Tongtian and Yu Moye also flew up, leaving He Yanqiu Ting alone, still staring at Chen Yang who was sitting on the ruins.

At this moment, everyone in the air has clearly seen the scene on the Kuangchi.

I saw this weird ship full of handsome men and beauties, one more handsome than the other, more beautiful and sexy than the other.

However, everyone soon discovered that these were not human beings, but demons who had transformed into humans.

In the Star Bridge Realm, humans and monsters live together, and there is not much of a barrier between them. For example, Nine-Tailed Fairy Xia Xuan is a monster.

"A bunch of monsters dare to make trouble, but you won't. Are you here to save Chen Yang?"

Qi Nuohuan stared at Kuangchihao with a very stern expression on his face. No matter how beautiful monsters like you are, in his opinion, they will turn into corpses later.

Li Tongtian was full of anger. He shook the blade in his hand, and a sword light appeared and slashed towards Kuangchihao. Although he did not use all his strength, the power of the sword light was unparalleled. An ordinary aircraft would definitely kill it. Crush.

As for the demon clan on the Kuangchihao, they were naturally shattered to pieces.


Just when everyone thought that the Kuai Chi would collapse, a chuckle came from the sexy banshee standing on the mast of the Kuai Chi.

The succubus was wearing a tube top, with a hot and sexy figure, a beautiful face, and charming eyes. She was simply the best.

But she gives off a somewhat weak feeling.

Everyone didn't know what she was laughing about at this time. Wasn't she afraid of death?

The banshee jumped up, flicked her finger and blasted a stream of demonic energy towards the sword light.

Li Tongtian originally didn't care about the banshee, but the moment the demon energy hit the sword light, his complexion changed.


There was a loud noise, and the demonic energy shattered the sword light, and the power was just offset. It was obvious that the banshee had reached the extreme control of the power and did it deliberately.

This scene shocked everyone.

Li Tongtian is a strong man at the third level of the Sovereign Realm. The opponent who resisted his attack so easily must be at least the second level of the Sovereign Realm, right?

Moreover, there were so many people on board the Kuang Eater, who seemed to have the same status as the Banshee. If they were all such powerful people, it would be simply terrifying.

The banshee successfully struck and landed on the side of the ship. With a faint smile on her face, she pointed at Li Tongtian and said: "Old guy, if the boss hadn't given the order, you would be a corpse now."

Li Tongtian looked ugly. He was provoked one after another today, but he didn't even kill anyone. He was already holding back his anger.

At this moment, a group of monsters of unknown origin were so arrogant towards him, and he couldn't hold it back anymore.

If he can't even kill the banshee in front of him, then where is the reputation of Li Tongtian, and where is the majesty of a third-level cultivator in the realm of respect?

"How dare you speak such arrogant words, I will kill you!"

Li Tongtian roared angrily and swung his sword in the air. This time he didn't hold back much, even the sword domain was released. The sword light swept away, obviously wanting to kill the banshee with one blow.

Seeing this, He Yan, Qiu Ting, Qi Nuohuan and others did not take action.

The origins of this group of monsters are unknown, and they can just use Li Tongtian's hand to test the details of the other party.

Of course, in their opinion, no matter how powerful this group of monsters is, they cannot be Li Tongtian's opponent. They can only parry and be killed by Li Tongtian.

Seeing Li Tongtian's sword light coming towards her, the smile on the banshee's face faded and she looked solemn. She opened her right hand, and there were sharp claws extending from her fingertips.

She suddenly waved her right hand, and the demon energy and star energy condensed into claw marks. She released the domain of two claws, and the claw marks attacked Li Tongtian's sword light.

Obviously she had used all her strength, but the power of the claw mark was still half as weak as the sword light, and she was no match.


The sword light defeated the claw marks, and went straight towards the banshee without losing power.

The banshee had a solemn look on her face, and she retreated sharply, heading towards Kuangchihao.

"Haha, Liangmei is in danger."

"Don't worry, Liang Mei will be fine. The old guy is in danger."

"I don't know which side he is from. It should be no problem to kill him."

The hundreds of demon clansmen on board the Kuai Chi saw that the banshee was in danger, and instead of helping, they laughed.

"Liangmei, be careful."

Seeing that the sword light was about to hit the banshee named Liang Mei, a young man with blond hair jumped up from the Kuangchi No., held Liang Mei in his arms, and avoided the sword light.

The sword light passed by the young man's side and went straight towards Kuangchihao.

Li Tongtian thought that although the sword light failed to kill the banshee, the demon clan on the Kuangchi ship must be in danger.

Because in his opinion, there is absolutely no way that the remaining monsters on the Kuangchi are stronger than the banshees.

That banshee should be one of the strongest ones on the Kuai Chi account.

However, Li Tongtian's idea was shattered without holding on for a long time.

When his sword radiated towards Kuangchihao, a handsome young man on Kuangchihao had a look of displeasure in his eyes. He struck out with his palm and intercepted his sword radiance with a sharp palm shadow.

The other monsters in Kuai Chi Hao also looked calm, obviously not paying attention to Li Tongtian's sword light just now.

Li Tongtian's heart skipped a beat, and he thought to himself: "Could it be that...these people are stronger than that demon clan called Liang Mei?"

His expression changed slightly. If this was really the case, then this crazy eating number would be too scary.

According to his judgment, Liang Mei should be at the second level of Zunyu Realm.

If they are both stronger than Liang Mei, wouldn’t it mean that they are all at the third level of the Zunyu Realm, or even higher.

Hundreds of monsters are all above the third level of the Sovereign Realm. This...

How can this be?

"No, absolutely impossible!"

Li Tongtian shook his head and denied his guess. With a look of determination in his eyes, he decided to use his strongest attack to kill the opponent no matter what and regain his face.

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