Urban magic doctor

Chapter 4285 Evil Thief

Chen Yang looked at the cultivators who suddenly appeared. The lowest level was at the first level of the Astral Realm, and the highest one, headed by a man, had reached the seventh level of the Astral Realm.

Judging from their clothing and logos, they are very different from those in the Xingqiao world.

Based on this, Chen Yang judged that after passing through the Xuangu Mirror, he should have teleported to a very far area and was no longer within the scope of the Star Bridge Realm.

Moreover, judging from the realm cultivation of these people, casually encountering a pair of Soaring Star Realm, the level of the cultivation world here should be much higher than that of the Star Bridge Realm.

Then, Chen Yang sensed the star energy and spiritual energy again, and was suddenly shocked.

The star energy and spiritual energy here are a hundred times, a thousand times richer than those in Yuehua Holy Palace. If you practice here, it will be a real fairyland on earth.

And this place is obviously just barren mountains and forests.

If this is a paradise on the stars, it is conceivable that the cultivation environment is excellent and absolutely beyond imagination.

"Incredible, what on earth is this place!"

Chen Yang was shocked and found that the higher the level, the better the training environment and the more powerful people there were.

It’s not that there are many geniuses or highly gifted people, it’s entirely due to external conditions.

"No wonder the people from the three major holy palaces refused to let go of the Xuan Ancient Mirror, but chose to join forces to control it. They must know some information, so they tried every means to get here.

However, they were not sure whether the Xuan Gu Mirror would be successful, nor whether it would be safe to transmit it, so they asked us to do the experiment first.

If Lao Li were here, he would definitely know what kind of place this is. "

Chen Yang was not worried at all about Xuan Fei and the people surrounding him, and thought quickly in his mind.

"It's actually the seventh level of the Astral Realm."

After Xuan Fei discovered the opponent's leader's state, his face showed a solemn look.

With a sudden thought, he swung his sword and stabbed into Chen Yang's neck. Blood spattered out, shocking the people surrounding him. They didn't understand why the two thieves started fighting among themselves.

Xuan Fei sheathed his sword and stood up. He raised his hands to the middle-aged man who was leading him and said, "I have killed the thief. Please don't panic."

The people around him all showed doubts and did not move, obviously not believing Xuan Fei's words easily.

The middle-aged man at the head turned to look at the treetops and said solemnly: "My friend, your mirror image is quite mysterious, but it has not yet reached the level of the realm, but it cannot be hidden from my eyes."

"Ha ha."

Chen Yang laughed, jumped up and stood on the treetop, and said, "Senior, you have good eyesight."

"Ah, Baniu, you..."

Xuan Fei had a look of surprise on his face. After thinking about it carefully, he realized that he had been deceived by Chen Yang.

Chen Yang smiled and said to Xuan Fei: "I forgot to tell you that Baniu is not my real name. My real name is Chen Yang."

"Chen Yang……"

Xuan Fei murmured, then looked shocked and said: "You are Chen Yang, the Chen Yang who defeated Chu Xun and Zhou. Isn't it said that you blew yourself up in Hanging Valley? How are you still alive? No, no, Chen Yang Yang is not as old as you."

Seeing Chen Yang and Xuan Fei chatting, the middle-aged man headed by the other party showed a stern look on his face and said in a deep voice: "You two, are you not clear about your situation at the moment?"

Chen Yang looked at the middle-aged man, cupped his hands and said, "Senior, I'm just passing through here. I'm not the evil thief you said. Don't get me wrong."

"What you say is unfounded, how can you expect me to believe you?"

The middle-aged man was very vigilant and said coldly.

"Commander Xu, it's not good, come quickly, the lady is going to be kidnapped."

At this moment, an anxious cry for help suddenly came from the distant mountains and forests.

Xu Chichang's expression changed, and he quickly flew in the direction of the sound, saying, "No, I fell into the trap of luring the tiger away from the mountain. Xia Bing will stay here with a few brothers, and the others will follow me."

The fifth-level cultivator of the Ascension Realm named Xia Bing stayed here with five people.

The others immediately followed Xu Chichang and soon heard the sounds of fighting coming from there. The energy was surging and the fighting was fierce.

"You are really cruel. Not only did you steal the treasure, you also wanted to kidnap my young lady."

The man named Xia Bing glared at Chen Yang and Xuan Fei fiercely, swung his sword to attack, and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, come up."

Immediately everyone swarmed up and besieged Xuan Fei and Chen Yang.

Because Xuan Fei was at the fifth level of the Astral Realm, but Chen Yang was only at the first level of the Astral Realm at this moment, so Xia Bing and others simply ignored Chen Yang, and only one practitioner of the first level of the Astral Realm launched an attack on Chen Yang.

"You made a mistake, I didn't steal your treasure."

Xuan Fei opened his mouth to defend, Xia Bing paused for a moment after hearing the words, but Xuan Fei took this opportunity to force Xia Bing back, then turned around and flew away.

"The evil thief shall leave."

Xia Bing came to her senses and quickly led everyone to chase Xuan Fei, leaving only one person in the first level of the Star Realm to deal with Chen Yang.

After everyone else left, Chen Yang easily knocked down the star-level figure and kidnapped him.

The man had a look of confusion on his face. He couldn't believe that he and Chen Yang were in the same realm, yet they were completely suppressed. There was a huge difference in strength.

"Brother, don't be nervous. What's your name?"

Chen Yang comforted him and asked.

The man snorted coldly, with a stern look on his face, and said in a deep voice: "I, Wang Hexing, will not change my name or my surname. You want to kill or behead me, please do as you please. If you want to ask for other information from me, Don’t even think about it.”

Chen Yang had a look of helplessness on his face. He didn't expect to take down someone casually, but he was still tough.

He shook his head and said helplessly: "Okay, then you can rest here for a while before I leave."

After saying that, Chen Yang used the pulse sealing technique on Wang He, turned around and left.

Seeing this, Wang He was stunned.

He had fought against the accomplice just now, and he was ruthless and left no one alive.

But the person in front of me captured him without harming him, and now he just left.

Could it be that the other party is really not a murderer?


Wang He shouted, and when Chen Yang turned around, he asked suspiciously: "Are you really not an accomplice of those thieves?"

"What do you think?" Chen Yang asked with a smile.

Wang He was stunned for a moment and was about to speak when he saw a black shadow rising into the sky from the jungle a hundred meters away.

The black figure was an old man in black robes, with a gloomy face and fierce eyes. He held an unconscious woman in his hand and sneered: "Hahaha, Miss Liao, you should be able to sell it for a lot of money."

The woman's back was turned to Chen Yang, but Chen Yang couldn't see her face.

Xu Chichang, who had just been chasing him, jumped into the air and caught up with him. He pointed a sword in his hand at the old man in black and shouted: "Old ghost, if you dare to hurt my young lady, I will never let you go."

"If you dare to come closer to me again, I will kill her now!"

The old man in black had a look of disdain on his face, put his withered right hand on the neck of the unconscious woman, and threatened Xu Chichang.

Xu Chichang frowned and said hurriedly: "Stop, don't hurt the lady."


The old man in black snorted coldly, turned around and flew away, saying: "Don't chase me, otherwise, just wait and collect Liao Junchen's body."

Xu Chichang was furious, but he really didn't dare to catch up.

The old man in black turned around, but when he saw Chen Yang, he paused and said coldly: "Who dares to pretend to be my accomplice, take advantage of the situation, and seek death!"

As he spoke, the old man in black couldn't help but pointed a starlight and attacked Chen Yang.

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