Urban magic doctor

Chapter 4247 Destroy the brown python

Chen Yang stopped, kept a distance of 300 meters from the other party, held his hands together and said, "Everyone, what do you want me to do?"

While talking, Chen Yang looked at each other. The four of them were all wearing uniforms, and they must be from the same force.

Among them, the cultivator at the seventh level of the Astral Realm had a gloomy face and a mole on his chin, giving him a sinister look.

There was a bit of coldness in his expression, and he said to Chen Yang: "I am Wang Zhongtao of the Hundred Battle Sect of the Thirty-Six Heavenly Stars. In the previous Starry Sky Thunder Forbidden War, you have become famous far and wide. Do you know how many people are there now? Make up your mind."

Chen Yang smiled calmly, shrugged and said, "If you have something to say, please speak directly. I don't understand if you are beating around the bush like this."


Wang Zhongtao said hello and said: "Chen Yang, you are indeed gifted to have the strength you have now. However, the star arts, techniques, and magical powers you have cultivated are definitely not ordinary things.

Now in the entire Xingqiao world, there are countless people who want to win over you, some want to get your secrets of skills, and even some want to kill you. Your situation is very dangerous and you may die at any time. "

"Then what?" Chen Yang asked with a smile.

Wang Zhongtao sneered and said: "It's very simple. As long as you hand over all the Star Techniques, magical power secrets, and your Najie, we will let you go. And we will announce to the public that you are dead. In this way , you will have no worries.”

Chen Yang glanced at the four other people and said, "Are you so confident that you can deal with me?"

Wang Zhongtao said confidently: "I have personally witnessed your battle with Chu Xunzhou. Your strength is at most the sixth level of the Astral Realm. I am at the seventh level, and my three junior brothers are at the sixth level. Do you think that , can you defeat me?"

"No, what you have to face is not me, but it."

Chen Yang smiled and pointed to the sky above the other party's head.

There is the bottom of Hanging Valley.


Before Wang Zhongtao and the others could recover, a roar came from the direction Chen Yang was pointing, and a giant python with a length of one kilometer swooped out, with demonic energy surging around it, and its power was terrifying, reaching the level of flying. The level of the ninth level of the star realm.

"Ah! Where did the monster come from!?"

Wang Zhongtao was shocked. He looked at the thousand-meter giant python in disbelief and quickly dodged.

His speed had reached its limit, but the giant python monster had reached the ninth level of the Astral Realm. It rushed forward with even greater speed. It swallowed the four of Wang Zhongtao with its bloody mouth. Wang Zhongtao only left his upper body hanging on the giant python. The corners of the python's mouth.

He knew that there was danger in Hanging Valley, but he didn't expect that the danger would come so suddenly.

But what puzzled him even more was that Chen Yang stopped there, motionless, seemingly not worried about the python attacking him.

The giant python also stopped and looked at Chen Yang, with no intention of attacking.

"No, what's going on? Why did the python only attack me?"

Wang Zhongtao endured the pain of the python's teeth penetrating his body and shouted at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang glanced at the giant python and said with a calm smile: "It's simple, because you have invaded his spiritual land. Don't you know that destroying the area where the brown python is located will cause the trees to turn brown?"

Hearing this, Wang Zhongtao was shocked and looked at the surrounding trees. Sure enough, they were all brown.

But he didn't know what destroying the brown python, let alone destroying the brown python would turn the trees brown.


Before Wang Zhongtao could recover, the brown python bit his body into two pieces. The upper half of his body was exposed outside the python's mouth and fell down. The brown python caught him and swallowed it in one gulp. inside.

"Thanks for the help."

Chen Yang cupped his hands at the brown python and said with a smile.

The brown python turned to look at Chen Yang, its green eyes filled with cold murderous intent, and it spat out human words: "You'd better not enter my territory, otherwise, I will definitely cut you into pieces. "

"Don't worry, I will never offend you."

Chen Yang smiled and turned around.

The Ruined Brown Python stared at Chen Yang's back, his eyes full of resentment, as if Chen Yang was his sworn enemy.

Not long after Chen Yang left, many people arrived.

"There was a violent energy fluctuation here just now. There must be someone there."

"Maybe I met Chen Yang."

"Ah! What is that?"

People from all sides started talking, and suddenly someone pointed upward and exclaimed.

Before anyone could see clearly, a brown shadow flashed past, and five or six people were swallowed up.

When the brown shadow stopped, everyone saw clearly that it was actually a thousand-meter giant python.

"Monster clan!"

"What kind of monster is this? Why are you here?"

"Go quickly."

Everyone was shocked and fled away, but found that the Ruined Brown Python did not catch up. After they distanced themselves, they all stopped.

"Haha, it's just a little bug, and you are so afraid of it."

A disdainful sneer came from behind.

Everyone saw a man in splendid clothes and jade belt flying out from behind, swinging a folding fan in his hand, and flew straight towards the brown python.


The brown python didn't expect that someone would dare to challenge him. He roared, opened his bloody mouth, and attacked fiercely.

"You little bug, how dare you act cruelly in front of this young master? You are seeking death."

The man in brocade clothes chuckled lightly, star energy surged around him, and three phases appeared behind him. He waved the folding fan in his hand and hit the brown python directly on its head.

The fan in his hand released a huge fan shadow, spinning with earth-shattering power and terror. It actually suppressed the momentum of the brown python.

However, the Ruined Brown Python did not retreat, its eyes were full of cruelty, its demonic aura surged, and it directly hit the huge fan shadow with its head.


There was a loud noise, and blood splashed out from the top of the brown python's head. The huge fan shadow also exploded at this moment, and the energy spread out and impacted.

"What a powerful insect."

The man in brocade clothes smiled playfully, as if he didn't care about the brown python at all, and continued to attack.

The brown python seemed to be afraid, a cold look flashed in its eyes, and it flew toward the bottom of the hanging valley above, shouting: "Boy, be careful, I won't let you go."

"You were beaten to the point of running away by me, and yet you dared to utter arrogant words!"

The man in brocade clothes smiled disdainfully and chased after him without worrying about an ambush in Hanging Valley.

However, at this moment, someone suddenly shouted: "Qingshan, this python is not a natural demon. It is not easy to cultivate. Let him go."

The battle was raging, but someone stopped it. Everyone was surprised and looked in the direction of the sound.

She was a stunningly beautiful woman, with a very pretty face, and a small mole at the corner of her mouth that was even more charming. Her pretty face was cold, her eyes were indifferent, and she looked like a goddess.

However, the innate charm in her eyes could not be concealed, and the brilliance that flowed from time to time in her eyes was intoxicating.

No one here had seen such a beauty before, and they were all stunned.

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