Urban magic doctor

Chapter 4167 Venue

Lin Yuan explained to Chen Yang: "What the leader just said is indeed possible, but Ice and Fire Island is not big and small. It is not easy for two specific sects to meet on Ice and Fire Island. It is very likely that before the encounter, the sect that sent points had been killed by another sect.

Moreover, even if you get a high ranking on the supreme sect list through trickery, if you don't have strong strength, you can intimidate other sects. After the Supreme Sect Ranking ends, other sects will ignore the rules and initiate wars, and then they will be unable to protect themselves. "

"That's right." Chen Yang nodded.

While everyone was talking, they had already arrived in front of the ark.

Chen Yang held the Ark Reactor in his hand, turned on the teleportation beam into the Ark, and said to Lin Yuan and others: "Let's go, let's take the Ark to the Destruction Star."

Everyone in Huaqing Jianmen was envious of Ark, and they were all quite curious to be able to enter at this moment.

After entering the Ark, Chen Yang introduced Ying Tianxiao, Bu Yan and others to Lin Yuan, and then decided to let Ying Tianxiao and others attend the Great Brahma Society meeting.

As a result, ASRock Jianmen's strength will become stronger.

Ark is extremely fast and can travel between teleportation arrays almost instantly.

After several teleportations, Ark arrived at the Destruction Star.

By controlling the light curtain in the room, Chen Yang saw the scene outside. The entire planet was covered with plants, but they were all withered plants and looked lifeless.

However, at this moment, Destruction Star is full of vitality.

Because there were so many cultivators who came to destroy the star, they brought vitality to the star.

The number of people in this conference was much larger than that of the Great Brahma Small Society when they competed for the treasures of the Evil King's Palace. The entire sky was densely packed without any gaps.

The ark, which was 10,000 meters long, appeared from the teleportation array and immediately pushed away the crowded people in the teleportation array.

Everyone was furious, but when they saw it was Ark, most of them shut their mouths.

Ark squeezed through the crowd and flew towards the venue of the Great Brahma Society.

After they were far away from the teleportation array, the crowd gradually thinned out, and Ark was finally able to speed up.

But there were still many people on the way, so Chen Yang simply controlled the Ark and went directly to the sea of ​​​​stars. No one blocked the way, and the speed immediately became faster.

"That is the Evil King's Palace, which was taken away by Chen Yang. It seems that Chen Yang is also here to participate in this Brahma World Meeting."

"The last time we competed for the treasures of the Evil King's Palace, in addition to the Soaring Star Realm, cultivators from the Half-Step Shattering Sky Realm also came. There was still nothing we could do against Chen Yang. It seems that only the Soaring Star Realm can deal with him."

"He is indeed a genius, but the Great Brahma Realm will be a stage where the powerful people in the Astral Realm discuss victory and defeat, and it will not be his turn."

"Maybe, even the Evil King's Palace will be snatched away."

Seeing the ark disappear, the crowd started talking.

However, just as they were talking, Ark had already arrived at the meeting place of the Brahma Realm tens of thousands of miles away.

Because there are so many people coming to watch the battle, it is estimated that it can reach 10 trillion, so the entire Brahma World Association venue is very large and stretches for an unknown distance.

On the edge of the venue, the sects of the supreme sects on the heavenly list and the earthly list have already laid out boundaries.

Except for the Supreme Sect, if other sects and cultivators want to cross the boundary, they must first buy expensive tickets.

Although the boundary was just a simple light curtain surrounding the entire venue, and there was no energy fluctuation, no one dared to evade the ticket, and everyone bought the ticket obediently.

However, just when there was a crowd of people outside the light curtain, a 10,000-meter-wide rectangular object appeared in the sky and flew directly above the venue. It was difficult for everyone not to see it.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes were focused on the Ark.

Immediately, someone recognized the origin of Fang Zhou and knew that this was Chen Yang.

For a moment, the whole place burst into cheers, which sounded like cheers.

Chen Yang looked at the light curtain surrounding the venue and smiled: "We seem to have forgotten to buy tickets."

"Whoever comes, don't be presumptuous!"

At this moment, a man in armor in the venue rose into the air, arrived in front of the Ark, and shouted angrily.

This person is a cultivator of the God of War Sect, half-step to Shattering Sky Realm, and his name is Ding Tian.

Although the Great Brahma Society is jointly held by the supreme sects and is responsible for its management, the War God Sect undoubtedly plays the leading role.

Therefore, at this moment, people who did not buy tickets showed up and showed off their power, directly occupying 10,000 meters of space in the air. The God of War Sect must take a stand.

As for Ding Tian's shouting and questioning, it was just a formality.

No one here knows that the cube-shaped Evil King Palace has been controlled by Chen Yang.

The scene became a little quieter, and everyone looked at Fang Zhou, curious as to how Chen Yang would respond to Ding Tian.

At this time, Ark sounded a voice: "There are 126 of us in total, how many spiritual stones do we need to pay?"

Everyone was stunned. Unexpectedly, Chen Yang actually called Lingshi obediently.

Ding Tian also didn't expect that Chen Yang would be so cooperative.

In fact, when he stood up, he was still quite stressed.

After all, the previous information showed that Chen Yang already had the strength to defeat the Half-step Shattering Sky Realm, and he did not want to conflict with Chen Yang.

After he said how many spirit stones he had, Chen Yang came out of the ark and handed over the spirit stones, and then Ding Tian withdrew.

Everyone was disappointed when they saw that there was no fight.

Chen Yang then took a look at the venue, and saw that the venue was huge, stretching for an unknown number of miles, with blocks of mysterious shadow walls a kilometer wide hovering in the air.

Ice and Fire Island is a different space, so those who come to watch the Great Brahma World Meeting can only watch the battle through the Xuanying Wall.

The entire venue has countless mysterious shadow walls, showing different locations of Ice and Fire Island. It can be said that any corner and any battle can be seen.

"Yeshen Sect!"

While Chen Yang was observing the venue, he noticed the Demonic Ship.

The Ye Shen Sect's logo on it was so obvious that he could see it at a glance.

He looked at the area under Li Mo's ship and saw more than a hundred people sitting in the front row, all wearing the costumes of the Night God Sect.

However, from these people, he did not see the existence of the Soaring Star Realm, and it was obvious that Ye Shenyi was not in it.

"I wonder if he's here."

Chen Yang murmured and continued to look at other areas.

In addition to the ordinary audience, the front row has been divided by the supreme sects, and there are empty ships of different shapes suspended in the sky, belonging to each sect.

However, no matter which force's empty ship it is, no matter how powerful the shape is, it is still not as domineering as the Ark.

The 10,000-meter-wide side length of the Ark alone cannot be reached by other empty ships.

Moreover, the invisible momentum of the Ark is very frightening.

Chen Yang controlled the Ark to hover, and then walked to the front row. After signing up at the registration desk, he was assigned a seat.

As long as you sign up for the Brahma World Conference, you will be assigned a seat near the front.

Although it is not the front row, it still represents status and identity.

After all, only those with ten powers above the Soul Realm are qualified to participate in the Great Brahma Society.

There are not many such forces in the Brahma world.

Chen Yang sat down alone. The seats around him were all empty, and there was a huge ark parked in the sky. He was quite conspicuous, grabbing the limelight more than the people sitting in the front row.

"The Demon Xing Sect is here."

At this moment, someone in the crowd shouted.

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